Day 1

Put on the Full Armor of God

from the The Armor of God reading plan

Ephesians 6:10-20, Psalm 18:1-19, Psalm 18:25-36, Psalm 18:46-50, Romans 13:12-14, Revelation 12:9-11

BY Amanda Bible Williams

I’ve never been one for contact sports. Sure, I love to watch them. I grew up in the South where football was the clear favorite—high school games on Friday nights and college football on the family TV every Saturday. But playing? Not so much. I was on the tennis team, where the only real contact was a handshake or high five after the match. 

Truth be told, I don’t like any type of conflict—physical or otherwise. Even an honest misunderstanding between friends can leave me feeling defeated and depleted. So when I approach this passage from Ephesians 6 about the armor of God, it’s usually with mixed emotions. On one hand, to put on armor assumes there will be conflict—a battle or, even worse, an all-out war. The apostle Paul actually makes it very clear: we are in an ongoing spiritual struggle with the powers of darkness in this world. We have an enemy, and he is out to destroy us—not just physically, but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally too (1Peter 5:8). This is a weighty truth that validates what we so often feel: life can be painful and terribly difficult. 

But this is not the end of the story. This same passage that defines in harrowing terms the reality of the war against us goes on to remind us that we never fight alone. As followers of Jesus Christ, our strength comes not from ourselves but from the God who has already secured our victory. There is no need to craft our own weapons or create our own armor—those are not the instructions Paul gives. Instead, he implores us to “put on” the armor of God already given to us and “take up” the weapons of faith that have already and eternally defeated our enemy (Ephesians 6:11,13). The battle is actually a victory march led by Jesus, our Victor. 

I’m so eager for you to take this two-week journey into the mystery and reality of the armor of God! I believe you will be encouraged, challenged, and empowered as you read Ephesians 6:10–20 again and again, meditating on each image and phrase. I trust the Holy Spirit will meet us as we seek to understand what Scripture teaches about the war we’re in and how we are already equipped for the fight. 

Friends, the battle we’re in is real, but our Savior has already won the war! Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. Take up God’s armor, and stand. 

Post Comments (323)

323 thoughts on "Put on the Full Armor of God"

  1. Erin Holloway says:


  2. Jen Neumann says:


  3. Lynda Pontious says:

    I rely on the Lord. I am weak. HIS strength is my Armor

  4. Sylvia Bauder says:


  5. Carizma Moore says:

    Lord My God help me to desire to put on your armor and not give up Surrendering to the ways of this world or laying down my weapons willingly. Help me to fight, give me the spirit of a warrior like your son Jesus Christ. In your name Amen.

  6. Heather Morgan says:

    Put on the Full Armor of God every day!

  7. Kristin B. says:

    Amen! Thank you for this

  8. simone brooks says:

    It was

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