“We need to talk.” Perhaps we can all relate to the inner cringe that happens when you hear these words or read them in a text message. Sometimes it’s nothing, but often it’s the prelude to a hard conversation. Conflict is part of making life together, and healthy relationships mean calling each other out from time to time. When done from a place of love and respect, hard conversations can be the start of great healing. That’s what we see happening in Peter’s electrifying sermon at Solomon’s Colonnade.
As Peter and John arrived for afternoon prayer, they met a man who was “lame from birth” (Acts 3:2), a daily sight at the temple gate. He asked for spare change, but Peter gave him something far more valuable—healing for his broken body. And of course, the crowd noticed. This once invisible beggar was “walking, leaping, and praising God,” and “they were filled with awe and astonishment at what had happened to him” (Acts 3:8,10).
No doubt Jerusalem was still buzzing with rumors about Jesus’s resurrection. And here, once again, miracles were springing up around two of Jesus’s closest followers. And this is where Peter starts a sermon that might as well begin, “We need to talk.”
“The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his servant Jesus,” Peter claims before issuing a volley of strong accusations. “You,” he says to these devout worshippers, “handed [him] over…You denied the Holy and Righteous One…You killed the source of life, whom God raised from the dead” (vv.13–15).
But even these strong words can’t break their familial bond. He calls them “brothers and sisters,” even as he begs them to “repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (vv.17,19–20). He calls them fellow Israelites, appealing to the heritage and promise they share.
It’s a striking response. But Peter knows what it is to be forgiven, to repent, to be refreshed.
Though they killed the Source of life, an invitation to resurrection awaits. Though it would make sense for His closest friends and followers to cut them off, Peter calls them family. Though feeling the weight of sin called out can bring a whole set of painful emotions—shame, guilt, embarrassment, and regret—Peter’s sermon is a reminder that it doesn’t have to mean the fracturing of relationships. This calling back into community, to repentance, is one more step toward healing and restoration.
The good news of Jesus’s resurrection is victory over death, not just in our bodies. There’s hope for the healing of everything broken and an opportunity to restore humanity to life.

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108 thoughts on "Preaching in Solomon’s Colonnade"
Praise God for allowing restoration and redemption.
Wow…even the people who put Jesus to death…even they are welcome to repent and be forgiven. So powerful!
❤️ Such hope in dark times
We need to have Peter’s boldness in the world today
Great to know the extent of Gods love :)
Hope in a hopeless world is God. I pray for the day he returns and restores all hope.
A great reminder to let our faith be bigger than everything negative in our lives.
To have boldness and faith, like Peter and John!
Me too. I like the way you put that. I think the only way to do that is for there to be love there to begin with/ for me to take the time, step back and evaluate my motivation for the correction. Is it just because I’m upset? Is there a selfish motive? Or is it really as pure as this, me wanting to see the best for that person… love this study
Me too. I like the way you put that.
Hope is one of the most wonderful things that God offers. Praying for healing of broken lives.
Thankful for Peter and his use of endearing terms to those he is trying to “wake up,” if you will. I need to work on this… always wrapping words in love and not contempt.
So good!
This is so good and honestly what I needed to hear today, thanks for sharing!
Awesome reading today
After reading this I wonder how things would be different if we all had the boldness of Peter and John.
Yes! Amen
Peter and John were so bold and just knew! “Get up and walk! “- just like Christ with the man at the fountain – to walk and live in the power of Christ and His spirit to have that boldness in your faith. I know we have that power but I doubt Still in the power of the spirit in me. Can The spirit through me really make a man walk! What am I missing? It’s like I see Jesus but the waves are to convincing and my faith shakes. Father help me!
I really like the reminder that family relationships remain through tough discussions. Our culture teaches us that sometimes it cant
Love this
Verses 6-8 reminds me of Luke 10:19… we have to stop allowing our situation to dictate our level of faith. Peter and John used their God given power and authority to remind a man of his own ability to walk in the healing of God. What are we going to use our power for today?
I liked how Jen used the term “we need to talk” to describe this chapter. Usually when I address someone with those words it means listen up because you are going off track and need redirection. It’s not a put down or reprimand but a set of fresh eyes looking at something that was just not right, more like a gentle nudge to get back on track.
I think Paul had the first version of getting some “R&R”… it wasn’t ever meant to be “Rest & Relaxation” it was meant to be “Repent & Refresh”.
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The gate called beautiful… man! That’s one of my favorite stories in the Bible. I heard a message on YouTube from one of my favorite preachers Robert Madu, he spoke about being stuck. That lame man was stuck on the edge of something BEAUTIFUL. Don’t get caught up in being stuck but realize you are on the edge of a beautiful redemption story!
Oh I love this! I’ve never read Acts before so I am loving all that I am learning from Scripture but also from the comments from sister like you.
“Seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” – that jump out at me immediately this morning. How we are in need of refreshing in these times. When we feel weary, let us remember to turn to our Lord. ❤️
Hi Emily LouAllen, I just felt really compelled to reach out to you and your student. I also lost my mother when I was young. Could I sent her a card through you? My email is [email protected]
Me too! I love getting into the word.
Good evening, ladies. I’ve been following along with the SRT studies. I just haven’t been posting as much. Praying for all the requests here as I try to do daily. I’m also struggling with anxiety/mental health issues. I’ve struggled on and off with anxiety in my life, sometimes without a clear rhyme or reason. The key verse today brought tears to my eyes and a comfort to my heart. God shocks me every day with his loving kindness. I pray I can trust in Him and abide in Him even when my heart and head are panicking. His presence is like a warm guiding light in a dark cold place.
Peter words are so true, even in my daily life I don’t act according to His Holy word but thankfully Jesus will forgive if I truly want to turn away from my deceptive ways. Peter understood that and he was living that truth. I want to live that truth of redemption with a season of refreshing!!
“That seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” This really spoke to me today. I needed a reminder that ours is a living God, active and moving in every season of our lives.
I’m so drawn by that phrase “that seasons of refreshing might come from the presence of the Lord”. I need that desperately. I see the connection here to repentance. I know Peter was talking about salvation but I am asking the Lord if there is an area of my life that needs repentance so I might come in to such a season.
Please pray for me when I play in my volleyball game tomorrow!
This chapter is SO rich, thank You God that your Word is living and active. There is no greater gift you can share with someone than the free gift of salvation by sharing the Gospel with those around you!
I love the friendship that is shown in this passage. We all need that true friend that will help us keep in line and tell us the hard truth when we need to hear it. I just love it!
Oh, wow… such heaviness and many prayer needs… you got it, sisters. And I’m right there with you, Maura… when we can meet face to face… what joy!
I really enjoy reading the devotions for each day. Gives my much to ponder.
DOROTHY – I’m praying for wisdom with your sister. I’m so sorry you are going through this.
I didn’t even notice that! Thank you!
Victoria E, thank you for the update. I have wondered how you were doing. Prayers for Monday and the duration of your pregnancy.
VICTORIA E. I am praying for you and your little one!!! I have been in such a season of loss in this area of my life. I am praying specifically for your sweet baby to continue to grow, be healthy, happy, and wise in the Lord! Praying for your peace & reliance on God through it too. That’s my constant prayer for myself, reliance and trust in God and peace in the waiting season of loss & future hope.
I love how Peter told the people to thank God first! Its always great and good to thank people, and we shouldn’t stop doing it, but we need to thank God FIRST! Also, we need to put God FIRST before everything, and everyone else!
Praying for peace in your family Dorothy, and that God would give you wisdom in how to react to the conflict.
Angelica it was from Monday not yesterday that you had a comment I want to quote. Sorry I got the day wrong.
Thanks Sharon.
These were my thoughts exactly as I was reading the text. Peter had no time to waste. He wasn’t going to sugar coat or lessen the true nature of the sins his fellow brothers & sisters were committing. He was bold & knew he had the Spirit on His side!
Dorothy – Absolutely, you can share with your sister…they are words God laid on my heart! :-)
Angelica Ging your comment yesterday is something I would like to pass on to my sister if you don’t mind.
Sharon, Jersey Girl WOW! loved what you said and would love to share it with my sister and other family members if you don’t mind.
Rhonda J. thank you right now I can use all the prayers I can get.
Sisters know that I read and prayer for all of you.
Rea Queen thank you for that definition. I am definitely feel that I have had my breath stolen those last year and these last days. I need a refreshing recovery of breath.
Charlie, I most certainly will join you in prayer for your and all students right now. I will lift them up and ask for Gods peace and understanding to guard their hearts and minds, for their fears to disappear and for Gods loving arms to wrap around them. God bless them all…
Oh CHARLIE how this breaks my heart. I pray for all these students in hopes that God will restore them. Take away the feelings of anxiety.
SARAH JOY – Lifting Andrea up in prayer. And you!
FOSTER MAMA – Praying for God’s healing power over you dad and that your mom has strength to get through this.
TAYLOR – praying for you.
MARI V – Praying for Caleb.
EMILY LouALLEN – praying for DE. This is so sad
May I ask for prayers for myself today. I’m struggling with watching my son struggle with his illness. I have been feeling anxiety and physical stress. Pray for Tanner to have ease with swallowing. My husbands pain has not lessened. Please pray for that to start happening.
Dear Dorthy, been following your comments for so long and know that your heart is always in the right place with your sister and kids You yourself have been through so much heartache with your own loss of your son and coping with the overwhelming feelings of your other son I believe. It’s so hard speaking out yet gently with family, I’m the worst. I don’t guard my tongue enough with my own sister! All of her kids our challenging her at every stage! Maybe you have heard my prayer request for two of them, and for her with her husband. Anyway, just know I hear the heaviness on you and pray you will find a way to communicate with her and to mend what has broken between the two of you.
“In greek, ‘beautiful’ carries the sense of ‘at the right time’, thereby signifying ‘ripe’ or ‘perfectly developed’…Submitting to Jesus doesn’t erase who we are; in fact, it makes us all we can be. And that is beautiful.” (intouch.org)
I sit here reading and crying, especially after reading, “Conflict is part of making life together, and healthy relationships mean calling each other out from time to time. When done from a place of love and respect, hard conversations can be the start of great healing.” My family’s conflict has broken it apart. Jen’s devotion has spoken to me, but God what do You want me to do? Do I send a copy of this devotion to my sister? Do I just keep reaching out to her with loving phrases? Do I call her? But God help to know what to do.
Be blessed sisters and remember God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are with you wherever you go.
Praying for each request made this morning. May the God of all peace be present and refresh our troubled hearts.
Mari V- I am praying for your dad.
Kristina Baker and Brooke Parker I love those insights ! Emily LouAllen I will be praying for De. Taylor I will be praying for your arm. I have two requests myself- one is for a young girl we know with incurable brain cancer with suspected disease progression. Please pray that she gets the best care possible and for strength for her and her family. The second is for myself and our little one, I will be 16 weeks tomorrow by God’s grace and we have another ultrasound on Monday. Please pray that the baby is healthy and growing well and will continue to do so. Please also pray for my faith and reliance on God during the rest of this pregnancy. Thank you all so much!
CHARLIE, I meant to add or say that my son has mentioned this very subject regarding mental health. My mothers heartaches.
EMILY, praying for your student. My daughter is a sophomore.
My third child, a freshman, is one of those students experiencing exactly what you write. A few of her classmates as well. Thank you for praying over these precious souls!
Foster Mama- praying for your dad!
Taylor- Praying for your arm and that the pain improves.
Charlie- praying for your students mental health and that you can be a light to them in their darkest moments.
Charlie, as a mother of a college aged son I’m joining you in prayer. Trust me I know exactly what you’re talking about. Will you join me in prayer for my son? His name is Caleb. I am sad as he had no option but to do college online. We could not afford to send them back to the Christian University.
I am so grateful for my loved ones, my family even those who are not blood related who called me out from time to time. The Lord has blessed me with an AMAZING family of God. I’m grateful for those healthy relationships that are part of my kids lives. God is good.
I so love what Peter says in Acts 3:19, “repent…so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…” Not only do we receive forgiveness when we turn to God and repent, the presence of Jesus refreshes our soul! His presence blesses us with love, joy, peace, comfort. It doesn’t mean we’ll never go through hardships or suffering but it does mean that Jesus will be right there with us walking us through. Praise God for His healing power! Praise God that He can and does restore the brokenness of our lives!Praise God there is hope in Him! Father God, empower us with your Holy Spirit that we might share the blessed hope of Jesus Christ to the lost world around us.
@ Charlie – praying for your students, how sad to hear the condition our young adults are in. Praying for wisdom for you and that you will shine the light of Jesus on them.
@Emily – How awful for De to lose her mom at such a young age – prayers of comfort and strength for her and her family, and that God will give you words to comfort her.
@Sarah Joy – praying for you and all the teachers that are working with these young children and especially for wisdom for Andrea.
@Taylor – praying God will ease the pain in your arm, and continued prayer for your new relationship.
@ Foster Mama – praying strength, peace and comfort for your mom and that the mini strokes your dad is experiencing with stop, without permanent effects.
Thank you all who comment, I try to read each one and pray for each request. It’s so nice to have a community of sisters to share and pray with. Have a blessed Wednesday!❤️
P.S …Does anyone remember this children’s song, “Silver and Gold Have I None”? Acts 3: 8-9 reminded me of it! If you’ve never heard it, give a listen – it’s really cute.
Oh these words are needed in the hour we are living!! Repentance leads to refreshing….and it’s only found in Jesus!!
Thank you for showing up for these kids each day. I will pray for each adult to find words of comfort to help the students to feel loved and safe in your care.
Foster Mama, praying with you for your Dad and Mom and praying for strength and peace for you dear. He is right there with you. Breathe deep.
Times of refreshing follow repentance & forgiveness. Love it!
Prayed for your reauests. I feel the Holy Spirit at times nudge me to say more, and I do. It doesn’t take much nudging, but many times I can feel when others need to speak, their pain or need encouragement, or need to confess, or unload their heaviness, or just need someone to pray with them. This gift has blessed me as I have been able to pray with people I don’t know and might just know for a few moments of lifting them in prayer, All I know is the release of some, the thankfulness of most, and that Jesus is always there when I pray with others. What joy to this old heart. I can only imagine the joy of the man healed, but Sisters can you imagine also the joy of Peter and John as they helped a man who had never walked before to His feet after in faith they spoke Jesus healing to him. God allows us to bring Him in prayer the needs of those we encounter, and meets us and them right where we are. Praise God for His faithfulness and love! Taylor praying for you, for the pain to subside, for complete health and no more cancer scares. And this new friend in your life for a slow time of understanding of each otber, and God’s will for your life. Charlie, brother, there is an attack on our youth and many who are on the brink of starting their life are struggling with suicidal ideation , hopelessness, etc. I think the satan is targeting this age group. Will be praying with you. So many need to understand how much love God has for them and find the hope and life in Jesus Christ. Praying for eyes that see and ears that hear the Truth of His healing redeeming love. Traci Gendron sounds great, I will be thete on the 16th. Can’t wait to meet you face to face. God is good. ERB, this day He is faithful praying the goodness of our Jesus around you and His strength and peace for you dear friend. Hugs all. Our God reigns!
PRAYER request:
I commented to ANGIE yesterday that I felt something coming…sure enough, it looks like my father is in the midst of lots of “mini-strokes” this morning and has been taken to hospital. Please pray for him and Mom.
Uhm Angie? You did VERY WELL sharing that. Beautiful.
Charlie – I live in a University town and hear about numerous mental health issues our students are facing. In 2020, three students here took their own lives. It’s so sad. I’m praying for your students today, that they will find hope and rest and that “seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”
Emily – That is such a young age for a girl to lose her mom. How heartbreaking! I am praying for peace and comfort for De.
I agree @Jane K I loved Angie’s post this morning! Also I echo your prayer @Colleen Deveau and joining others in prayer with @Charlie’s prayer request for the improved mental health of her students and anyone else who is struggling and could use some refreshing. So thankful that we can find restoration, hope, and refreshing in the arms of Jesus.
I’m going to ask for prayer as well. I got my 3rd Gardasil shot last Tuesday after having a cervical cancer scare back in March of this year. My arm soreness has come back even stronger over the last few days and I called the Dr and she said this could last for weeks if the injection accidentally hit a nerve. I’m thankful for my OT knowledge as my activities of daily living like dressing are impacted by the pain, but prayers are appreciated that the pain subsides soon!
Thank you Angie for sharing your thoughts this morning. They are so good!
Oh Amen to this message of reconciliation and hope this morning!
Father, give peace where there is no peace. Give hope where there is no hope. Give joy where there is no joy. Father, only You can do this. May we be Your hands and feet breaking chains and lifting up heads of our fellow man. May we not be afraid to get down and dirty for Your name. We, Your people, need You. Help us be Your body here on the earth to worship You not just with our words but with our actions in spirit and in truth. Amen.
CHARLIE – it’s such a hard time with the heaviness taking its toll on so many. Saying a prayer for your students.
This morning I am reflecting on my time as a substitute para educator. My work has landed me in an elementary therapy room, which offers a safe place for a few children who have experienced trauma. My training is not in special education, so I have learned by being there. It’s such hard place, but the staff bring such compassion and perseverance. The leader teacher especially shows up everyday despite what the students might say or do. Would you say a prayer of strength for Andrea?
The hard thing is we are all broken. Some children have experienced awful situations at home. How I wish God would keep them from the pain!
This last paragraph is exactly what I needed this morning: HOPE…
“The good news of Jesus’s resurrection is victory over death, not just in our bodies. There’s hope for the healing of everything broken and an opportunity to restore humanity to life.”
Amen. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Father refresh us in our repentance. Amen
So sorry for the double posts!
Wow! So many requests this morning, please know I’m praying for each situation.
The definition of refresh here is “a recovery of breath.” (Blue letter bible) The only time this word is translated this way. Times of recovering your breath, times of breathing Jesus in will come in His Presence. Our repentance, our turning back means we can stop running away and run towards…our breath returning to us as we slow down and meet Jesus.
Charlie- Yes! Mental health is over all at an all time high. Yet, no one talks about it enough! Praying with you.
so very sorry to hear this. praying for her and her family and you ♥️
If y’all will please pray for one of my students. Her name is De and she just lost her mother to Covid yesterday. She’s in 10th grade.
Praying for a season of refreshing to come upon on us. I know I need it! This upcoming physical season can be such a stressful one. I pray I will choose to focus on the good, the simple, and better habits that lead me to the Lord.
Charlie – praying for your students. That breaks my heart!
Charlie- yes I agree it’s very sad. Praying you will be a light in the darkness. That in your class people will find peace and rest. Praying for your sweet students that the enemy takes his hands off of their minds and souls. That the Holy Spirit will touch them in a way that will bring them to our Father
Kristen – Like so many others, your dad is in my prayers.
Like Peter and John, we may not have “alms” to give for a temporary help to people.
Like Peter and John, we DO have the true healing needed for each person, for all eternity – Jesus Christ.
There are times when the temporary filling of a belly, blanket to keep warm, or shoulder to cry on are needed (I’m thinking of times in scripture where they took care of the widows specifically).
But ALL the time, the best we can give, what lasts, is the message of Jesus.
For those who know Him already as Lord, and are going through struggles, reminders of Who we know Jesus to be, brings hope and peace.
For those who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior, like the lame man, they are broken and crippled. They may ask/search/fight daily for a temporary bandaid for their troubles, when what they really need is the eternal, redemptive power of Jesus Christ in their lives.
We know Him. He is our Lord. Our Savior. Our Redeemer. Our Friend.
I attend church, in person. I attend Bible Study Fellowship, in person. And I do SRT online. I pray for the needs of my sisters here, and believe this to be a very good place where women can share. But, I look forward to the day when my sisters and I will embrace with a hug before Jesus throne and worship Him together. (Many of you I carry by name in my heart throughout the day, but one day I will have a face to put with that name.) I think it is essentially important for us to be out and about with each other, at church, in Bible studies, at our jobs and the marketplace. There is a humility, a vulnerability when we allow tears our to flow in the presence of others, or we put our brokenness out there for everyone to see. There is a joining together of hearts when we are able to help wipe a tear, hold a hand, kneel together, or even have a coffee in person. I’m not doing very well sharing this I guess but, Peter and John recognized the alms would be a temporary fix for the lame man and they were willing to give him the best that they had, Jesus. Will I/Am I willing to give the people in the places where my feet step what I have, hope in Jesus?
Well said. I too do both BSF and SRT. Always great together
Good Morning! Arina, thank you for what you wrote above. I too am guilty, God is Holy and Righteous and I, in myself, am not. Praise God that we can confess our sins and be forgiven because of Jesus! How beautiful that we can be made clean and experience refreshing in His Presence. This love is astonishing!
I want to thank Kelly, Karen, Melanie, Michelle, Maria, Mari V, Emily, Brooke, Foster Mama, Maura, Lexi B, Gloria, Claire, Mimi, Searching, and Traci for your comments and prayers for my dad. (I’m sorry if I missed anyone!) I’m thankful and grateful that so many of you took the time to write and pray for him and my family. I’m in tears and trying to think what to write to express my gratitude. You are examples of the people in Acts. They helped each other. They prayed together. Thank you all for your tender hearts for the lost and suffering. May God bless you all! @CeeGee thank you for the book recommendation. Thank you to those that gave Scripture examples of others that may have seem disqualified and thanks for the quote from the prisoner.
If anyone hasn’t read the comments from yesterday, please go back. I learn from the comments. @Amy thank you for the connection of the OT Pentecost where they received the Law and the NT where, as you said, this was a full circle! They received the Holy Spirit! @Kathy A I too didn’t see the connections with the Holy Spirit and Living Water! I’m sorry I didn’t write down who wrote this, but God gives them a new heart, a heart of flesh. My mother in law shared the Scripture from Ezekiel with me years ago. How amazing that we don’t have to be the same. God can change even our hearts, Jesus changes everything. https://youtu.be/xU771D5AYWE
@ Traci I forget about the Power that lives in us. Thank you for this reminder. I walk around defeated and tormented too often.
Welcome to anyone that is new. What a blessing that we can meet here and help each other and learn from each other!
Have a great day, all! Thanks again!
“A healing of everything broken…” I’m a college professor, and man, I am seeing students struggle with mental health issues like never before. I have students message me daily that they can’t get out of bed, that they tried to come to class but had a panic attack, that they just want to sleep all the time, etc. etc. They are overwhelmed with life, weighed down by pressures and just a general despair. You can see it on their faces. They need joy. They need hope. We are headed into fall break now. Will you join me in praying for students everywhere, that they may enter that “season of refreshing”? Thank you!
Good morning! God through Peter blessed the lame man with the restoration of his physical health, then for those in the temple who were broken in their sin he offered spiritual healing. First he pointed to the evil done in ignorance then gave them the path to being restored.
God raised Jesus to bless them (us). Reminds me of “for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross…” The joy of blessing Israel (and us) of refreshing and restoration. The Father delights to give good things to His children.
Thanks be to God❣
KRISTIN – praying for your dad’s physical healing and especially for his salvation! And praying for you as I know from personal experience that the covid separation is SO hard.
SHANNON – continuing to pray for your friend’s grandma.
Thank you Lord for your healing power of love.
Seasons of refreshing will come when we are in the presence of the Lord, when we repent and turn back. Then our sins will be wiped out and we can come in His presence, clean and holy. All because of the work of Christ. Who I killed by my sins. I am as guilty as the Jews in Jerusalem. But God raised Him up from the death. He is glorified in heaven till the day comes that He will restore all things.