Day 37

Paul’s Defense Before Felix

from the Acts reading plan

Acts 24:1-27, Jeremiah 29:10-14, Hebrews 13:15

BY Bailey T. Hurley

One of my personal frustrations as a disciple of Jesus is being misunderstood by others. Sometimes it comes in the form of practicing a Sabbath, when neighbors find our faithful church attendance as a restrictive rule of faith rather than a rhythm of fruitful labor. Other times it looks like a judgment on our hope in Jesus. Instead of it being understood as unwavering faith, it is deemed as dopey positivity that is unrealistic and immature (Hebrews 10:23). 

The life Jesus calls us to is often hard to understand because it is countercultural and uncomfortable for most, even believers! Paul was misunderstood numerous times in the story of Acts. In this chapter, Paul stands before the governor Felix to defend his faith. Instead of lashing out against the false charges, he says, “I always strive to have a clear conscience towards God and men” (Acts 24:16). He chooses the high road, staying above reproach when it comes to defending the gospel to those who may never fully understand it.

When it comes to defending our faith, there are many who take the wrong approach. They hold signs and yell; they cause unnecessary division. Some isolate themselves in ivory towers filled with theology books to prove they’re right and others are wrong. But Jesus shows us a different response.

When Jesus stood before Pilate, he also chose to not overreact or over explain. When questioned about his actions, Jesus responded, “I was born for this, and I have come into this world for this: to testify to the truth” (John 18:37). His entire life was living above reproach. 

Whether our faith is ever fully understood, may our actions never be disputed. For we know our reward for living faithfully is not found in the acknowledgement and acceptance of people, but rather in God’s promises to restore us in the final days. “There is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me, but to all those who have loved his appearing” (2Timothy 4:8). 

Just like the Israelites in Jeremiah 29, who had been rejected from their land, we may feel rejected by others for our faith. But we can have hope in this promise from God: “‘I will attend to you and will confirm my promise concerning you to restore you to this place. For I know the plans I have for you’—this is the LORD’s declaration—‘plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope’” (Jeremiah 29:10–11). 

May we strive to “walk worthy of the calling” (Ephesians 4:1) we have received and approach everyone with humility, gentleness and patience. Instead of taking a defensive stance, let’s bear with one another in love and walk with a clear conscience before God and one another. 

Post Comments (44)

44 thoughts on "Paul’s Defense Before Felix"

  1. Victoria E says:

    Brittany. Congratulations! I too am carrying a miracle IVF baby and happy to see that your faith has brought you this far. I will pray for you during your delivery and I cannot wait to hear your good news of meeting this miracle in person.

  2. Mari V says:

    Praying for you Brittany. Praying all goes well tonight and before You know it, you’ll be holding your miracle baby.

  3. Mari V says:

    Recently I was oddly and uncomfortably approached by someone at my workplace.  Something was brought to my attention that I was not aware of. While it wasn’t that big of a deal I still took it serious. I called my former boss who also loves Jesus for advice. This Devo ended perfectly as that’s what I’m striving for. I want to approach everyone with humility, gentleness, and especially patience. and because of Jesus and only because of Jesus I’m so glad I did not get defensive. If anything my hope is that they know that I love Jesus!

  4. Allison Bentley says:

    My prayer today is that God uses us where we are. That could be the stay at home mom tending to her babies, the teenager at school with her friends, the executive leading others, the lonely who thinks no one cares- be present with the Lord so He can use us to share His word!!

  5. Heather says:

    Praying all have a peaceful day.

  6. Brooke P says:

    This devotional was spot on and reading how Paul reacted to being so misunderstood constantly is such encouragement.

  7. Brittany Carbone says:

    I could really use prayers today. I’m being induced tonight to deliver our miracle IVF baby, and I’m having a lot of anxiety and fear about the whole process, and things that can go wrong for me and or my baby. I’m trying hard to trust in God and to not have fear, but wow that’s hard. I trusted him going through IVF, and now I need to do it again and trust that everything will work out according to his plan.

  8. Traci Gendron says:

    We have to head to the ER. Tanner has chronic dehydration which is bad for a transplanted kidney. His values jumped up and I’m worried. I don’t want him to lose this kidney. Hoping all he will need is fluids and discuss how we can make that happen for the future. He chokes easily on fluids which is why I think he became dehydrated. He’s afraid to drink. I’m very stressed and anxious. This will be my 3rd visit to the ER since August. Thankfully my husband is on the mend. Now to turn things around for Tanner. Thank you for your prayers!

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