Day 32


Acts 9:1-30, Acts 13:1-12, 2 Corinthians 11:18-31, 2 Timothy 4:6-8

BY Bailey Gillespie

Have you ever been to a gym with a coaching program that promises personal transformation? I’ve known people who have signed up for those, and it often works. Over the course of six weeks, their bodies went from looking like they had never set foot in a gym to approaching model-worthy. Unfortunately, most of the time, the results didn’t last. Because the thing with transformation is that it requires you to stay committed far beyond the accountability that a six-week program offers.

Unlike a fitness routine, Paul’s inner transformation was lasting. It was so quick it’s almost unbelievable. If we didn’t have his full ministry story, thanks to the New Testament, we might be more skeptical. Who is this guy who suddenly decided he was on the same team as Christ’s followers? One day he’s breathing threats and murder and the next he’s proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues (Acts 9:1, 20). What made the difference?

Christ made the difference. His calling on Paul’s life is what changed him, as God commissioned him to be a “chosen instrument” and take His name to “Gentiles, kings, and Israelites” (Acts 9:15), when Paul encountered a light from heaven. Once he’d encountered the true, living Christ, Paul never went back to his old ways of living.

Understandably, Paul received distrust from those who only knew him as a murderer, and so he had to rest in the knowledge that God knew his heart and its transformation. That’s what mattered most. God was his defender and advocate and, as we see from Barnabus’s response, He sent people from Paul’s community to advocate for him too (Acts 9:27). No matter how unbelievable it looked, the apostle’s transformation was real.

We are human beings who will inevitably fall short. There is grace for that. When it’s merely our own resolve that gets us into the gym or prompts us to give up something, the results may or may not be what we’d hope for. But when it’s God who calls us into something, there is a much better success rate. When it comes to that kind of supernatural spiritual transformation, He alone completes the work and deserves all the glory (2Corinthians 11:30–31).

Post Comments (38)

38 thoughts on "Paul"

  1. Searching says:

    Jennifer, I’m in Florida and although no ban here, our church has opened without congregational singing- only the worship team is singing. I’m all about individual rights but to me, some of this is common sense. If wearing a mask, social distancing, staying home when possible and not singing in church might help rein in the rampaging virus, I’ll comply. I have elderly family members at their homes who are getting depressed from the isolation and others in nursing homes who beg during daily phone calls for someone to come see them. I think guidelines for opening nursing homes are 28 days with no new cases so many in long term care will die without ever seeing family again. No brainer for me.

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    This doesn’t have to do with the devotional for today, but what do you ladies think about the ban on singing in church in California? I really can see both sides. The side that thinks this is taking away our religious freedom and the other side that thinks about loving our neighbor. I wonder what Jesus would do.

    1. Paige Bennett-Primke says:

      I live here in San Francisco, where churches have been virtual since March. As my pastor put it so graciously, we are doing this *because* we love our neighbors and we should “consider it joy.” Churches here will be reopening in a few weeks, thanks to our low case rate, and while we’re thrilled we haven’t felt “persecuted” like I’ve seen some suggest. For us, we’ve taken this opportunity to show Christ through caring for our city’s most vulnerable.

  3. Tina says:

    Sisters, I am in awe!

    SUZIE GLAZE, sorry to have made you cry… blessings and love..❤

    CHRISTINA FOWLES your words… thank you..❤

    OLUSEYI..bless you!❤

    MARI V. Jesus sure does walk with us … through thick and thin… Hope you are well and that your little people are blessing you in all they do..hugs..❤

    JANE K.,I am glad that sharing my story gives you hope and encouragement to face( and not alone, you are never alone) the world.. Blessings.❤

    BLESSED BETH,thank you for your encouragement and love..❤

    LEANN, Thank God .. He us Faithful, right? He is good!❤

    SHERRY, I am so so very sorry for the loss of your precious little girl..
    Praising God for you and your testimony..
    Absolutely, But God..
    Sending love wrapped hugs and prayers❤

    BONNIE.. thank you for your prayers. Sending love wrapped hugs..❤

    WENDY, But God..

    NANCY SINGLETON, What truth.. only God..❤

    KAREN JOHANSSON, your words warm my heart.. thank you..❤

    CHURCHMOUSE.. my friend, forever, I will praise Him. Forever, I will lift my hands..because only He can make beauty out of ashes..
    Love and hugs wrapped in prayers across the pond..❤

    TAYLOR, Tgankful,absolutely for you. Thankful for the revelation that it is only in Him we find our worth..
    You are a child of God. In His eyes you wear a crown Taylor. A crown! Wear it! Own it!❤

    DIANA FLEENDOR, You speak truth. Thank you!❤


    LINDSEY C, God is good. Amen!❤

    COURTNEY, it’s been a journey, But God..
    Thank you..❤

    And to ALL, my love and gratitude for you .. and to borrow words from Paul, I thank my God for you every time I think of you ..❤

  4. Michelle says:

    Tina, that story … WOW, thank you for going deep into your hurt and sharing with us. I do my Bible study in the mornings (usually) and throughout my work day today (I’m a coach, so it’s not a typical work where I sit at a desk and have time to allow my mind to wander), but it’s stayed with me all day so far and I believe I’ll always have this “picture” in my mind. Would you allow me to share this? No names shared or anything, but share the background of your story with a good friend of mine if that’s ok? Her best friend lost her 10-yr-old son a couple of days ago, just after she had returned from her grandfather’s funeral. This might be something that she can share with her, together and give comfort in some way to both of them. Bless you and so very thankful for our Father in heaven, always watching out for all his children, watching and waiting.

  5. Courtney says:

    Tina: Your faith is an inspiration. Thank you!

    From: A sister who continues to be transformed daily by the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  6. Lindsay C. says:

    Tina, thank you for sharing in how God has taken the deep pain of loss and turned it into a testimony for His glory. I am so sorry you experienced such suffering. But God!
    Taylor, I pray you continue to realize your worthiness in the eyes of the Lord!

    Today my thoughts keep going back to Ananias and Barnabas. Where would Paul be if not for the obedience and faithfulness of these two men? Ananias knew he could be imprisoned by Paul, yet he trusted the Lord and went anyway (likely trembling as he went). And Barnabas’ willingness to stand up for a new believer with a bad reputation, showing Paul the kindness and love of Jesus, lead to a beautiful mentoring relationship.

    May I be willing to show the love of Jesus to those who are outside of my comfort zone. To extend a hand to those in need. To honor and respect all who are created in the image of God.

  7. Dorothy says:

    SRT has once again has given me scripture I have not ever read. After reading Paul’s and Barnabas’ mission to Cyprus, I realized that Paul had done more than just preached about Christ. I have also wondered why it was Barnabas, an apostle, not one of the disciples who truly believed Saul. Here is this guy who went from killing Christians to preaching, in full force, about Christ. He was one of the most dreaded Jews around and suddenly after a trip across country he’s a Christian. But God, But Christ, But the Holy Spirit, all have decided to speak with Saul and he changed. Boy did he change. Oh to have the enthusiasm of Paul.

  8. Pam Williams says:

    Thank you for sharing Tina❤️

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