Day 42

Palm Sunday

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

Luke 19:28-44, Psalm 118:25-29, Zechariah 9:9

BY Rebecca Faires

Scripture Reading: Luke 19:28-44, Psalm 118:25-29, Zechariah 9:9

Have you ever seen an Easter pageant? When I was growing up, every year I saw church folks get dressed up in ancient garb and sandals to dramatize the events of Holy Week. I loved it. But like any amateur theatrical, things often went wonderfully wrong. In one play, Jesus was played by a young guy who was ready for anything. Unfortunately, the guards got too rough when they pretended to beat him and he ended up needing to go to the hospital before the end of the show.

You know how the show must go on. But there was no one else who knew the lines—other than the stage manager. So after the resurrection, the actor playing Jesus was about 16 inches shorter, 30 pounds heavier, and 20 years older. No one was fooled, but they were pulling it off enough to save the show. 

The last hurdle before they reached the curtain call was a pulley rigged to “fly” Jesus up for the ascension. But the new, heavier actor hadn’t rehearsed with the guys pulling the ropes, so when he declared, “I will meet you again someday!” the men below gave a great heave, but only lifted the actor a few inches off the stage. So he repeated his line and this time gave a little hop to help get off the ground. But this time, they pulled so hard he shot up out of sight, and a single sandal fell to the ground. 

We can manage to bring our own ridiculousness to even the most mysterious and wonderful truth. We are so often the silly players in a story that spans all time and space and invites our total awe and reverence. What I bring to the Easter story is bulges, hiccups, toddler-chasing, folly, and need. And that’s my part of the bargain—I bring my need and repentance, and Jesus Christ does all the work. He is the author and finisher of the story (Hebrews 12:2). He saves the day.

Our worship on our own falls short of the glory of God. This is especially true when we invent all manner of our own worship forms—we only end up creating a poor mimicry, even in our sincerest efforts. Even the crowds in Jerusalem, though they sang praises to God, and hailed Jesus as King, even they did not recognize the time when God visited them. The Pharisees, thinking themselves wise because they saw the crowd for what it was, did not comprehend the Christ before them.

God, very God, was in their midst, in the flesh, weeping for them, and marching to the cross for their redemption! The scene before them was no mere pageant, but the glorious foretelling of their redemption. Christ came to a blind, foolish, sinful and even a ridiculous people. He came in humility, riding on the colt of a donkey, laying aside His glory, in order to make a people for Himself, who would worship Him in Spirit and in truth. 

Lord, condescend yet again, and open our eyes to behold You as You are! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

Written by Rebecca Faires

Post Comments (28)

28 thoughts on "Palm Sunday"

  1. Beverly Reed says:

    Happy Palm Sunday!

  2. Mary Macdonald says:

    Today has been wonderful. To start off this week I took that next step of obedience and was baptized. May we all dwell in the lords presence this week and prepare our hearts for Holy Week!

    1. Courtney H says:

      Congratulations, Mary!! That is amazing! ❤️

  3. Burneta Barley says:

    Loved it .

  4. Gwineth52 says:

    Palm Sunday. Thus begins Holy Week…the Passion of Jesus. The climax. The culmination. The centrality of our faith. Christ, fully human. His teachings. His miracles. His anguish. His betrayal. His trials. His crucifixion. His resurrection. As believers we know how the story ends. But for now, starting today, the story slowly unspools. And we follow His footsteps towards the cross. With awareness. With attention. In awe. It’s not a “Happy” week or “Joyful” week as in secular culture. It’s a time, as He showed, for silent submission. Softly. Tenderly. Thanks be to God.

  5. Andrea Bieganek says:

    As a participant of a far amount of church productions myself, I found myself giggling at the story that Rebecca told of her churches production. Like a child presenting a scribbled picture to a parent who lovingly posts it on the fridge. I’m so grateful for a loving Father who takes joy in our Worship no matter how feeble it may seem.

  6. Mary Leete says:

    Be blessed this Holy Week!

  7. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m praying that I would focus on Jesus during this coming week. I’m also praying that I can explain why Jesus had to die in a way that my toddler will understand. She has so many thought provoking questions. I also don’t want her to loose the meaning of Easter with all of the secular symbols of Easter.

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    What a wonderful devotion and readings for today, and then to go to church and see a crowd around me, arms raised high singing praises to our God!! It fills the spirit with Joy, we HAVE the Holy Spirit IN us! What a wonderful gift as we celebrate this week and drawer closer to Jesus, that came to save us!! How blessed are we?!

    I wanted to throw out there, that if you haven’t watched the series “The Chosen’ yet, it is playing its whole 2 seasons this week starting tonight! There will be 2 episodes a night playing live on Youtube or facebook at….hmmmm, I’m not sure what time! lol Just type in The Chosen and it will show when it will go live! It is an amazing series that really portrays Jesus choosing His disciples! It will be worth your watch, and your families!

    I hope to stay in lots of quiet moments this week, soaking up His love, and His direction for my life. How I can impact those around me, showing His love, giving compassion and strength to those in need, and being present and patient with my family. Lord we need you in our lives every minute, every hour, You alone should be our compass and our anchor. You are our only hope. I pray for my She’s family and friends, sisters in Christ, that you give them a peace this week that surpasses all understanding, no matter what comes our way. We will look up.

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