Day 33

Offerings to Build the Tabernacle

from the Exodus reading plan

Exodus 35:1-35, John 10:17-18, Romans 12:1

BY Lore Ferguson Wilbert

Our giving can feel empty sometimes, can’t it? Perhaps it’s because we have been wounded by frenzied sermons on giving or the pulsing belief that if we’re not giving everything, we’re disobeying the demand of a greedy God. Giving can feel like a form of karma; we cross our fingers and hope as we give that it will be given back to us in equal or greater measure. Or it can feel like checking a box, doing our duty as Christians. Or perhaps, we withhold giving to the Lord because we don’t trust Him with our finances, our security, or our portion. 

I have been to all those places. There have been years of my life when I was living paycheck to paycheck, barely scraping by, certain I couldn’t afford to give anything to the Lord. And then other years of my life when I was indifferent to the needs of others. But then, nearly a decade ago, when my check-the-box giving had dwindled to nothing, and my indifference had grown to an insurmountable level, God began to teach me that there was something He wanted far, far more than my money; He wanted my heart and my spirit. 

In this passage we see the detailed list of what the people of God brought to help build and adorn the tabernacle. Moses is attentive in his communication of what God desired and also what the people gave. This is saying something about God: He cares about the details of our lives, what we can give and what He created us to give. No two gifts are exactly alike. It is as if Moses is saying: your gift matters because you matter to God. He cares about the knitting of your heart and the crafting of your hands, the things you make and the livelihood He’s given you. And because we can know He cares about these things, our hearts are moved by that love and, in obedience to the Spirit inside of us, we can freely give. 

There’s nothing obligatory or forced about this kind of offering. God alone can move in our heart and prompt our spirit to bring what we have as an offering to Him (Exodus 35:21). We give because He first gave to us. It is not—as some angry preachers shout from lofted pulpits—because we owe God everything, but simply because everything we have is owned already by God. Offering all we have to the Lord is only possible because He already gave everything to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

What is in your hands today? How has God uniquely crafted you, knit you together, formed you, and made you? What stirs your heart and your affections for Him? For the Church? For your brothers and sisters? What moves your heart toward God? Give Him the gifts of your heart, your passion, your provision. That’s what He’s asking for: the gift of your delight and cheerful giving.  

Post Comments (33)

33 thoughts on "Offerings to Build the Tabernacle"

  1. Dorothy says:

    “We give because He first gave to us.” That says it ALL!!! The main thing He gave us is His One and Only Son, who died on the cross for OUR SINS. Moses had to collect the offerings for the people to ask for forgiveness, whereas now all we have to do is pray and ask God. Why? Because CHRIST GAVE HIS LIFE FOR US, for our SINS, for us to have ATONEMENT.
    Thank You Lord for sending Your Son to die for us and wipe away our sins. We praise Your name toady and ALWAYS, AMEN.
    Sisters, be blessed and PRAISE God for send Christ to die for us.

  2. Molly R says:

    I couldn’t help but think of all the preparation that went into this place of meeting, the sheer amount of precious resources and craftmanship – all for a temporary dwelling, a place for God to be amongst them, even if it had lots of rules and parameters.
    Fast forward to now, after Jesus came and fulfilled the law, and became the ultimate atonement and High Priest for any who are willing to follow the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE! And now where is the temple, the place where God comes to be among us? Isn’t it in ME?
    All that I am, the sinew and tissue I am knitted together with, the gifts He placed in me. All the beautiful materials and skills they brought don’t compare to the body, mind and soul He uses in me now, after being redeemed by THE LAMB who takes away the sins of the world. Am I willing to lay my “temple” down in service to Him?
    I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and now made new in Him to receive life abundantly, and be washed white as snow, so that His Spirit can dwell in me, and shine forth. A holy calling to lay one’s life down in sacrifice. Humbling. Lord, I pray I always live with open, lifted hands, eager to be of service. And may You be glorified in all that my hands find to do, the thoughts I think, and the worship my spirit is prompted, and willing to give You!

  3. GramsieSue . says:

    Ashleigh H – I turned to today’s page and had a note written that your embryo transfer is today. Prayers lifted up that this results in the pregnancy you so desire. ❤️

  4. Cindy Hanna says:

    The pairing of Jesus’s words in John was a perfect selection to highlight the ultimate freewill offering. “For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again.”- John 10:17. Beautiful.

  5. Ashleigh H says:

    In today’s reading, it really stuck out to me that the Israelites gave out of a willingness to do so. The Bible does not say that they gave out of force or guilt but only from a desire to worship the Lord. Thank you, God, for all that you bless us with. May we have a willing heart to be generous with our abilities, time, money, and belongings.

  6. Ashleigh H says:

    @Kelly (NEO)- thank you so much for remembering today. It was such joy to see it as I try to navigate the emotions that come on an IVF transfer day. Our appointment starts at 2 pm (CST) with the plan for the transfer to begin at 2:30 pm. Thank you all for prayers for today’s procedure along with the 10 day wait/implantation time that follows.

  7. Ashleigh H says:

    @TheBestIsYetToCome- I am praying for your court hearing. May love and truth win in the courtroom and may God grant you peace as well as wisdom as you enter there. My younger sister is a foster mom and also has an important court day the very next day from yours. She and her husband hope to adopt my sweet little foster nephew.

  8. Lexi B says:

    I think what I love most about this post is that this was after the incident of the golden calf; God still invites them in to be a part of his tabernacle. The people, even after their big sin, willingly participate. I love this whole thing and it is just wonderful to me- no matter what you have done, God can and still wants to use you for his greater purpose.

    THEBESTISYETTOCOME-praying for your appointment today and that truth prevails!

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