
Open Your Bible

Luke 15:1-7, Luke 19:1-10, Jeremiah 50:6-7, Jeremiah 50:17-20, Ezekiel 34:11-16, Ephesians 1:7-8

This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. As we read, we’ll gain a broader understanding of the redemptive story of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. 

What Is Luke? This Gospel was written by Luke, a physician and coworker of the apostle Paul. It is a detailed account of the life and ministry of Jesus. Luke places special emphasis on Jesus’s concern for including social outsiders and seeking the lost. Luke is the longest book in the New Testament and contains many stories and teachings found only in this Gospel.

How Luke Fits Into the Story: Luke’s Gospel has a unique focus on Jesus as a friend of sinners and Savior of the world. In focusing on Jesus as the Son of Man who came to seek and save the lost, this Gospel pays close attention to how Jesus engaged with the marginalized. It also highlights His conversations with the religious leaders of the day, as well as His teachings on the nature of the kingdom of God. Luke shows how the salvation, predicted by Old Testament prophets, has arrived in Jesus and is available to the whole world.

Reflection Questions: 
1. How does Luke 19:1–10 clarify your understanding of Jesus’s mission on earth? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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102 thoughts on "Luke"

  1. Kristin Mullins says:

    He came to seek and save the lost so we should not be idle in sharing the good news!!

  2. Mandy Alexander says:

    A reminder to leave the 99 in search of the 1. We often put all our emphasis in being apart of the church and we forget our mission to pursue the lost.

  3. Leslie Cestona says:

    God is not looking for perfection. In fact His word said that He didn’t come to save the fatten sheep, He came to save the broken, the injured, the lost. I am not afraid to admit that I need God’s saving grace daily. I have strayed too many times and have always thought in order to gain God’s forgiveness I had to get it together but its not like that so God here I am with all my brokenness asking for your salvation. Help me step into what you have prepared for me.

  4. Elizabeth Tibbitts says:

    I found the story of Zaccheus’ salvation inspiring. He reflects to make amends from his past life choices as he moves forward with his new life. Luke 19:5-10

  5. Jessica Serafini says:

    I am a sheep that has wondered time and time again, yet as God as my shepherd, I am found and restored. God does not expect us to be perfect or to live a life free of sin. That is why he came to us on Earth and died on the cross… the tear the curtain that separated us from heaven. When I do stray, I find comfort in knowing that God, my God, will always come looking for me. My only duty is to be willing to be found and held in his arms.

  6. Kamryn Turner says:

    He said “I myself will seek them out” that’s powerful and a testament to His love for us, that the God of the world would take time to find us and then meet us exactly where we are with His grace.

  7. Lauren Newsome says:

    God doesn’t want me to be perfect. Or look like I have it together on the outside. He wants me to be his light and love him. He sought out the sinner in the crowd. The man who others didn’t befriend. He wanted him the same as he wants me

  8. Brandy Deruso says:

    The blood that gives me strength from day to day it will never lose its power

  9. McKenzie Lenz says:

    Jesus seeks the lost and saves them. He redeems us from sin.

  10. Bailey Ortelli says:

    Jesus met Zacchrus right where he was, sook him out. Jesus the son of God came with the same missions, to find us, when we are lost and meet us right in whatever darkness we are in. He pursues is.

  11. Katie Rykken says:

    Amen Vera, I find my self in this same position and asking the same questions.

  12. Vera KarlottaCordeta says:

    Amen! That’s what I got out if it too. I feel like the Church demands too much of sinners. “Enter our spaces.” “Shame on you for not coming to church.” I feel like a lot of us are more comfortable with taking up John the Baptist’s call to be a voice crying out in the wilderness than we are with inviting, entering, and dining like Jesus. How are we meeting and sitting with the groups we call sinners? How are we showing them honor? And love? That which they don’t deserve and didn’t necessarily ask for, but we bestow anyway because Jesus loves them, just like He did for us? I think, Jesus did not turn people away. But he also did not lose sleep over those who rejected him because of his message. He loved anyway.

  13. Megan says:

    What a call on my life! Ezekiel 34:11-16 is such a promise- THAT IS WHO YOU ARE, Jesus! And because of Christ, that is who I am called to follow. Am I seeking out the lost? What can I do to reach out with that love of Christ? I trust God with opportunities for me to boldly sit with sinners and have the courage to share that love with them.

  14. Jana Knowlton says:

    Jesus came for His people. His heart is for people.

  15. Briana Bennett says:

    I was that 1 sheep. Thank you Jesus for coming for me.

    1. Ariana Eller says:

  16. Dokter yaitu suatu karier yang bekerja untuk menolong nyawa orang.
    Buat Anda yang mempunyai harapan jadi seseorang Dokter,
    saat ini ada suatu situs yang mengupas tentang info tentang fakultas kedokteran.
    Silakan datangi

  17. Robin Jackson says:

    I really enjoyed the study, however, the book has important verses in a color that I cannot read due to glaucoma. Why would they use a font color that blends into white paper?

  18. Brooke Maruska says:

    Jesus came to earth and showed us that His love is for all of His children, especially those who are lost, because they need Him most. He’s also showing us how he expects us to love and treat our neighbors, which unfortunately has been lost on much of society. Jesus is here for the sinners, and PRAISE GOD for that because we are all sinners.

  19. LaJeana Bailey says:

    This reading shows me that despite how far we may stray from God, Jesus was sent to find us and lead us back. Through his blood, our sins are forgiven. It shows that no matter what, Jesus will seek us out and try to bring us back to God. Whether we listen to his call is on us, but he will never stop seeking us out to save us.

  20. Ada Rojas says:

    I count myself so blessed that Gods love is so vast and unending that Jesus came looking for me brought me back to the fold then died …. For me! We are so precious to Him. Thank you father for your unconditional love for us. Be blessed everyone

  21. Katie Teage says:

    I’m returning to the bible after a while. I’d be really interested in peoples responses to Q2 of each day. I’ looking for some guidance on how to answer this and form my own answers from the readings. Thank you lovey ladies in advance ☺️

  22. Rachel Blessum says:

    Praying that the light of Christ shines through me to the lost!

  23. Victoria Lanette says:

    Today’s reading really makes me look at things so different. I’ve been wanting to reach out to an old friend who made a poor decision and in return has caused most of the town to turn against him and look down on him. One mistake. And it’s like wow who are we to judge someone when we are all lost also! I’ve been reading in Luke and everything keeps pointing to me reaching out and today (I’m behind a couple days) really confirmed that for me.

    1. Victoria Fowlkes says:

      That’s so awesome Victoria ! Listen to the Holy Spirit he’s tugging on you to reach out for a purpose ! Keep us posted !

  24. Aimee DiCicco-Ruhl says:

    Praying for you and your son Christine

    1. Christine F says:

      Thank you. Praying God will move mightily in his life, and that the Spirit will give me the words and the quiet when I am with him the next 2 days.

  25. Kim Rich says:

    I’m thankful that Jesus is our shepherd and will seek out those who are lost.

  26. Kim Rich says:

    This is comforting as I have many on my mind that are lost.

  27. Christine Friend says:

    I needed this so much today. My son is a lost sheep. I hope he needs the call of his shepherd

  28. Claire B says:

    So much need here… prayer for each request. Prayer Warriors are a mighty thing.

  29. Crystal Johnson says:

    A friend told me that churches aren’t for displaying the perfect saints, it’s a hospital for all Christians. ❤ this resognates with the story of Zaccheus.

    1. Vickie Muller says:


  30. Jarin Olvera says:

    It feels really good to know that Jesus would come looking for me even if he had 99 other sheep and I was the lost one. I am so grateful that God loves broken people like me and that I matter so much to Him. Having been through a massive amount of childhood trauma, I find it very healing each time I read about how much God loves broken people.

  31. Stacey Pittsinger says:

    I can still remember the Sunday school card with the picture of Zaccheus in the tree. Do they still have those? Anyway the focus was always on the actions that Zaccheus took to seek Jesus. Today I saw how Jesus engaged a man who did a little extra to get a glimpse. I want to remember that he pursues us!!! What a wonderful blessed thing!!

    1. Victoria E says:

      I remember that picture too Stacey!

  32. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that Jesus goes after that one sinner. We are all special in his eyes. I pray that I would treat the people around me like that; making it clear that every individual is important and loved by God. This passage makes me think of a song by audio adrenaline called leaving 99. Listen to this song if you get a chance:)

  33. Dorothy says:

    Arina in the time of Jesus yes they would have left the other sheep because every one mattered. The sheep were there means of support and how they made their money. They sold the sheep to get food or clothing or money. It’s not like today.
    ERB, I’ve found if the medicine is helping that most of the time the side effects will go away or become so slight that it is very easy to deal with them. Hope and pray this is the case for you.
    NADS thanks for the info, I’ll look into it.
    For all who have problems with fear, I recommend listening to the song “Fear Is a Liar” by Zach Williams. It has a great message.

  34. Carleigh Bright says:

    1. When I read Luke 19:1-10, I often adore the story and see myself as Zacchaeus. And I am Zacchaeus. But I’m also “all who saw”. Reading the story and knowing that I am also “all who saw” makes the story a little bit harder to want to read. Jesus wants all His people to come to Him, that includes people I don’t like as much or people I don’t feel deserve it as much. In this story, I should strive to be more like Zacchaeus, who repented and turned away, and less like “all who saw”. Jesus wants ALL his children to come to Him, who am I to determine who that ALL is?

    2. Unlike other religions, we don’t have to go look for Jesus, Jesus come to look for us; just like He did in the parable of the lost sheep and just like He did for Zacchaeus. I’m so thankful to have a God that loves me SOO much that he comes/came down to find me in all of my sinful ways.

  35. Dorothy says:

    Once again SRT gave me information I didn’t know, Luke is the longest gospel. What I love about reading “Luke” is it is about the ministry of Christ. Can I get some help in the “How Luke Fits In The Story” section is the following sentence: “In focusing on Jesus as the Son of Man who came to seek and save the lost, this Gospel pays close attention to how Jesus engaged with the marginalized.” I don’t understand what it is saying, would someone explain it in simple terms please? Thanks.
    Love this study. Have a blessed day sisters.

    1. Chelsea Austin says:

      Hi Dorothy, what I understood this to mean was that Jesus made it a point to speak to and try to connect with people that society would label as outcasts or less fortunate. From the story in Luke 19:1-10, Jesus made it a point to see Zacchaeus, acknowledge him, and even take part in his hospitality, something the townspeople would not have done due to his status as a tax collector. I think this just shows us that Jesus truly loves all people, even the forgotten and looked down upon.

      I hope that helps ❤️

      1. Victoria E says:


  36. PamC says:

    Luke is probably my favorite of the gospels. It often brings to mind a book I read in college, a novel by Taylor Caldwell titled Dear and Glorious Physician. I loved that book. Pure fiction, but a great read. It’s still in print, but yikes!.. the price. Hope I still have my copy somewhere.
    Praying for all y’all.

  37. Teresa says:

    I’m drawn to the verses curated here about sheep and shepherds. It’s an image that I wonder has lost a bit of meaning as we become less agricultural as a society – the STRENGTH, humility, wisdom, tenderness, and commitment of a shepherd seems so far beyond the scope of our felt boards and inspirational memes. I remember hearing a story about how we can’t understand God in the midst of suffering (maybe you have heard this?) about how shepherds clean a sheep’s ears with a special antiseptic by submerging them in water. The sheep think they are DROWNING, and there is NO POSSIBLE WAY to explain it to them (that the shepherd is not trying to kill them). In fact, the shepherd is doing everything in his power to save their life. That’s about how I feel about God’s love for the lost. We won’t get it. We’ll NEVER fully understand how good God is, but trust in the truth of God’s work that He is a GOOD, GOOD shepherd.

  38. Mari V says:

    Thank you all who are praying for my daughter Alyssa. She is at a camp where it’s focus more on connecting with Jesus so there is no communication. But there was an update on Instagram and they are all doing well. I miss her greatly. But I know God’s gonna do something amazing in her heart.

    1. Victoria E says:

      ❤️ thanks for the update Mari V!

  39. Victoria E says:

    I am so thankful for this wonderful Savior we have ! I am thankful to be reading this study with you all. @Heather Hahn I will be praying for you and your husband. @Mari V praying for you and your daughter. @ERB praying for you and your brother. @Maura praying for you as well. Today I am feeling a little guilty over some sinful attitudes I have discovered in myself, sometimes the more I learn about God and read my Bible the more I am convicted of my sin that previously went unnoticed. Unfortunately for me I believe the enemy uses this to make me feel discouraged like “why even try since I am so bad”. Please pray for this discouragement and for my little baby. I am struggling with attacks from the enemy there as well on my peace about this wonderful answer to prayer given our precious miscarriage. I know God is greater ! But those attacks indeed feel like “fiery arrows” and my shield of faith needs strengthening. Thank you !

  40. Angie says:

    The teenage girls, and ladies groups that I study with are going through the New Testament using the book, The Bible Study. The girls and I are in Luke right now. Here is some interesting historical information about the book of Luke from our study:
    Luke was a doctor and the only gospel writer who was a gentile. Both would have had an effect on his writing.

    Luke was Paul’s friend. They think at the time of this writing Paul was in prison in Caesarea (AD 58-60) or perhaps Rome (AD 60-62).

    Luke addresses his writings to “most excellent Theophilus.” There are 3 main thoughts as to who Theophilus was: 1)a financial supporter of Paul, 2)Luke’s master, or 3)a Roman official or judge for Paul’s trial.

    Luke was not a part of Jesus mission when Jesus was on earth. His writings were a compilation of detailed eye-witness interviews.

    Going with the 3rd choice of Theophilus being Paul’s judge, the way Luke is written makes sense that it was a gathering of information and facts from the eye witnesses in order to help in Paul’s defense.

    Luke focused a good amount on Jesus’ love and respect for women, children, & sinners. He shared many stories that the other gospel writers did not include.

    The doctor in Luke may have caused him to be especially interested in the healings.
    (God creates us specifically as we are for His purpose in the Kingdom.)

    The book of Luke is for everyone, Jew and Gentile. It is a compilation of the eye witness testimonies of people whose lives crossed paths with the Savior, Jesus, and they were never the same.

    How powerful is our testimony for the Lord! How powerful in word and deeds as we live it out. How would your testimony, because of your unique strengths and weaknesses, serve God’s purpose in the Kingdom? Luke’s was unique because he was a gentile and a doctor. Mark’s was unique because of his youth and possible ADHD. My years as a teacher, wife, and mother effect my testimony. Where ever you are, whatever you do – you were created by God for a purpose for His Kingdom. You have value and worth. There are people that will identify with you that would not someone else and in that identifying, you have an opportunity to point them to Jesus, the only One who can give hope, peace, and joy in today, tomorrow, and for eternity. Share your testimony for Jesus in your life lived out, in a heart of love, and in your words of truth layered in His grace and mercy. Amen.

    1. Victoria E says:

      This is great, thanks for sharing! I’ve always been partial to Luke, being a physician myself, and all the stories of healings that no earthly physician could have done!

    2. C Jones says:


  41. Audren says:

    I realized something this morning, Jesus did not EVER see Jew or Greek. I thought this idea came after the cross. But it makes much more sense because God has never seen ethnicity as a factor in salvation. I just had not realized that Jesus did not care about it to the point where He just saw the individual as a unique person who desperately needed His saving power. Just a little something I realized!

  42. Buffy Rennie says:

    It’s about restored relationship with God through Jesus who made a way clear. He wants your heart, your mind… you. Redemption is turning away from all that has done you wrong and looking to Him for healing, strength, truth…

  43. Buffy Rennie says:

    Heather, A strong biblically based church with a councilor that you both can reach out to is so very important.

  44. Foster Mama says:

    @ HEATHER HAHN – Thank you for ministering to my own heart; indeed He has not given us a Spirit of fear but, WOW fear can certainly take hold so often (especially when we feel we have “evidence” for why fear / doubt / guilt are the most appropriate things to feel)!! NO!! Lord Jesus, this is not from you. I pray for Heather and her husband as individuals but, mostly as a couple, as a church…Lord, I pray that You would come boldly and powerfully into their relationship, making it stronger than ever before. I pray Lord for Heather, for myself, and all our sisters that we would be patient and peaceful as we wait for you to move what feel like huge mountains. Sweet Jesus, reach and hold us, even when we don’t have the strength to lift our arms to You.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Foster mama I needed this prayer for myself as well!

  45. Becky McGlaunWilsford says:

    I had forgotten, redemption is so personal. I always feel like the focus of redemption is turning away from sin (Which makes me feel ashamed and bad for being led astray), when really the focus should be on this very personal, very loving God who formed me and knows me and loves me so much He came to get me out of a dangerous situation. We are his family. It’s very personal.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Becky! I feel the same way thanks for the reminder !

    2. Claire B says:

      I often feel it is our biggest failure – not seeking repentance and accepting redemption

  46. Heather Hahn says:

    Ladies, if any of you be in prayer for my family, I would greatly appreciate it. My husband and myself are in a very bad place right now. I know Jesus will prevail. I’m trying to not be scared of losing my family but it’s a natural human reaction to have fear. I keep reminding myself God didn’t give us a spirit of fear. The book of fluke is one of my favorite books in the Bible. I’m thankful for today’s reading as I have started to stray away from God a bit. Today’s reading gives me solace in knowing that even though I have I& although things are not going well for my marriage at this time, Heaven’s angels are rejoicing my turning back toward shod more fully. My husband and I have been through so much together. I have put the man through too much. We just need prayers so very much at this time. Thank you for reading this & any prayers made on our behalf. May God bless you all.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Heather Hahn I will be praying for you and your husband. Thankful that you are coming back to a relationship with God!

  47. Chris Swan says:

    Let each of us seek and find just one lost sheep and God and all His kingdom will rejoice and our world will return to God!!

  48. Nads says:

    @ MELANIE – I pray that this trip will be a wonderfully memorable one for you and your family; I pray you will be refreshed and that the pace will be one that works for everyone and your health.

    @ ERB – I’m praying for you to continue to see positive changes in your own health and that God will continue to bless this heart of yours that is thankful for the big & little things.❤️ I pray for your brother with all the thoughts and pain I imagine are a struggle and definitely a tough “distraction” as he works to complete his degree. Praying for Wisdom, Discernment, Direction, GRACE, Understanding, Hope, Peace, Comfort, Rest, Restoration, Healing…I pray a huge prayer for your beautiful parents (my “tea-mates”;) ) that God would give them strength, hope, and overwhelming blessings as they support their two kids. Hugs!

    1. Victoria E says:


  49. Anna Cyr says:


  50. Laurel says:

    @Kathy–Well stated!

  51. Mari V says:

    Praying for safe travels. And boy… Do I know how much we love our animals. Praying for your son.

  52. Mari V says:

    1. Jesus came to save EVERYONE! Everyone who is willing to accept the gift of His salvation! It doesn’t matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done as long as you repent and accept this free gift of salvation Our Jesus extends his arms out to us. Not sure if you heard the podcast a week or two back about a gruesome criminal who accepted Jesus into his heart just before his death. Even he will be with all of us in heaven someday.

  53. Nads says:

    @ DOROTHY – I read your comment from yesterday and must say, one of my FAVOURITE reads through the Bible was with a “Chronological” Bible; it was SO enlightening because the books are interspersed in such a meaningful way (e.g. Psalm David wrote at a certain time in his life is right there alongside the event itself).
    God bless

  54. Kathy says:

    Jesus came for the last, the least, and the lost. He also came for the self-righteous, the prideful, the stubborn, and the arrogant. He has come for those who need Him the most and for those who think they need Him the least.

  55. Ashley Taylor says:

    The Ezekiel reading and the Ephesians reading were pure poetry and beautifully depict God’s emphasis on saving, strengthening and redeeming the lost rather than punishing evil. In the redemption story it’s evident his goal is to save and unite. The destruction of evil is a sad but necessary consequence that must be done to achieve His kingdom.

  56. Danielle says:

    Throughout the Gospels, Jesus continually looks at the heart. He’s not distracted by outward appearances, status, or job title. He looks inward. When he healed people, he wasn’t looking at who sinned, but the heart of the person or the family & friends who brought the person. He saw their heart & belief.
    I appreciated the commentary from SRT that Luke focuses on the social outcast. What a great reminder to look outward for the least of these & not focus on who society says should be shown favor.

    Praying for the requests shared hear this morning.

  57. Lauren Keef says:

    Jesus came to seek and save the lost. There is no pit too deep that Jesus’ touch can’t pull you out of. God seeks us out. Not only does He make His gracious offer of redemption, but He seeks out the lost so that they can come home.

  58. Lori says:

    In Luke I am reminded that I am a sinner, and the one Jesus came to save. The redemption he has to offers through his life death and resurrection is for all. The verses from Ezekiel God says “I” in each passage. He is saying over and over again HE has brought redemption through Christ’s death and resurrection.

  59. SarahJoy says:

    Trying to whisper prayers this morning.
    ERB – prayed for strength for you and for side affects to calm. And peace for your brother and his family.
    MAURA – prayed for God’s presence as you continue through this difficult season.
    VICTORIA – prayed for health for the little life inside
    MARI V – prayed for you and your girl
    MARTHA – prayed for your family as my own dog lays next to me. So sad.
    MELANIE – blessings on your roadtrip with your family! Prayed for health and safety.

    TAYLOR – excited for this opportunity for you! Prayed for sweet connections with some people near and dear to my heart.

  60. SarahJoy says:

    Jesus came to seek those far off and bring them into the Kingdom. I wonder did His heart long for those religious leaders stuck in the doing to see His way and see something better? Does He feel the same way about my “stuck-ness”? Hey, Sarah, stop trying to look put together and holy! Follow ME and love people, all the people.

    God’s redemption did not come as many anticipated. Instead God bent down low to scoop up the broken and lost and show them His heart for relationship with them in the person of Jesus. He sought out the marginalized and passed over. His closest friends were guys who hadn’t made the cut for following a rabbi. May we have that same heart and same passion to see His Kingdom come!

  61. Jessica Pollman says:

    For me these passages emphasize the order of how We are transformed by God. Jesus didn’t make plans to spend time with Zacchaeus because he decided to give back all he had stolen. Zacchaeus did this because of his relationship with Jesus. We come to Jesus as we are and good works are an over flow of that. We don’t need to do good works to get close to Jesus.

    1. Lauren Keef says:


    2. Tami Hankey says:


    3. Lisa S says:


    4. Victoria E says:

      So true Jessica Pollman!

  62. ERB says:

    VICTORIA E, thank you so much for praying!!! Unfortunately my brother did not receive the news he was hoping for… the neurologist believes he has a genetic condition which could effect the entire course of his life… so very serious stuff!! My brother is in the middle of finals at school (accelerated masters program) and this news has thrown him for a loop. He needs LOTS of prayers right now!!! So PLEASE KEEP PRAYING!!!! Wisdom. Discernment. Direction. Grace. Understanding. Hope. Peace. Comfort. Rest. Restoration. Healing… are all things that need to be prayed for!! Thank you!!
    …you asked how I am… I’m ok… not at my best or at my worst. My seizures are decreasing a bit, which is awesome!! But the side effects of the increase in my meds has me pretty much in bed.. I can get up and do small things, like dishes, preparing food, carry a conversation, and sometimes a walk up my small driveway (all things I couldn’t do before the increase in meds) I’m SO GRATEFUL for the improvement!! Afterall, tiny steps are still steps!! The small activities I have been able to do, leave me exhausted and drained.. so I am resting and sleeping a lot. As far as my memory issues, they are still there, but I am noticing small improvements… which is great!! All these small improvements are pointing to the SLOW increase of meds working!!! So, a TON to be THANKFUL for!!!! Many blessings to you Victoria!! You are a wonderful gem!!! Sending prayers right back at you, and am hoping that all is continuing to be well with you and your sweet, miraculous rainbow baby ❤️

    Really appreciate ALL you ladies and your prayers SO MUCH!!!!

    1. Claire B says:

      Prayers for you and you brother. Is Maura just taking a break?

  63. Taylor says:

    I also thought of the song “Reckless Love” by Cory Asbury from today’s readings. Oh how I have so clearly and so recently seen the Lord come and find me and rescue me when I was lost in my own sin. He didn’t let me continue in my ways. He moved mountains to bring me back to Himself and walking in His will, even though I went kicking and screaming. He loves us THAT much to never give up on us. May we all remember how God came and found each of us in our sin and RESCUED us. I’m also challenged to think of ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the marginalized and social outsiders in my community.

    God has put it on my heart to get more involved in the church. At my home church this past Sunday there was an announcement for a community outreach opportunity this upcoming Saturday giving boxes of fresh food to the Latino/Spanish-speaking community in my area. I knew God was calling me to say yes to this opportunity so prayers would be appreciated that this outreach blesses many families and leads them to become part of God’s family!

    1. Victoria E says:

      Taylor that is wonderful!

  64. Melanie says:

    The book of Luke is amazing. It makes me feel loved even though I am the least of these. That Jesus wants me. He chases after me. He loves me!!!! It’s truly amazing. I live that Jesus doesn’t go after the ones who think they have it figured out he really goes to the ones who are lost and searching. Praying for family and friends to be found in HIM. * today my family and I start a road trip for 8 days. Please pray for protection and peace and no sickness for me, my husband and our 4 kids. Thank you loves

  65. Ashley Elks says:

    This reminds me of Luke 5:31 Jesus replied to them, it is not those who are healthy who need a doctor, but those who are sick. Zacchaeus was a sinner but his encounter with Jesus led him to repentance. Because of his change of heart and recognizing his sin Jesus responds Salvation has come to this home today! You can have all the money in the world but without Jesus it means nothing. Romans 2:4 or do you despise the riches of his kindness, restraint,and patience, not recognizing that Gods kindness is intended to lead you to repentance.

  66. Gerin Thomas says:

    The reading today reminded me of lyrics from Reckless Love: “There’s no shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb up coming after me. There’s no wall you won’t kick down, lie you won’t tear down coming after me”. Thank you Jesus for coming after me. Please give me the heart and courage to eat and drink with the lost and marginalized and not think of myself as better than anyone.

    1. Wendy Aldrich says:

      Amen @Gerin!!!

    2. Lauren Keef says:

      Amen, what a challenge!

    3. Taryn Piatkowski says:


  67. Kelly says:

    1. Jesus declared His mission several times. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” – Luke 4:18-19. In the case of Zachaeus, he freed him from the bondage of greed and restored him to a life in God’s family. (That lost sheep was in a tree.) Jesus’ compassion was extended to the man who humbled himself to come close to Him (climbing a tree had to be a socially humiliating thing for him to do). Zachaeus’s heart was immediately turned and joined God’ heart in bringing justice to those he had previously had a hand in oppressing.
    2. As the Michael Card song proclaims, Jesus is our jubilee. We look into our Judge’s face and see a Savior there.

  68. Krystyn Carey says:

    Jesus came to seek and save the lost. I love the imagery of bringing the lost sheep home to feed on the hills of Israel.

  69. Blessed Beth says:

    I am so thankful that Jesus came to seek out the Zaccaeuses, which are all of us. It is frightful to think where we would be if He hadn’t, totally lost. And just think He does it all the time, seeks, seeks, seeks us. Martha praying for you, one of our daughters has dog children it is tough to loose one. Praying for you and your son.

  70. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Prayers for this fallen world

  71. Arina says:

    In the parable of the lost sheep, it says: what man among you, wouldn’t have done the same? But would a shepherd really have gone after the one lost sheep? Maybe if all the other 99 were safe. But calling his friends and neighbours and celebrating that the sheep is back? It’s just a sheep. I probably would have grumbled about the lost time, and went on with my work. But God. He came to seek and save the lost. He goes after those who cannot save themselves, the sinners. That is all of us. He rejoices with all the angels in heaven when one sinner repents.

  72. MARTHA HIX says:

    Please pray for me as I fly out tomorrow to see my son in Dallas as we prepare to say goodbye to his/our precious 14 yr old dog who has sudden stage 4 kidney failure. He said she is about to cross the rainbow bridge prob Thursday. She’s been in a hospital ICU and in and out of testing and meds with the vet for the past 2 weeks but continues to get worse. Please pray for peace and comfort. ❤️

    1. Shannon Lowry says:

      Praying for you Martha, and sending love and strength for you and your family. ❤️

    2. Lisa Holland says:

      Prayers for safe travels and praying for you and your family at this time. I know well how hard it is when our 4 legged kids are at that time.

    3. Claire B says:

      One of the hardest thing, loosing our devoted pets.

  73. Kristen says:

    Jesus came to seek and save the lost. That is me and all of us without Him Jesus was intentional. He specifically talked to Zachaeus. (I know this part of Scripture wasn’t in the reading, but I was reminded of the scene in the Chosen when He specifically went to Samaria and met with the woman at the well.) He showed love and compassion to people that others looked down upon or that were hated or outcasts of society. However, he didn’t condone their life of sin. Zachaeus was changed by his encounter with Jesus. May we all be changed as we encounter Jesus!
    Amen God bless you all today!