In this Names of God reading plan, we are learning more about God by studying the names given to Him in Scripture. Rather than having our writers share their own reflections on these passages, we’ve instead provided research-rich content to aid in your study of each day’s featured name of God, including the background of the name(s), a brief explanation of the character of God emphasized by the name(s), and a reflection question to help you dig deeper into the text.
Living God & God Most High
Elohim Chay, El Elyon (Hebrew)
Scripture Reading: Genesis 14:17-20, 2 Kings 19:14-18, Psalm 91:1-16, Jeremiah 10:10-11, Hosea 1:10, 1 Timothy 4:10
Elohim Chay, “Living God,” and El Elyon, “God Most High,” are two of the most frequently used names for God in the Old Testament. The name Elohim was paired with adjectives that describe the God of Israel. These two names, though different, are related. They are used to emphasize the unique nature of God: He is alive and greater than all others.
The very notion of a living God distinguished Elohim from idols constructed of wood or iron. The Israelite God was—and is—living and active in and among His people. Similarly, the name “God Most High” elevates the God of Israel over all other gods. These names are reminders that God is active and superior to all other objects of worship.
God’s superiority over all other gods and idols
What do these names teach me about God?
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69 thoughts on "Living God & God Most High"
Who is like Him? All powerful, and yet aware of my heart and the details of my life…. All my adoration belongs to you, King of Kings.
Praise God most High! I would not be able to do life without Him!!
God was, is, and will always be. He is God all by Himself
I used to pray Psalm 91 over my husband when he was in special forces, deployed and being actually shot at, pursued by the enemy, etc. This passage was dead on applicable. It’s funny now because it’s just as applicable to both of us in our lives today. He is running a start up and I find myself praying the same things; not actually being shot at, but figuratively yes. Same with me and running my firm of 10 years, as well as not fearing regarding pregnancy/health concerns right now. I take great comfort in these passages at any stage of life; that those who dwell in the shadow of the almighty have his protection and have no reason to fear. God is good; we can trust in His refuge. I needed to hear that today.
He lives. That is my foundation of faith.
God is the only living God that cannot be carved into an idol. He lives!
I’m reminded today that God is everything that I need, everything that I desire. I need protection from diseases and my enemies – He is my defense, He is my shield and buckler. I need a place to rest in time of trouble – He is my refuge and my fortress, He meets me in the secret place. I need assurance that He is fighting for me – He lets me see my mountains fall on my side and He doesn’t allow me to be harmed, His angels surround me. I need to know that good conquers evil – He makes it so I will tread on the lion and adder, dragons too. I need to know that He hears me when I pray – He not only hears me but He answers me, He assures me that He will be with me, deliver me and honor me. I desire long life and the beauty of salvation – He promises that too. Yes, He truly is the Living God, God Most High, God Over All ✨
I find it so beautiful that we have a God who is both alive and active. Not alive and stagnant, not alive and watching from the sidelines, but alive and active. He participates in life with us if we allow. How lovely is my God!
All the idols of today are dead, never giving us the satisfaction we crave. But our God, is alive, and he can leave us feeling overjoyed.
This makes me think about the “idols” people worship today. An idol is anything we love, serve, or fear more than God. God is so much higher and greater than the things of this world. He brings eternal satisfaction and eternal peace and hope, while the things of this world are only temporary. Thank you, Lord, for being the Most High and still caring for us.
My God is loving with all power and might in is hands! Amen!
I love that distinction of God being the LIVING God. As opposed to the false gods that are not living. Reminds me that no other “god” in any religion has risen from the grave. Our God is alive not dead. Truly amazing!
It’s possible for me to safely abide in the shadow of Gods wings because the God Most High is over me, and He reigns supreme in and throughout ALL the earth. Glory to HIS name alone. If God be for us then who can be against us?! ✨✨
It’s always an amazing encouragement to me to read the “I will” statements by God…to remember that when He says He will do something…He will absolutely do it!!
Living and alrighty. What a wonderful God we serve!
Thank you Lord that You live and live in me. Help me to keep You first place in my life as You are the most high God and there is no other like you!
Our God is distinguished and set apart. He is HOLY. He is living!
God is living and holy, He is our Protector and our Guide. Today’s study was very comforting to me, but also a reminder that I need to focus on God alone and not the idols I often make of fear and self provision. Thank you Lord Jesus!
Oh Karern that’s so wise. I make fear and self provision idols too.
He’s alive and with us!
He is not dead he is alive he walks alon
our Living God, moving among and utterly committed to His broken world – come pour out your Shalom on us ❤️
Psalm 91:1 reminded me today that I must diligently choose daily (every hour? every minute?) to live in the shelter of the Most High. That is when I will find rest in His shadow. When I live in my own power and make decisions based on my own fleshly wisdom, I should not and cannot expect to find that rest. It is not a given that just because I claim to trust in God that I will be provided the protection. It is only when I lean on Him and listen to and respond to His promptings that I am truly at peace.
Love this. Thank you!
Yes, the only way to resist the pull of this world is to stay close to God. Read, watch and listen.
This particular part of the passage profoundly struck me! “1He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”
My God Most High is my living Father and he provides refuge to his children like no other! There are no other idols, false gods, or materialistic items that will provide this haven for us. In today’s world, so many of us worship the wrong things! I am so blessed to have a Living God that provides me with sanctuary. He is living and breathing and pumps life into me everyday!
We have a God that is above all and before all things. He is sovereign and omnipotent. Why would I ever settle for a cheap substitute (idol) for God?
All I can think about is the lyrics of the song “God’s not Dead”. He is ever present in my daily life now. There was a period of time when I simply refused Him and His existence. However, I cannot fathom not praying to Him daily as much as I do now. I long for His holy words. These plans help me fulfill the need for Him and His presence.
God is not dead. He is relevant and present in every aspect of my life. He wants my full attention and praise because no other idol or god can replace Him- the only true and loving God. God is able to make miracles happen. Just like He was with the Israelites and worked on their behalf, I know He is going to make all things work together for my good. My God will always come through. He is the best!
My God is worth every bit of my devotion because he is loving, active and involved. There is no other good or idol who can compare in these ways.
Bring me a false good, and we can debunk it with the test of life. Is it alive? Does it speak to you? Does it care about you, individually? No. But my God. The One True God, does. And He reigns on High.
My God can be trusted because He is living, performs great and mighty things because He is superior. He protects, He saves,He delivers His people, his children.
Because He is our refuge and our strength and because He is the living God of “all of those who believe”, it occurred to me that we are all refugees seeking asylum and protection from the One who has the power, love and authority to provide it to us with all grace, mercy and compassion. He is Elohim.
These two names reminded me of when Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. Their god was no match for the Living God, the God Most High! God heard Elijah, and He proved His power and sovereignty over all.
Often we use the phrase “living in the shadows” to mean someone who hide or tries to stay out of sight of others. Isn’t it wonderful the when we live in the Shadow of the Almighty God it means we are protected to go into the world and live for Him! We have no one to hide from and nothing to hide.
“And in the place where they were told: You are not my people, they will be called: DAUGHTERS of the living God.” Without what Christ did, we would be gentiles without any way to get close to God, but He invited us in and gave us the blood that runs through His veins.
So good!
Unspeakably grateful our God is alive and active in our lives.
The power in the name of God is beyond what we can imagine. In this difficult season you might start (or continue) to regularly pray for every corner, every square inch of your room, proclaiming God’s name. Whether you continue to teach or not is a hard question but for now you are in a unique space–seeking God on behalf of your students. Praying that God grants you strength, stamina, and discernment.
I am nothing without my God! I depend on HIM only. Life is been so hard this past year, over a year. Decisions to make. I know God is with me. I am reminded of HIS presence in the most amazing ways.
Praying for you Kelly.
Yesterday’s Lord of Armies and today’s God most High (greater than all others) both speak to my needs. My school year is going horribly. I work with the same bunch of freshmen most of the day and every day. I am cussed at regularly. The behaviors are ridiculous. I have always been able to draw students in and encourage them to behave differently but this bunch is not responding. Parents don’t call me back. Parents ignore my emails. Parents say they are coming in for a meeting and then don’t show up. I am reaching out to my administration for help and hope they will have the courage to help. I have never had to reach out to administration in 19 years of teaching. Lord God help me! Direct me! Please!
I am concerned for these students and their ability to learn, grow, experience success, pass classes, earn credits, and be able to graduate. My heart is heavy!
Is this God’s way of telling me to quit teaching?
I need to God Most High, God of Armies!
Praying for you Kelly ❤️
Praying Kelly! As a former high school teacher (of 9th grade!), I have been there. Exactly there. Praying for His guidance for you. It did come for me but I surely didn’t listen for a while. He is right there with you. In the trenches. And He will show you the way.
Kelly, I too am in education. I am not a teacher, but I am a Library Parapro. Here in AZ they require the Library Para to teach but you are not considered certified staff. That is not the point but it relates to it. I have been in this profession for the last 16 years. The last 4 in AZ. The students last year were so different than I have experienced in the past. My year was horrible as well. I don’t think that it is God’s way of saying it’s time to get out just yet. I think it’s a call to persevere. It’s not an easy one by no stretch. With the break down of the family in our society, we in education are experiencing something that we have not had to deal with before. We have to parent which interferes with the ability to teach because you are dealing with behaviors that make it almost impossible to teach a lesson. We are busy teaching the basics- Respect, self control, consideration and so on. Some of these kids just need someone to speak truth into their lives, to show consistency and tenacity. The role of teachers is in the process of shifting, I don’t know what the outcome will be. What I do know is that if God has called you to teach, he will enable you to do it. It is His strength not yours that you need to draw on. Keep asking him for direction and he will lead you. I know how hard it is and saying this seems easy, but it is not. I can relate so well to what you are saying as I too struggle to continue what I am doing as well. I just know that there is a purpose to where I am and even though I am having so much difficulty, I have to keep looking to The Lord for his strength and direction each and every day. I ask him to make it clear to me where he wants to use me. So far, it’s right here in a school library! Hang in there my sister. There may be one student who you will encourage in a way that you will never know about. I hope this helps some.
Bless you heart for 19 yrs of teaching – lifting you and your students up in prayer! May there be someone in their life outside of school that can give them the attention and guidance they need to be respectful human beings. May the God on High wrap with with peace.
No! I believe this is God’s way of telling you to lean in Kelly. God said we would have trouble in this world. Perhaps He is trying to say “I’ve got this – you need only to be still.” How can you singlehandedly expect to change lives. No amount of your effort can produce what only God can accomplish. You are to be a vessel – be still and let God work through you. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. <3
Kelly, want to give you a hug and whisper to your ear that all of your freshmen ducklings or most of them that you cannot stand now, will change into beautiful swans in their sophomore or senior year. I experience this miracle from year to year, watching my kids, their friends, my friends’ kids, students from my classes where I substitute, youth classes at my church. We just need to be a good example for them to reflect our believes. In the most difficult moments just breath in (YAH) and out (WEH). Praying for you.
Hi Kelly, I’m so sorry that your home life and work life are difficult right now. I’m praying for you sister. My husband is a teacher and just entered his 27th year. I understand how hard it is in the public schools these days, but try to take your eyes off all that, fighting with your students, their parents and the administration. Remember Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” You are in an intense season of spiritual warfare, the enemy is trying to take you out, but praise God, you know the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, and He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world! Try to see the students who are so out of control as captives of the enemy, because they are. Put on your spiritual armor each day and stand. I am praying and others here are praying for you. May the Lord strenghten you to hold high your shield of faith and sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. Speak out loud the Word of God over yourself, your home and your classroom. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). And as the Apostle Paul taught, After you have prayed – “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Oh Kelly, I know you have been doing these things, but sometimes we get weary in the battle and stop doing this daily, hourly if needed. The Lord is for you Kelly, He is not against you. He knows the plans He has for you…remember He spoke those words to the Israelites when in captivity and he wasn’t going to deliver them out just yet. He wanted them to know He was with them right where they were. He is with you too! “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” (2 Cor 2:14) Praying this over you now, Kelly. Hugs from afar!
What you are doing is an incredibly tough but such an important job and I don’t think this tough year is God telling you to quit teaching. I think this means to persevere and lean into him, for when we are weak, then He is strong. Maybe you’re at the point where you think you can’t do it anymore and that’s where God, let me take over, I am enough. I’m just getting starting off in education and I was so surprised and shocked to find out how much of teaching is just correcting behaviors and redirect students so I can say what I need to say. It’s challenging but I see behind all those behaviors, scared, lost, lonely, struggling, insecure kids that need love and need someone to care about them, because maybe I’m the only one who does. Take every day one step at a time. You are playing an important role in these kids lives and you have no idea how God might be using you. Praying for strength, love, and peace for you, Kelly!
What a game changer it is that God is a Living God. And not only am I a child of the Living God, as Hosea 1:10 tells us, but I can also take comfort in Psalm 91:15 that when I call out to Him the Living God will answer me and will be with me in trouble.
Such a beautiful promise to take with me today.
To me, God is it! There is no other to admire, worship, or stand in awe of!!!!
I have no problem dismissing the idol gods that man has constructed of wood or iron or stone. They are dead gods, no different to me than a painting or a piece of art. Nice to look at but having no real effect on my life. I know the “living God.” I have experienced Him. I have met Him and I know Him. Ah but the name “God Most High” requires more from me. The god I tend to elevate is myself. I want my way in my timing. I am a demanding yet short sighted god. There is One Who is higher than me to Whom I am ultimately responsible. To think otherwise is utter foolishness. I elevate myself before the God of all Creation? Who in their right mind does that? I need a reality check sometimes! The Most High God lovingly humbles me. He is the living God Who sees my foolishness and reminds me Whose I am – and Who I am not. And that’s a very good thing.
Ugh! That caught me right in the gut…thank you for this moment of clarity!
Your post echoes my thoughts. So often I can end up thinking it’s all about me…. I forget that all – including all God does in and through me – is to bring him glory. I am so thankful he loves us so much – and never gives up on us. “Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”
Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV
So good! Every. Single. Word.
Amen! Couldn’t have said it better…Thanks!
Thank you, Churchmouse. You have put into words my heart.
Such good insight. I very often feel “not liked enough” in my workplace and just yesterday, I had one of those moments. Your post made me realize that I’m elevating myself when I think like that. The most important one, the God Most High, loves me just the way I am, the way He created me!!!! Thank you for the reminder.
HE is above all, in all, alive, and nothing, NOTHING can separate me from HIS love!
God is a living God which means He’s able to work on my behalf, able to hear me, able to talk and fellowship with me.
God is the most high God which means nothing has power or rule over Him so He is able to fight my battles and have the victory and He is able to be a place of refuge from my enemies. Because God is mighty and living, He is able to help, rescue, teach, love, be merciful, strengthen, be gracious, and provide for all that I need.
Amen. To know from God’s word that he is living and breathing and is WITH us always.
There is only one true God! He reigns over all! All praise, honor, and glory belong to Him! He has blessed us with His living Word! It is alive and active and sharper than any two edged sword! All creation counts on Him and obeys, do should we! Hallelujah! Thank You, God!