
Open Your Bible

Jude 1:1-25, Isaiah 5:18-20, 1 Timothy 6:12-14

This is the last week of This Is the New Testament! Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we will finish reading the General Epistles and move on to Apocalyptic Literature. 

What Is Jude? Possibly written by the brother of Jesus and James, the book of Jude urges readers to steward their influence within the church by contending for the faith, remaining vigilant against heresy. They will maintain their unity by remembering their shared salvation in Christ. 

How Jude Fits Into the Story: The letter of Jude has often been overlooked by New Testament scholars because of its short length. However, its message is relevant to believers of every era. Jude sought to protect Christian truth and strongly opposed heretics who threatened the faith, and he called his readers to be just as passionate in their defense of the gospel. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. Based on today’s reading in Jude, what are specific things we can do to remain faithful to Jesus and the gospel in the midst of persecution? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

(43) Comments

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43 thoughts on "Jude"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are good lord and we thank you lord

  2. Anne Klinkhammer says:

    We definitely need to be praying for those being persecuted for the sake of Christ around the world, but the info re 229 missionaries is not current. It was circulated back in 2018 as well. Important to fact check the authenticity of things you are asked to forward. Praying for courage and strength and protection for the persecuted church today.

  3. Katie J says:

    Praise God!!! And Jesus!

  4. Moriah says:

    It’s so humbling to be reminded of the violence and persecution that early Christians faced. It can be uncomfortable sometimes to stick to my personal values when they contradict what is popular, but I’m so thankful for the religious freedom we have in the US. I take it for granted too often. I am praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ in places like East Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East who remain committed to their faith in the face of persecution.

  5. CeeGee says:

    LEXI B, I am so glad those verses helped your anxious heart! My son is going through something similar at his job and I will definitely pray with you! God bless and strengthen you!

    MAURA, thank you

  6. LindaK says:

    As children of God we are to build ourselves up by remaining in Gods love, persisting in prayer, encouraging others with the help of the Holy Spirit, showing mercy to sinners. Just an observation, when I read later in the day, there is a whole other groups of She’s that you don’t see if you only read in the morning.

  7. Bridget Vaschak says:

    Ugh I just had a message typed and poof, it went away. lol I was talking about the tension of loving others as we are called to but having “mercy with fear, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh”. I am experiencing that tension. Anybody else?
    Sending you all ♥️

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    The reading today reminded me of the times we are living in right now. As believers we must hold true to the truth of God. We can’t allow the lies of the enemy to creep into our minds. I know it’s a daily battle for me to keep God’s truth at the center of my mind.

  9. Sky Hilton says:

    I think some of the things we can do to remain faithful to Jesus in times of trouble is running to him, no matter how much we don’t want to in the moment. When we go through difficult times, we like to not talk to Jesus at all, but I thinks that’s the time to run to Him (any time is the perfect time to run to Him). I think when that happens, and if we pray before we react, that’ll probably stop us from acting out or saying things that we will regret. I hope that all of you are doing great on this most beautiful day!

  10. Kristina says:

    How wonderful is Gods timing. Needed to read Jude today. With what is going on in our world, or at least in my corner of the world (I live near a Naval Base and Air Force Base). I am grateful to be able to open my Bible to Gods truth and see women seeking His word. Praying you all have a blessed day <3

  11. Makenzie Benish says:

    My MSG translation said “be tender with sinners, but not soft on sin.” Loved that! Leaning on the Holy Spirit that is able to keep me from stumbling.

  12. Victoria E says:

    Kathy Sites, this stood out to me too! It was literally leaping off the page! Thank you for sharing

  13. Adrienne says:

    Hi, sisters. Will you pray for us, please (regarding our son, Jon, and his herniated disk I’ve asked for prayer before)…

    Just saw a doc at KU. He recommended a microdiscectomy. Jon is asking our opinion… His dad/my hubby says go for it. Jon is like me, though, and researches things to death. It seems like this is the way to go b/c you don’t get specialist appts. as quickly as we did, and surgery would happen quickly and is an hour, outpatient thing. This was a second opinion. The first opinion and recommended approach was not working. Seems like it is meant to be, you know? Been praying to God that this is His will, and we aren’t taking the quickest/easiest way out just because it’s there, you know? Please keep us in your prayers.

  14. Krysta Orona says:

    I tend to forget to give God credit in outcomes and circumstances. My pride always rears its ugly head and I become boastful rather than giving glory to Jesus. Even through difficulties, I pray for Jesus to teach me to praise God and give him all the glory, honor, and blessing. For it to be instinctive and automatic.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Krysta !

  15. Mari V says:

    What can we do to remain faithful in Jesus in the midst of persecution? Remain in HIM. Not give up because He is faithful even when we are not. He promises to never leave or forsake us and I believe this promise!

  16. Lexi B says:

    CeeGee thank you for posting this version of Jude: “to those loved by God the Father, called and kept safe by Jesus Christ. Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!”The Message v. 1b-2. My heart is troubled and this helped my anxious heart.

    I am making a stand that could cost me my job down the road. I’m scared because I am a people pleaser, I don’t like to make waves and I want to stay under the radar. But I know if I continue choosing comfort, I’ll be giving up the best that God has for me. Please pray for me that I continue to stand strong in the weeks ahead and trust that God will take care of everything.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Lexi B I feel as though I could have written your response today. I am praying for you!

  17. Maura says:

    Good Morning Lovely Sisters, don’t you love all the instruction in Jude. Even in how it speaks of the ungodly it gives us instruction in my mind to stay away from or avoid these things. And it points to the only way to do so through Jesus. I really love this 24 Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of his glory, without blemish and with great joy, 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen.” He is able to keep us from falling and to help us stand. So Good. Sky Hilton, thank you for your prayer and comment indeed He is good. Praying for you as you love your Mom and Sis, that His joy, mercy and strength be evident to them and they feel His saving grace over them and Jesus draws them into Truth He is able and does more than we ask. CeeGee, great suggestions on ways to stand in faith and help kids find and stand in theirs. Thank you! Victoria E, praying for your little miracle for the present and the future, may God be praised. Joining your prayers for Afghanistan and Haiti. Had a message sent to me yesterday that there were 229 Missionaries there they were planning to execute and have been praying Jesus over them. Our world has so much going on that is pointing to end times it is so important we remember Who is our God and keep our eyes on Him. Revelations tomorrow is timing well. Dear Dorothy praying for your precious Finley and surgery. Lord God cover Finley with your protection, touch her little body and bring healing through this surgery, give wisdom to the doctors and let everything be seen and taken care of. In Jesus name Amen. Praying for Jake and Carol too, His love pursuing and over them. Hugs to your heart Dorothy may you feel His peace as you lay it all at His feet.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Maura! Thank you dear sister !

  18. Omorinsola Ajayi says:

    We are called to build each other up, pray in the Holy Spirit, and wait for the Lord’s mercy to come and give us eternal life. Jude emphasizes helping our fellow brothers and sisters because no one was made to do this alone.

  19. CeeGee says:

    “to those loved by God the Father, called and kept safe by Jesus Christ. Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!”The Message v. 1b-2.

  20. GramsieSue . says:

    Jude wrote about the battle against the forces of evil in this world. They claimed to belong to God but they were ungodly in their thinking and living. We should earnestly contend for the faith, speaking the truth in love and armed with spiritual weapons. We must know the word of God and have the courage to defend it. We must watch and pray. We must daily spend devotional time in the word-studying it to better understand what it teaches. If we don’t know the word we can’t discern between good and evil.hugs and prayers for all of you sisters today. ❤️

    1. Claire B says:

      How is your sister and your family. Had an incident here this week that reminded me of your family. Hope you are all healing and feel the prayers for peace.

    2. Victoria E says:

      GramsieSue you and your family were brought to kind during my prayers yesterday I hope you all are on the path to healing. Continues praises for your recovery from your SAH.

  21. Julie Roberson says:

    My heart has been heavy regarding all that is happening in this world but I think I have been given my “marching orders”- 22And have mercy on those who doubt; 21keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. 23save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh. 20But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,

  22. Maura says:

    Dear ERB, Your comment was first when I got to the comments this morning. God is so good to me. I have been back to work 2 days now and am so thankful. I am so blessed to work in a place where we all look out for our clients and I have such respect and love for those I work with that I am so glad to be back. My energy is still really low, whatever I had really knocked me down. So just thankful to have enough energy to make it through a whole 2 days. Please know I will be praying for you too my friend. WYour posts are always an encouragement to us/me. Listen to some good praise music today! And know our God is holding you. Hugs and Love.

  23. ERB says:

    Really enjoyed reading Jude and the connection with 1Timothy!! There is so much that God is speaking to… it reminds me of a quote:
    “In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act” -George Orwell
    ..God is the Truth and the Light!!! Let us stay in that. I am also reminded that we are IN this world, but not OF it!! Let us stay in fellowship with God and all His ways!!! A lot of prayers being said today… God, You have everything in Your hands and I TRUST You… Amen! ❤️

  24. ERB says:

    MAURA, dear friend, I am doing well. Have been resting a lot, but have also had some energy to do things as well, which is a huge answer to prayer!! How about you? I am still praying with you!!! Lots of love to you and to all my dear sisters!!

  25. Taylor says:

    Loved 1 Timothy 6:11 as well! “But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.” Lord protect me from stumbling and keep my eyes solely fixed on You and Your plan for me!

  26. SarahJoy says:

    So many good comments!

    May we continually seek God that He will keep us in the true faith and provide what we need to encourage those around us.

  27. Aimee DiCicco-Ruhl says:

    Help me to have and walk in steadfqst faith in this fallen world. Amen

  28. H says:

    I recently read Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering your children to challenge cultural lies. I highly recommend it. I think recognizing the truth from a lie in our culture and then standing firm in our faith is so important. Also, making the most of every opportunity to stand up for Jesus, at the playground, at work, at school etc.. even if it’s awkward.

  29. Danielle says:

    We are to build ourselves up in the faith and pray. If we are to build ourselves up in the faith then we need to be doing this before persecution, so when it comes we can cling to our faith and call out to the Holy Spirit. By doing this before the trials your mind and heart will be ready as we were preparing it for such a time. It also states to remain in God’s love. The daily verse devotional on youversion today states God’s love gives us confidence and if we are being persecuted we will need the confidence that comes from God because it is unshakable.

  30. Debbie PursuedbyHim says:

    What can we do to remain faithful?
    “Be merciful to those who doubt;
    Save others by snatching them from the fire;
    To others show mercy, mixed with fear – hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.”

  31. Jennifer Wing says:

    Interesting that the heresy was around not staying inside proper authority (maybe speaking for God?) and grumbling/malcontent. God’s people were called to pray in the Spirit and be built up in the faith.

  32. Melanie says:

    I don’t think I have ever read Jude. It was good. Dealing with division right now so going to keep reading for clarity. Praying for my healing and to find sweet sleep. Xoxo

  33. Kelly says:

    1. Being on guard against those who “create divisions and are worldly, not having the Spirit” is a huge way we can remain faithful to Jesus and build His kingdom. This does not mean excusing sin or falling into heresy/error, but keeping unity (not uniformity) in Christ’s Body is to remain faithful to Jesus’ call to love. By building ourselves up in our faith as we pray we keep ourselves in the love of God. Then we can “have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire.”
    2. Thank You, Jesus that it is You who protects me from stumbling and enables me to stand in the presence of Your glory, without blemish and with great joy!

    1. Rea Queen says:

      Love your comments! Thinking much the same as you most days! Ha!

  34. Blessed Beth says:

    We must not get wrapped up in the negativity of our world we must stand tall and walk away from it. God is so faithful to us so we must be to him.

  35. Kathy Sites says:

    “Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”
    ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬

    This stood out to me today…we have to fight for our faith and that looks very different for each one of us. And maybe it stood out because I had just heard Rend Collective’s new song “Coming Out Fighting”. I linked to the lyric video below…Prayers of hope and love go out to the things happening across the seas and in the islands. Prayers for us here at home…for our military and all of our health workers here and abroad. May the Lord Bless you and Keep you. May His face shine upon you…


  36. Arina says:

    We need God to remain faithful. He is able to protect us from stumbling. Through Him, we can stand in His presence as blameless people, with great joy. It is only Him. He is our Saviour, Jesus Christ is our Lord. His is the glory, the majesty, power, and authority. Before time begun, now, and forever. Amen.