Day 24

Judas Iscariot

Matthew 10:1-4, Luke 22:1-6, Matthew 26:17-25, John 13:2-29, Matthew 26:47-50, Matthew 27:3-10, Romans 2:5-8

BY Ellen L. Taylor

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you love? I know I have. And I’ve been on the other side, too. Betrayal seems to be woven into the thread of humanity after the fall; we disappoint others and turn our backs on them, and they do the same to us. Oftentimes apologies and reconciliation follow, but sometimes the cut is just too deep to heal without an ugly, nasty scar on the relationship.

Judas and Jesus were friends. Judas was one of Jesus’s twelve disciples, the group of men who traveled around with Him as He taught and preached. These disciples had great responsibility—they were chosen by Jesus to be fishers of men, to be by His side as He worked to spread the good news. They were even with Jesus during His last days on earth.

The story of Judas betraying Jesus is familiar to me. I heard it all the time growing up, particularly around Easter time while studying the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Wicked Judas, betraying his Teacher for thirty pieces of silver. There are a couple of things that prick my heart every time I read this story. The first is that Judas tells the chief priests that the one he kisses is the person to arrest. A kiss, a sign of affection, turned on its head and used for unspeakable means. And even more poignant is that in the midst of betrayal, Jesus calls Judas “friend” (Matthew 26:50). Jesus knew exactly what Judas was there to do—He even hinted at it during the Last Supper in the upper room (vv.20–25). Jesus knew He would be betrayed, and He knew Judas was going to do it.

These two things—the kiss and the use of the word “friend” to describe Judas—communicate to the reader that Jesus was being betrayed by someone who He’d been in relationship with. Jesus’s disciples saw Him in some of His darkest moments on earth. They were with Him when He went to raise Lazarus from the dead (John 11:11–16) and when He ate His last meal (Matthew 26:26–35). Friendship is an intimate, sacred thing, but in the end, Judas betrayed his friend.

And when Judas led the chief priests and elders to Jesus, greeting Him with a kiss and setting His arrest into motion, that is how Jesus addressed him:

“Friend,” Jesus asked him, “why have you come?” (Matthew 26:50).

Jesus knew exactly why Judas had come, yet He called Judas “friend”—perhaps giving him a chance to choose differently, to choose reconciliation instead of betrayal, though we may never really know. What we do know is that the character of Jesus does not change (Hebrews 13:8). And while you and I and all of humanity were still sinners and enemies of God—that is when Jesus died for us (Romans 5:8–10).

He died for our reconciliation to God. He died to bring us into a right and lasting relationship with the Father, so that we could be called “friends” of God (John 15:15).

Post Comments (66)

66 thoughts on "Judas Iscariot"

  1. Michelle L.Chaney says:

    Because we know that Jesus could have gotten down off the cross and that he, in fact, decided to died to save all of us, we could safely assume that He did not call Judas ‘friend’ to give him a chance to make a different decision.

  2. Jessica Miller says:

    How many times have I traded Jesus for something much less than silver: temporary approval of others, momentary ease and pleasure for myself that gets me nowhere, etc. Living in his presence and in his will is the best possible place for me to be. I pray that His spirit would remind me of this everyday.

    1. Suzie McRae says:


    2. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Thank you for sharing! I have never thought of it that way before.

    3. Alicia McCann says:

      So powerful, thanks for sharing this!

  3. Stoney Matthews says:

    I always struggle when I read “and Satan entered him” regarding Judas. It’s written in more than one book, so it must be significant.

    It makes me think, “how often does Satan enter us?”

    Does it happen often?
    Is that part of the internal struggle?
    Did Judas even stand a chance to fight again the betrayal? Or was it all “part of the plan end the end??”

    Because I believe we have free-will.
    That God always makes a path for us to choose Him and the “right way.” But in this instance, it almost doesn’t seem so.

    Something nags at the back of my brain that this was going to happen no matter what. That’s a really crummy thought/feeling. And the remorse Judas had … almost like when Satan had left him … it cost him his life. It’s heartbreaking.

    I know so many think “HE WAS ONE OF THE 12!!! Jesus CHOSE him!” But clearly we must all guard our hearts, minds, ears and eyes … ask God for His protection and wisdom …because this must be something that can happen to all.

  4. Emily Guerra says:

    Some really good food for thought regarding Judas and his betrayal of Jesus as well as satan entering Judas.

    1. Amanda Bier says:

      Thank you so much for this link! It’s a very interesting read!

  5. Laurie Crary says:

    It says, “Friends of God.

  6. Kim says:

    “friends” of God (John 15:15).

  7. Patricia Seaton says:

    Is anyone else having trouble with the app cutting off the last word(s) of the text by the final image? I would especially like to know what the last words for today are, “that we should be called…(here’s where it cuts off).”
    Blessed? Children of God? Forgiven? All are good, but I would like to know how the author concludes. This problem happens frequently, unfortunately.

    1. Candi Salenieks says:

      It says, “that we should be called friends of God.” Definitely worth knowing! :)

  8. BrittKay says:

    I’m a day behind and this is my very first comment, but I just wanted to thank you ladies for your vulnerability and discipleship here on SRT. I look forward to reading your comments everyday and have been for a while now. I pray for those that ask for pray request and honor the faith you have in Jesus. You all are such a light in this world. Keep shining!

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