Day 29

Judah’s King Jehoshaphat

2 Chronicles 17:1-19, 2 Chronicles 18:1-34, Psalm 33:16-22

BY Bailey T. Hurley

During a middle school slumber party, my friends and I were giggling and talking when the conversation took a dip. The girls from my school began to talk about another girl who wasn’t at the party. I could tell the tone and the laughter had shifted, and one of my Christian friends boldly stood up and said, “Hey, we aren’t going to gossip. It isn’t right. Now, let’s go upstairs and get ice cream.” The room was quiet, and then each girl bounced upstairs one by one and took their cue to quit the mean talk. 

My friend modeled following God’s good ways instead of culture’s norms. In any other situation, middle school girls talking behind their friend’s backs is completely acceptable. But my friend knew God was not pleased and stood up for what was right. It left an impression on me. 

Reading about how King Jehoshaphat starts out in today’s story leaves a similar impression.

He did not seek the Baals but sought the God of his father and walked by his commands, not according to the practices of Israel.—2 Chronicles 17:3–4 

Despite the whole of his story, we do see a glimpse of character when Jehoshaphat meets King Ahab. King Ahab was arrogant and selfish. He wanted victory over Ramoth-Gilead and asked his ally Jehoshaphat to help him defeat them. But Jehoshaphat wanted to seek God’s counsel first. Ahab didn’t like what God said and moved forward to attack. 

But look, the LORD keeps his eye on those who fear him—those who depend on his faithful love to rescue them from death….We wait for the Lord; he is our help and shield.—Psalm 33:18–20

Living counter-culturally takes trust in the Lord over seeking the approval of people. I struggle with being bombarded with messages from the world, and it’s hard not to replace truth with a commercialized version of “the good life.” I want neighbors to like me and co-workers to respect me, but at what cost? I felt convicted reading this, and maybe you do too. I pray we turn to God and confess that we want to fear Him and obey Him—even when we may lose the world, we can find life in Him. 

Post Comments (34)

34 thoughts on "Judah’s King Jehoshaphat"

  1. Claire B says:


  2. Amy R. says:

    @Taylor, love your conviction on your dating life. I can speak from the experience of someone who married a man who did not follow Jesus and it did not end well. I pray I can follow your conviction and not “settle” again

  3. Gwineth52 says:

    Oh My Dear Kelly R
    Abundant Prayer & Steadfast Love
    Encompassing Every Effort in the Overall Situation for Your Elderly Parents

    You & your siblings are indeed challenged…as many of us have, are, will be…handling the affairs & fortunes of aging/ailing parents, grandparents or other loved ones. Often in a rush & wave of the expected/unexpected!
    Where & how they will live. What possessions to take with them to new homes, and what gets left behind. The hard work. The tough decisions. The heartbreak. The nostalgia. The fatigue. The sadness. Yet the necessity of carrying on & completing the myriad tasks. The Exertion. The exhaustion. But God is still great within you!
    I hear your love & love that you want to help the “finish their work well”. (Note to Shes: Please listen to week 5 podcast guest, Kristie Anyabwile, talk about this notion!). And I love your brother for saying “it’s time for triage”. And I totally admire the way you & your siblings are stepping up to the mound & striving to act in one accord. And I feel certain, seeking & listening & walking in faith.
    Pace yourselves. Find Peace. Let Love be ever the Last Word.
    Beautiful Blessings

  4. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    What struck me is how Jehoshaphat sought God and His will during the difficult times but when it came to what he thought were no-brainer decisions he didn’t seek God’s counsel first. How often do I do the same thing? I am grateful to be reminded today that I need to seek God in every situation, not just the difficult ones. He wants to be Lord over all of my life not just when I am in a bind.

    I trust that everyone has had a good day. I will be headed into work soon, as I work the night shift. Blessings to all of you, sisters. I am keeping your requests in prayer. 

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that I would put my trust in the Lord, not in myself or worldly wisdom.

  6. Dorothy says:

    I admire King Jehoshaphat for standing up to King Ahab and sticking with his principles and following God. Jehoshaphat wanted to hear ALL of what Ahab’s prophets had to say. Jehoshaphat stuck to his beliefs and in the end he lived and Ahab died.
    Bailey’s last few words — “even when we may lose the world, we can find life in Him.” — really spoke to me today. How often do I worry more about what the world around me thinks then what God thinks? I need to change that.
    Christ Jesus You died so I might have eternal life yet I take it for granite, help me to rely on You and God more for what I need instead of the world. Amen.
    Be blessed and look to God, Christ and Holy Spirit for your needs first then seek out the world around you sisters.

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning and great reading…“jumpin Jehoshaphat!”

    @Rebecca W.- lol. My husband, when I read the title for today, said his father you to say that term- “Judah’s King Jehoshaphat” when he would want to swear! Too funny! I’m going to say it so I can remember the wisdom gleaned from today’s scripture!
    I do remember you talking about your daughter and know it would have to be a great struggle for you, but I like the way that you love them while letting them know it is not what you agree with. I mean….my son lives with his girlfriend…and that is not what God (or I) would want, but it is accepted completely by society today. And I also have a step-brother that is gay. Hope your son is doing better. Prayers for ALL our wayward children! (love you!)

    @Taylor- We love walking your journey with you and keep that outlook girl! Boy would that have saved me SO much struggle!! I knew by my second marriage I wanted, needed- a man that would go to church and love God with me….and they will easily agree to that in the beginning, but you need to be sure it is ALREADY apparent in their life! (Of course, I was not so astute in my own priorities and quickly jumped in thinking naively that it would magically happen!) Divorce two years later, with a two year old! So lots of struggle, SO KNOW you ARE SO ON PAR in letting God do this in his timing!! And of course this is for all our young singles…
    @Kimberly Z and @Michelle Patire

    Thanks for all the good wisdom on these passages, I was quite confused with what to get from it!

    I had a great day at church yesterday! It was the first day of getting out of the house with my broken foot..and I had a friend pick me up that serves all 3 services so I could as well!! I wanted (needed) to be in God’s house, with all my Sisters (dear friends) and Brothers, and sing and praise, talk, eat, greet, sing some more, pray…repeat! What a blessed time! Lots of praying over me! God is So So Good!! Of course I am super sore EVERYWHERE today! I go see the Orthopedic tomorrow! OH, and the service was on PAIN!! How timely-Eh?!! Stopping in the pain…and waiting. Just like when Mary and Martha called for Jesus when Lazarus was sick, then “Jesus waited where he was 2 days.” “He wept.” Then after Lazarus was dead (with a stinky body…says Martha!) (eye roll from Jesus)..Mary knows she can TRUST Jesus. Perfect for my Pain Group!

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Monday! Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. – Psalms 33:22 what a great reminder today! I too get sucked into gossip I won’t lie and turning away from that can be hard! I work with mostly all women and it’s easy to just let things spiral. @Taylor I agree with you dating guys who believe in and love Jesus! I used to think it would be fine and that I could change them but you truly can’t change anybody and at the end of the day I want somebody who decided to love Jesus before he loves me.

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