Day 17

Jonah’s Prayer

Jonah 2:1-10, Psalm 88:4-5, Hebrews 4:16

BY Kaitlin Wernet

Scripture Reading: Jonah 2:1-10, Psalm 88:4-5, Hebrews 4:16

If you had to choose a ride at Disney World to be stranded on, which would it be?

Of course, the resounding answer is none, but if you really had to pick, would you choose one that didn’t go upside down? Would you pick your favorite? Maybe you’d go with one that at least overlooks a pretty view. My guess is you wouldn’t pick The Haunted Mansion, filled with ghosts and zombies and who-knows-what around the corner—the name speaks for itself.

Yet, speaking from experience, I’d give it five out of five stars. I would definitely recommend getting stuck on The Haunted Mansion. Because, here’s the thing: Florida is eleventy-billion degrees every single day of the year. The Haunted Mansion is dark. The seats recline. It is air conditioned. In fact, I think the best nap of my life happened on those plastic seats when the ride shut down unexpectedly. But if you’d told me this before I buckled my seatbelt, I never would have agreed to get on the ride.

I bet if Jonah had known beforehand that he would get swallowed by a fish, he never would have stepped foot on that boat. Many of the places God brings us to are ones we would never choose for ourselves. But that is the point: When we stop trying to find ourselves, we can see that we’ve already been found.

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer said, “In every generation, the people who have found God have been those who have come to the end of themselves. Recognizing their hopelessness, they have been ready to throw themselves on the mercy and grace of a forgiving God.”

This is why Jonah’s prayer is so surprising to us: it doesn’t sound like Jonah. He hasn’t shown interest in obeying God up until this point, and although he didn’t drown, things aren’t looking especially bright for him. But when stripped of the stories he’s told himself, he sees clearly: Death is not the worst-case scenario; life without God is.

This is what grace and mercy sound like in the face of death:

“Then you raised my life from the Pit, Lord my God!
As my life was fading away,
I remembered the Lord,
and my prayer came to you,
to your holy temple” (Jonah 2:6-7).

Of course, we don’t want to walk through storms and sit in darkness and sleep in the underbelly. But what if we remembered these are the places where grace usually meets us? Sometimes grace is messy and dark. Sometimes mercy is painful and scary. God does not need perfect circumstances to bring us closer to Him. In fact, it’s usually the opposite.

Let’s not overlook that Jonah thanks God for raising his life from the pit while he is still in it. May we do the same today, allowing grace to meet us and mercy to surprise us. We can trust that even as we cry out to God in our distress, He is faithful to answer our call (Jonah 2:2). Thanks be to God.

Post Comments (68)

68 thoughts on "Jonah’s Prayer"

  1. Seirena says:

    So thankful for this devotion today. My twin sister (29 yrs old) has been struggling with pain throughout her body for a long 14 months with no answers. She has seen many DRs and none to give her answers. She amazes me that everyday she keeps trying and putting one foot in front of the other. Her pain seems like a whale of a problem but so glad for the reminder that DR Jesus is still in control! Even in the storms of our lives He’s still there to extend grace and mercy and to hear our cry. Would you dear sisters please pray for my twin sister!! Her name is Sydeena and she is in great need of healing! Thank you all!

    1. Mari says:

      I’m on my lunch break re reading this devotion. Will pray for Sydeena right now.

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Seirena, thank you for sharing this. We are lifting up your sister Sydeena in prayer today, and asking God to give her comfort, peace and healing. So glad to have you here reading along with us. <3 - Abby, The SRT Team

    3. Barbara says:

      I can identify with Sydeena as a twin and in the area of pain.Each day is a challenge.My prayer is for Sydeena is for complete healing,

      1. Seirena says:

        Thank you so very much!! My heart rejoices in knowing I can ask for prayer and that God hears each of us!!! Thank you all!❤️

    4. Allecia says:

      Something to try since help from doctors isn’t working – eliminate all wheat for a couple of weeks. A fascinating book by a cardiologist on the effects of wheat, search for Wheat Belly, author William Davis.

  2. Micahlee says:

    I may be on a mountain right now in my life, but I am glad for these reminders which keep me turning back to God and being humble

  3. Emily Grace says:

    Today’s reading was for me. Brought tears to my eyes ❤️

  4. Caroline says:

    So good! I love that the trials and the waiting seasons are what bring us closer to him <3 They are so worth it and I'm so thankful for each and every one!

  5. Kelly says:

    Such a great reminder that God has bigger plans for us than we have for ourselves! Sometimes singleness feels like a pit, especially as I find I have fewer and fewer friends to share it with. God doesn’t promise I’ll get married, but he will deliver me from feeling anxious, lonely, and forgotten because I pin my hopes on a relationship and not on him. Praying for you all who find yourselves in your own pits today – may you find a way to enjoy the Haunted Mansion!

    1. Kristin Erickson says:

      I’m right there with you sister! I am 33 and single, and my friends and family are all getting married and having babies. It is definitely challenging to keep trusting and looking to Jesus. Singleness can be a lonely road. Praying for you!

      1. Kelly says:

        Thanks Kristin! Praying for you too.

    2. Emily says:

      Hi Kelly,
      Singleness can feel kinda scary. There are many moments we say ” what about me God?”. Something I learned today was how God hears us. God hears you Kelly. He’s listening. As a good Father, He is attentive to our cries even when we feel like theres no real solution. i mean, look at Jonah.. God heard him from the belly of a whale!
      God has a huge plan for you, and He is the author of the story of your life. Keep looking to the Son, and knowing that you are so crazy loved by Him. He wants to meet you where you are and He is your true Bridegroom.

  6. Mari says:

    No whale of a problem is too big for Him. Thank you Churchmouse that. My alarm was set too early this morning by accident. But there are no accidents. I had awoken earlier with a bad headache and wanted to sleep more .
    So glad I decided to start my devotions. I too along with the rest of you this morning am comforted that I’m not alone. Things seem to be getting worse. My heart and mind are heavy. Need to talk to my counseling pastor about some heavy stuff today. I wish this was over.

    1. Dawn says:

      Oh dear Mary, I’m praying for you. That God’s peace will lighten that heavy heart. ♡hugs

      1. Mari says:

        Thank you Dawn.

    2. Gina says:

      Praying that you will remember that underneath you are the everlasting arms of God. Never alone!

      1. Mari says:

        Thank you Gina.

    3. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Mari, we are praying for you today – for encouragement and support as you walk through these things. And yes, we would definitely encourage you to connect with your local pastor and find support in your local church and community. It can make such a difference! So glad to have you as a part of this community. <3 - Abby, The SRT Team

  7. Daniela says:

    The book of Jonah is actually my favorite one, not only because it has an amazing lesson and direct and concise, but also because I identify with Jonah a lot, in terms of personality. He is very stubborn, just as I am, but I love seeing that Jehovah Lord is so patient with him, knowing that behind that stubbornness is a very good and spiritual heart. That comforts me so very much, because I neglected and ran away from God during my teens up until I was in my darkest year, where I felt a nuisance and had 0 confidence in myself, but Jehovah NEVER forgets me. Everytime I get more sad or those anxiety, self doubting feelings pull me down in the water, he just keeps pulling me into the surface.
    Everytime I read Jonah I just cry. It’s comforting seeing how you are given second chances, and how God is so patient and kind and loving. That we are never forgotten.

  8. Christina D. says:

    Right now I am in a pit of sorts from physical pain/discomfort and depression/anxiety set off by that. I am pregnant and even just reading Lindsey’s comment feel a sense of guilt as so far the pregnancy is healthy. But never in my life have I struggled so deeply with depression or feeling as though I’m actually sinking and surrounded by darkness. I think I understand a tiny bit more about “Sheol” during this season. In the midst of this the Lord has graciously, so graciously, extended His mercy and I feel his presence as I reach to him with weak and eager hands every day to lift me up and carry me during this season. His grace is sufficient, apparent, and present as it sustains me during this season. But I will be honest, even though I know this I still am struggling with feeling angry that I have to be in the pit to get to that place with Him. I feel angry at myself for knowing that during the dark times I rely on Him as I should all the time. I feel angry at God that I am experiencing this and that I feel so sad during a time that brings joy to so many (and of course the accompanying feelings of guilt about that). I see the complete surrender in Paul as he talks about the thorn that he asked God to remove but accepted and even boasts about the weakness and thus he is content. I feel like I am partly there…I have been able to honestly and whole heartedly share with others how the Lord is sustaining me right now and my reliance is on Him. But contentment? No. I’m not there. I’ve told a few friends I feel immature and lacking that I’m not in the place where I can contentedly say I am ok with this. I don’t like the way I feel and I just want it to go away. Just asking God to help me truly accept my position in this season and somehow, some way, lead me to contentment. Maybe contentment during this season just doesn’t look how I expect it to. Thanks to anyone who endured reading my long comment!

    1. Rebecca says:

      I too have suffered from depression and only by trusting in God every single minute have I made it through. My heart is heavy for you because I know what you are going through. But even when you don’t have the strength to reach out to God, He is holding on to you, carrying you on His shoulders, clearing a way for your future. Breathe Him in and let Him comfort you.

    2. Dawn says:

      It have me comfort, although I discovered it after I had already gone through it that our bodies go through some serious hormonal changes during pregnancy. Who knew? I once heard a female doctors interview say that a woman has more hormones surge through her body during the nine months of pregnancy then in a normal lifetime. The surprise me greatly and I wish that somebody had told me at the age of 22 when I was experiencing my first pregnancy. Give yourself room to breathe in this. God is with you and will be with you through this. It is not your fault nor is it God’s fault but it is the way our human bodies are made and he knows all too well how we suffer in these frail bodies at times. It has helped me over the course of my 45 years to write and put my thoughts down on page. Penning them out as prayer. Find comfort in his word and know that others are praying with you. Much love♡

    3. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Christina, thank you so much for being willing to share with us. We will be praying for you as you walk through this season, and for healing, comfort and encouragement throughout your pregnancy. If you haven’t already, we would also encourage you to seek out a pastor, counselor or trusted mentor who can walk with you through this. Having support in your local community or church can really make all the difference. So glad to have you as a part of this community. <3 - Abby, The SRT Team

    4. Kailee says:

      Oh, sister!! I could have written this myself! I’m 37 weeks pregnant and this pregnancy has been full of hormone induced depression, hopelessness, anxiety ( currently laying in bed battling a severe panic attack), defeat and guilt. Praying for us both.

      1. Christina D. says:

        Oh Kailee I’m praying for you too. I know better than to tell you it’s “almost over” when one day can feel like an ETERNITY. Thank you for responding…even though it doesn’t take it away, knowing I’m not the only person going through this makes me feel even a tiny bit less lonely. Praying your remaining days move somehow quickly and somehow peacefully. You’re not alone either and I will continue to pray for you not only for the next few weeks but beyond as well. Thankful for your post today, friend.

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