Day 33

Jesus’s Final Invitation

from the John reading plan

John 21:1-25, Hebrews 2:17-18, 1 Peter 5:1-4

BY Tameshia Williams

The Gospel of John reveals some of Peter’s greatest missteps and moments of weakness, from a failed water-walking attempt to cutting off a man’s ear. His darkest moment came when he denied being Jesus’s disciple. But for all of his fumbles and failures, Jesus never rejected Peter, even after Peter’s vehement rebuttal. It’s clear in John 21 that the relationship between Master and disciple is restored.

It’s an early morning of breakfast and conversation, seaside. Three times Jesus questions Peter’s love for Him, echoing Peter’s trilogy of denials in the previous chapter. Jesus’s responses involve calling Peter to care for His sheep, for His Church. It’s a redemptive moment for us, as we see that Peter has been forgiven and included in Jesus’s plans for His kingdom.

Jesus also reveals a hard truth: Peter’s future martyrdom. We shouldn’t see this as a punishment for earlier mistakes, since Jesus doesn’t give any indication of this. Neither does He elaborate on the details or even the time frame regarding the end of Peter’s life. Instead, He issues both an invitation and a command. 

“Follow me.” —John 21:19

Jesus places how Peter will die in the context of how he should live. “Follow me.” This two-word sentence is the driving theme of Jesus’s directives to Peter. When we reflect on the conversation in whole, we are reminded of what it means to say yes to Him. The call to follow Jesus is a commitment to discipleship, a commitment to live out the gospel in a world that is opposed to the message of hope. 

“Follow me.” Jesus’s instruction to Peter isn’t just a one-time action. In the original Greek reading, the phrase carries the meaning of repeated action. Each day that we live is an opportunity to embrace the invitation to follow Jesus, to love Him deeply, and to serve Him wholeheartedly.  

Perhaps when reading John 21, the revelation of Peter’s death alarms us, maybe even disturbs us. Jesus refuses to shield us from the truth. As His disciples, we will encounter hard seasons and challenging times, often. But whatever interval of life we go through, we submit to His will. Jesus knows from experience what opposition, what pain, what grief feels like. And “as our merciful and faithful high priest” (Hebrews 2:17), He is with us, infusing us with the strength to endure all that we face. 

Other Scriptures, including Peter’s writings, reveal to us that Peter remained faithful to Jesus’s call to “shepherd my sheep” (John 21:16). Echoing Jesus’s words, Peter encouraged other leaders to “shepherd God’s flock” (1Peter 5:2), overseeing God’s people with care and compassion. 

We may not all hold a formal leadership title. But as members of God’s flock, He has commissioned each of us to follow Him, to carry out whatever He has entrusted to us. And Peter promises that when our chief Shepherd returns for us, He will reward our faithfulness (1Peter 5:4). 

Post Comments (47)

47 thoughts on "Jesus’s Final Invitation"

  1. Abbie Monjure says:

    How often grief has come up over the past couple of days. Showing us that God is the light at the end of the tunnel after a lot of us have lost and grieved over these passed two years!

  2. Anne S says:

    I love the emphasis on the repeated action in “follow me.” It is a daily decision to follow Jesus in our hearts, with our words, and by our actions. Thank you for this reminder!

  3. Sky Hilton says:

    “Having been tested through suffering, he is able to help those who are tested.”

    This verse comforts me so much because we often ask why we go through sufferings. Well, in the bible it answers because it allows us to grow our faith and persevere through it… but to also help others. It’s not about us all the time. We need to help others to see that god is with them all the time in their suffering.

    Also, I love how Jesus defended Peter! Wow! Jesus loves us so much.. so much more than what we deserve. He is amazing!

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    The Commission by Cain is also one of my favorite songs! So beautiful but the video along with it is so touching. Go youtube it now! lol

    I have been so, so blessed by this study! It seems I get closer and closer to my Saviour through them all!! SRT, the She’s, and the podcasts are life-changing and I know you all cherish them as well. I feel like I have a new kinship with John as well. What a special, God-chosen disciple. (the one whom Jesus loved, and fastest (haha))

  5. Churchmouse says:

    There could be no greater eulogy given about me than “Jesus called her name and she followed.” This is the only accomplishment that is worth mentioning. One sentence. Remember me as all in for Jesus.

  6. Gwineth52 says:

    My sister Shes…so many sweet moments in Tameshia’s devotional & your comments. My journal is peppered in notes. Most lovely for me is how quite simply & humanly Jesus had prepared breakfast for the disciples, in advance, even before their feet & nets hit the shore. Nourishing their bodies. Feeding their souls. To strengthen & keep them for the “heavy lifting”ahead. Making me remember warm & tender moments when someone who loved me offered a steamy mug of coffee or yet a hot from the oven chocolate chip cookie!!, when I needed care & comfort during vulnerable, bruised, lonely times. Sitting with me & encouraging me & reminding me that our God is ever present & always at work. Jesus entrusted the disciples with His mission. Empowered them to carry forth the Good Works. Believing in His supply & truth through the Holy Spirit. Renewed & Focused. For the certain difficulties & dangers. Looking not left or right (Peter’s purpose; John’s importance). Following the plans the Lord has for each of us. Thanks be to God.

  7. Beth Wieser says:

    I’ve been reading through these studies faithfully for 10 months. Before that if I read 2 days a week I thought I was killing it. My whole world fell apart 10 months ago and everything I held dear seemed to fade. I turned and ran hard and fast to Jesus. HE is the reason I am breathing…even smiling typing this. The storms are still all around me and overwhelming me at times…but my savior is in the storm with me. I’ve loved the podcasts and devos but even more I love Gods word!

  8. Victoria E says:

    Taylor, praying for your procedure today and for God’s provision. Maria Baer, praying for your family. GramsieSue, praying for you and Steve. Brooke P, praying for you and baby ❤️❤️. I’m so glad for this study, I read John last summer but got many different things out of it this time. Thank you for your comments and prayers. If I can request prayers for continued healthy pregnancy (we are 33+1 today by God’s grace!!) and delivery, as well as God’s wisdom and direction on career choices and potentially moving back East to be closer to family. Thank you all so much.

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