Jesus understood the assignment. He was sent to establish an eternal and other-worldly kingdom.
When the Jewish officials, accompanied by Roman soldiers, went searching for Him, He didn’t run or hide His identity. Instead, He went to a place where He knew Judas would easily find Him. And when asked if He was Jesus of Nazareth, He calmly and decisively responded, “I am he” (John 18:5–6). When the high priest’s official slapped Him, Jesus didn’t take back His breath from his lungs. He let him live. He understood the assignment wasn’t to flex (assert) His identity, but instead to ready His human body to be rendered breathless on a cross.
As He explained to Pilate, His kingdom was not of this world. His assignment did not include bringing Israel political power. If it was, He along with His servants would fight (v.36).
You know who didn’t understand this assignment, though?
Peter was never down with Christ’s crucifixion plan (Matthew 16:21–23, Mark 8:31–33). He envisioned Christ’s kingdom being quite different—victorious in earthly power, and definitely not taking slaps in the face. He thought Christ’s kingdom was of this world, which is why he grabbed his sword when Judas and the cavalry came to arrest Jesus Christ.
Anybody like Peter? I know I am. I’m not down for the crucifixion plan either. Especially if it involves my crucifixion. “Jesus, you can die, but I don’t want to.” I want comfort. I want Jesus’s kingdom to be of this world. It would just make my life easier, you know?
When I initially said “yes” to following Jesus, I envisioned a future that came with certain advantages—answered prayers, a husband by thirty, financial security, thriving ministry. However, many of my prayers have gone unanswered, I’m thirty-six and still single, my financial security ebbs and flows, and ministry is simultaneously hard and beautiful. It’s not what I thought.
We all, like Peter, have preconceived ideas about what the kingdom of God should feel and look like. And when it appears in a form we did not imagine, we can grab our swords to protest how the kingdom of God is showing up in our lives in the form of suffering, unmet desires, and death to self. We can also, out of fear of social or physical persecution, deny our association with Christ by creating distance between us and His Church.
Our desire for an earthly kingdom results from a preoccupation with what Jesus refers to as human concerns. Our willingness to fight for the world’s definition of the “good life” and deny Christ to avoid the suffering that comes with following Him is the result of not understanding our assignment to live for a kingdom that is not of this world.
Therefore, “seek the things above, where Christ is…set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:1–2).

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67 thoughts on "Jesus Testifies About His Kingdom"
Something to be constantly reminded of! Blessings
Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability.
@Churchmouse…AMEN. I, too, will trust in what the Father has planned for me in 2022. He is, and always has been, so good!
God knew I needed to be reminded of this today and every day. Thank you Lord for your word.
This was so good for me! I am in the middle of some changes and opportunities but discerning what is God’s perfect will even if it doesn’t make sense in the worldly sense has been tearing me apart. I know I must trust His guidance, and lean not on my (or anyone else’s!) understanding!
Loved this as always Churchmouse. 2022 hasn’t started out all that great either!
Oof! I needed this reading. So on point.
Thank you for your prayers, Searching ❤️
Thank you Angie for your prayers ❤️ thank you for you posts, too. I always come away with a new perspective or tidbit from your posts.
Thank you Angie for your prayers ❤️ thank you for you posts, too. I always come away with a new lottle
@Traci Gender I found that by having a radio playing Klove or other Christian station non-stop in a primary spot in your house (kitchen) it brings your attention back to praise and positive stories throughout the day, and of course in the car. At night, I now have pretty much traded in the reality and popular shows for only Godly shows/Christian stations. I have found that over the years this keeps me grounded in my faith. Otherwise, you are right, it seems we get lost in mindless business all day. I also take my earpods when I’m out and about and listen to Christian podcasts such as SRT weekly podcasts! Hope this gives you some ideas. I also like how other members of the household inevitably listen as well! I catch my hubby singing along.
I want to seek Jesus more. I give my time in prayer and study; and then seem to go about my business with earthly matters. How do we find the balance?
My heart grieves for what Christ went through, knowingly. Would I have been like Peter? I’m guessing, yes. I’m not proud of that. But I couldn’t be more grateful for the love of Christ. To have SRT to bring me into the Word everyday.
MARI – praying
I had to play catch up and read yesterday and today’s readings. We are to remember to give God glory no matter where we are in life. I felt a tug about only giving God lip service when I worship and not going out to do more. Today, I read how the Pharisees were very much hypocrites in the way they went about arresting Jesus but refused to go in the Governor’s headquarters so they could still have Passover. Oh, how I can be like the Pharisees and be a hypocrite too.
Abby D, I agree with you, what an upside down world that we grieve the cost of our salvation. My heart aches, I struggle with my unworthiness in all of it. I often need to stop my lament and bring this back into focus by with a reminder that I am rejoicing a RISEN Savior, not a dead one. So as we push through the chapter 19 we become acutely aware of the suffering, followed by the chapter of His glorious resurrection. I have been reading this for over 50 years, and yes you are right, we grow closer to Him with every devotional, every scripture reading and every prayer. Blessings to you, j
The ESV footnote says “or insurrectionist”. He must have been opposed to the Romans somehow? Revolutionary would be similar to insurrectionist.
Praying for you, GRAMSIE SUE & LARA! May the Lord bless and keep you and shine a light on your various paths. I’m joining a new women’s Bible study tonight and I’m a bit nervous. Would you pray that that I can let down my guard and learn and grow with these women? Thank you SHES.
Week 4 podcast in John featured Vaneetha Rendall Risner, author & blogger, who speaks & writes plainly about profound loss & redemption. Her personal website address appears in the show notes. I invite you to listen. Especially as we reach the foretold closing chapters in John. Vaneetha tells Amanda what a close friend told her (as metaphor & witness) during very hard & hurtful times. Words with the promise to reshape grief & longing. “Hold on. Easter is Coming!” A resounding YES dear Shes. Thanks be to God.
My sister-in-law Tammie is fighting for her life. The battle came out of nowhere. She has been sedated for an entire week, but now they cannot wake her up. And, of course, no one can get in to see her. She needs to hear her family’s voices. Please pray for her to win the battle here and for family to be able to get to her. Bless you for praying.
Amen Churchmouse! Prayers for all requests spoken and silently kept in the heart.
I feel a lot like Peter. If I was with Jesus I would not have been ok with the crucifixion. It’s interesting because Peters fear comes out of a love and protection for Jesus but at the same time his fear is the reason he’s denied Jesus. I wonder what he felt in those moments when he knew he had denied his savior. I think that his denying of Jesus right after protesting Christ’s death was very purposeful. In that moment I think Peter became very aware of his own brokenness and need for salvation. It allowed him to surrender to the plan of Christ. How intimately Jesus cares for us, that he should be concerned with Peters heart and his soul while marching to his death.
Thank you, LISA!
John 18 had some verses that I didn’t realize were there. In verse 12 I never realized they had tied up Christ. Maybe it was the versions I was reading in the past. In verses 4-8 Christ asks who they want and admits He is the One they want. In verses 15 and 16 it mentions Peter and another disciple who knew the high priests, I wonder who that other disciple is? I never caught the part of the other disciple before. Sooooo much to grasp and understand and take in.
Sisters be blessed and spread The Word.
Frustrating when it posts and I didn’t even say post! :)
Adrienne, one really helpful online study tool is on It allows you to look up a verse in the Bible in any English version, but then there is a place where you can click to read the verse in all English versions. When you click there, you get a page where you can scroll through and see how one word (revolutionary or robber) is translated across all English versions. I find it really helpful in my studies. Below is the link to the page for John 18:40. Once you get there, click the link that says “Read John 18:40 in all English translations.”
Adrienne, one really helpful online study tool is on It allows you to look up a verse in the Bible in any English version, but then there is a place where you can click to read the verse in all English versions. When you click there, you get a page where you can scroll through and see how one word (revolutionary or robber) is translated across all English versions. I find it really helpful in my studies. Below is the link to the page for John 18:40. Once you get there, click the link that says “Read John 18:40 in all English translations.”
* ladies! Time for me to stop. ;)
***** MACLAREN’S COMMENTARY – apologies lad; my eyes are foggy this morning.
KELLY NEO and ANGIE highlighted the 2 phrases that stood out to me.
Also, v. 28- Mac Laden’s commentary is excellent on this passage. Basically he stated that the Jews had no qualms about putting Jesus to death, but would be sure they weren’t defiled by entering a palace with leaven (and home of a Gentile!
What earthly kingdom am I giving more allegiance than I am giving the Kingdom of God?!
ANGIE, so thankful your mom’s surgery was successful and ON TIME!!!
Praying for all requests – LARA, I subbed for several years when I was younger and they are still some of my best memories. God bless you and all school staff!
Angie praise God for a successful surgery! Tricia Cavanaugh praise God for your surgery going well too! I used to work at MSK a few years ago :). Peter is such an interesting person to me, I used to think “let me never be like him!” Then reading through Acts , the very next book, we see him doing amazing things through the Holy Spirit and teaching so many people about Jesus. I guess this is to say, even when we “fail” Jesus has such great plans for us we need not despair.
I like that Yana pointed out Peter in this reading in a way I hadn’t ever thought about! That what he thought, and what was really meant to happen didn’t line up, so true in our world today. Where I want people to know that Christians ARE RIGHT, so to speak, how we want God to prove that WE are the ones that are walking in the truth not them, we want to be “proud” in our boastful selves that we are HIS. Yet, when we are divided, which side do we stand on? Sometimes we are embarassed, or maybe just not bold enough to stand for Jesus and His way?!
I do think I have come a long way, and growing ever so bold in my faith. It has taken perseverence in reading the bible daily, and dicipline to follow commands and refuse my sinful nature through the Holy Spirit, but it is a journey and path that I am so grateful every single day, of the grace God pours out on me/us.
As always, so thankful for this community, and the help to get into the Word, and share and commune with you sisters in faith. We are stronger together!
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I almost cried reading your comments last night- that you all would be so kind to care about me even though you’ve never met me. I pray for you all too:
MARIA, for your family
TAYLOR, for your anxiety and desire to submit to the Lord
LARA, for being selfless and compassionate to sub (my mom is a teacher- I know how hard things are right now!)
ANGIE, for your mother’s healing
BRENDA, for your aunt’s health and comfort
This is the first time I’ve read the crucifixion since I truly trusted in Jesus as my Savior and Lord (became a Christian), and it grieves me, truly. The mocking, the denial, the pain that Jesus endured. It hurts me to think of all the times that I heard this truth and denied it- Lord, please forgive me! I had to read the next few days to hear the good news- that Jesus rises again, that God’s plan always ends in His victory. May I never again reject and deny Jesus to instead pursue worldy things and sin and let me set my mind on Him and the things to come in His everlasting kingdom. Thank you so much for your continued prayers- I am so grateful that I found this community. <3
Prayers for you GramsieSue
“Am I not to drink the cup the Father has given me?”
2020 and 2021 were tough years. Though they are behind me, their effects linger. There has been so much uncertainty, confusion, anger, hostility, violence, suffering and death. Who knows what 2022 will bring? Surely the cup I have received has been hard to hold, let alone drink its contents. BUT GOD. He stills the storm and gives me His peace. His Word is true. My time here has seen many God moments. I will see more. I do not know what 2022 will bring. I do know that I intend to accept what the Father has for me and trust that He will be glorified. I will be still and know that He is God and He is good.
Thank you so much to everyone for the prayers! I go to memorial Sloan Kettering cancer center in NY City. I had surgery Friday and they sent me home that evening. We got home (4-1/2 hours away) before all of the big snow started. What a blessing and relief. I am now recovering and doing quite well. Thank you again. He hears our prayers!
I know what is coming…. I know that Jesus HAS TO die in order to save us from our sins… Yet today when I began reading, for the first time I became emotional knowing what was coming. Reading about his arrest grieved me. As we draw closer to God, as our relationship deepens, as we begin to truly internalize the depth of his love and how great of a sacrifice Jesus’ coming to earth truly is, His death and resurrection become very real. Thank you, God, for your word, for SRT and it’s community of believers! Through reading your word daily, these devotionals, and the teachings of those who comment, my relationship with you is growing. What a blessing!!
@MARIA BAER – praying for you and your family. May God wrap each of you in his arms and give you comfort.
@LARA – bless you for saying yes to subbing a difficult group of students! Praying you will be filled with the fruits of the Spirit, especially kindness, patience and self control. @BRENDA – praying for God’s peace to wash over your aunt today during her procedure.
@MARIA BAER – praying for you and your family.
Such good words today (everyday in God’s Word is good). Praying for each of you. And I’m actually enjoying this quiet this morning as Steve and I drink our coffee and tea together and slowly welcome this new day. He is recovering well from surgery with almost no pain. So thankful for that. We are exploring all the treatments to fight his cancer and just being grateful for the days we have together. And I pray that God would be glorified by our lives. Hugs to all you shes’❤️
Brenda – praying for your mom’s peace of mind and increased trust in God’s plans.
I was so struck by John’s poetic and surprisingly vibrant style. This chapter really showed the intimate betrayal of Judas, how he lead the soldiers RIGHT to one the group’s favourite places. I noticed that once again, God was betrayed in a garden…. How crazy is THAT???
Being home with a sick child tests my patience. I have to completely put my needs and expectations to the side and dig in to find love. I imagine Peter felt similar rage building up inside of him when Jesus crucifixion didn’t go how he had planned but I pray that unlike Peter, I can continue to turn towards and claim Jesus in my day to day moments even if things aren’t going as planned.
Being home with a sick child tests my patience. I have to completely put my needs and expectations to the side and dig in to find love. I imagine Peter felt similar rage building up inside of him when Jesus crucifixion didn’t go how he had planned but I pray that unlike Peter, I can continue to turn towards and claim
Phew— I will never hear or think of the phrase “He understood the assignment” the same way again. We use it as a modern funny phrase on social media, but wow, what a great way to drive home the message of Christ’s crucifixion. With all his power, Jesus understood his assignment— that he must die the death of a criminal to deliver us from our sins, and this fulfill a prophecy.
Praying for you, Lara! Praying for your aunt, Brenda.
Ladies if you would please pray for my aunt. She is having a biopsy today of a lump they found in her breast. She lost her husband to cancer 5 years ago so I’m sure she is very nervous. Thanks so much.
Can you tell I’m very curious… My NIV notes say Barabbas took part in a rebellion and was a murderer. Point is that he’s just a bad dude, I guess!
Really enjoyed the reading today. Such good truth can totally relate to God plans being different than mine.
The ESV says Barabbas was a robber. Do any study notes in the CSB say anything about “revolutionary”. Seems an odd word here.
Adrienne, yes in the study book it states “Now Barabbas was a revolutionary.”
I always dread the move from chapter 17 to chapter 18. We know the end how this is going to end (this ending) but what about the END of the story…there is none, there is eternity! There is a whole other life of never ending praise, worship and the opportunity to truly express my gratitude. Right now I am in ugly tears for the suffering He bore for my sin, for my wrongs, for pain I brought to others…but I know, there will come a day when those tears are replaced with tears of joy and thanksgiving; then His hands will touch my face and wipe them away and I will live in the House of the LORD forever!
Thank you Yana for your commentary. Such good truth! “Our desire for an earthly kingdom…”
So helpful when processing all that is going on in our world.
Lord, please open my eyes to Your plans – not mine. Amen.
Romans 8:28 and 8:37-39 come to mind from today’s passages. Jesus never promises this life will be easy (but take heart, he has overcome the world!). My pastor on Sunday talked about when we feel attacks from Satan, we can rest assured knowing we are walking in God’s will for our lives or else Satan wouldn’t be trying to get us off course. I take this comfort with me even though I still feel a little of the sting of rejection, I know God is protecting me for the right person and for that I am humbled and grateful <3
Tidbits and reminders God gave this morning:
I love in John 18:6 that when Jesus declared, “I am he,” the company of soldiers and officials stepped back and fell down. It was a little glimpse of Jesus showing…”if I wanted to stop this, I could. I have the power. But my purpose is to fulfill my Father’s plan…remember, the one I told you about.”
Of course, Peter didn’t quite get it yet and cut off Malchus ear, which Jesus immediately healed.
In John 18:15-18, I assume John is the “other disciple” who knew the high priest and got Peter into the house. Those in the household would have known John to be a disciple of Jesus. So when the doorkeeper said to Peter, “You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you?” And Peter denied, Peter denied Jesus. He also denied the faith that John exemplified to these people. God reminded me of 3rd grade. I was 7. Diane and I would go horseback riding weekly at her house. It was nice. We rode and talked. We were friends. However, one time at school the other kids made fun of me for spending time with her (she was heavy), and I responded like Peter. I said I only hung out with her to ride horses. It wasn’t true. Unfortunately, though I tried to make it right with her, and told the others the truth (that she was really nice and it had never been about riding horses-although, it was fun), she never trusted me as friend again. I had sinned against her. Her family moved at the end of that year, and the friendship was not repaired.
Amazing, mind-blowing, infinite,…there are no words to effectively to describe the grace our Creator God has for us day in and day out, moment by moment, day by day. In humility, I step back and am knocked down, by Who He Is. As I am sprawled out, overcome by Who-He-Is and all I-am-not, I feel the covering of His mercy. I know the strength of His reach. I am forgiven, sin-forgotten, a cherished child forever thankful.
Praying for you Lara!
Lara, as a third grade teacher, I say thank you for subbing! The schools (at least mine) have been struggling so hard to get subs this year. Prayers that your week goes smoothly, that you get the support you need, that the students are kind to each other. I pray specifically the muscle memory of your teaching years stretch and flex into full strength. These kiddos (and teacher) are blessed to have you!
Austin Olivia – May God’s grace be in you and the heart of your neighbor as you work through this situation. May He find your hearts humble, pliable, and welcoming of His healing touch. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus – may the love of Christ fill you both.
Leslie Gray – Celebrating with you a godly husband. Praying the peace of God that surpasses all understand would envelope him as he is covered by Jesus. May the Holy Spirit guide you both and the doctors. May the result bring glory to God in a way that all would see and be changed.
Allison Mitchell – Every time your peace starts to fade, or your hands start to clench, may the God of love, of wisdom, of all that is good, surround you. Mentally may you take the thought(s) that seeks to divide your heart and mind, and visualize yourself tossing them in the trash and walking away. Do it over and over, as often as necessary. May you be covered in the armor of God, head to toe. May you be shielded in His faithfulness as you surrender into the unity of your Savior and King.
Mom’s surgery was successful, praise God. The doctor said it was very difficult and that one area was 99% occluded, it would not have been long before they would not have been able to do anything. To God be the glory!!!! It is pretty amazing to see the many ways He used this situation for good. Thank you so much for your prayers. Thank you LORD, always.
Keeping you and family in my prayers, MARIA BAER. Praying for all, including LARA CASTILLO, LESLIE GRAY, AUSTIN OLIVIA, ANGIE’S mom, AG, ALI ADAIR, JANIE DIFFLY, GRAMSIESUE & LYNNE FROM AL.
Good morning! Praying for you today Lara, that you would be spirit-filled and get to do kingdom work in that classroom today!
I loved this reading this morning…somehow I didn’t realize that this was the next chapter and I was taken off guard when Jesus got arrested….maybe for the first time. I got to read this with a very fresh perspective.
“What is truth?”
So many continue to ask the same question. How can I show them the Truth (the Way & the Life) today?
MARIA BAER – I’m so sorry for your loss. Praying for your family.
AUSTIN OLIVIA – may the Lord be with you as you move forward.
Praying for you Lara ♥️
Lord, forgive me for being a Peter.
Praying for you Lara
The book of John has shown me that often the teachings of Jesus, following Him, His ways, look so different from what we think they should be. Sometimes it’s hard to understand, it might just seem wrong or go against what we’ve learned before. Believing isn’t easy and clean. The disciples were also struggling with this. So what do I need to do when this happens in my life? I can do only one thing: Cling to what I know to be true. Jesus is Lord, His kingdom will come. I might not understand what’s happening, but I can trust that His plan will come to pass. It will be good, because He is good.