Day 16

Jesus Heals the Blind

from the John reading plan

John 9:1-41, Genesis 2:7, Romans 1:18-20

BY Erin Davis

I believe in Jesus with every cell He created in me. I know He’s the only hope for those who are adrift from His love and truth. And yet, when it’s time to share the gospel, sometimes my palms start to sweat.

What if I create more confusion than clarity?
What if I get snagged on questions about the finer points of the gospel message?
What then?

Tucked here in John 9, we find a remarkable story about hope, healing, and the beautiful simplicity of the gospel. At the center of the story is a man born blind. Surely, every time he glanced toward something his eyes could not see, he was reminded of his brokenness and need for a healer. 

When we come face to face with our inability to be holy as God is holy or to “fix” ourselves, we realize our need for a savior. We try to go a day without sinning and fail before our feet hit the floor, once again realizing just how broken we are.

Then the God who healed this man’s eyes lifts ours.

After his miraculous healing, the man is pressed by the religious establishment about his encounter with Jesus. He doesn’t debate the points of the law, or drop a truth bomb, leaving the room in stunned silence. He simply tells his story. Pay attention. It sounds like the chorus of one of the Church’s sweetest anthems.

He answered, “Whether or not he’s a sinner, I don’t know. One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see!” (John 9:25).

This man didn’t have Jesus all figured out. He couldn’t explain a God willing to break tradition on the Sabbath He created. He couldn’t reconcile the Pharisees’ perception of God with the reality of his encounter with Jesus, but he did know one thing: “I was blind, and now I can see.” He was preaching the gospel. 

Whatever else the gospel is, it most certainly is this: “I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.” 

The Pharisees simply could not stand against the undeniable testimony of the man who had been healed. So radical was his transformation that his friends and neighbors declared him a changed man.

Friends, the gospel is not a treasure to be hoarded. The call on each of our lives is to shout it from every rooftop, whisper it in every coffee shop, declare it to every fellow sinner (Matthew 28:16–20). 

When we simply put the story of God’s grace in our own lives on display, we declare, “I was blind. But because of Jesus, now I see.” This is our anthem of hope, and it’s hard to deny hope. We don’t need all the answers; our explanations won’t always woo others to Jesus. But the aroma of Christ Jesus in us will. It’s His healing presence in our own lives that draws the lost and the blind to the One who brings healing.

Post Comments (91)

91 thoughts on "Jesus Heals the Blind"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    I love you Jesus I love you lord!

  2. Pearce Sloan says:

    Really resonated with me!

  3. K D says:

    Such a beautiful reminder – this is what it looks like to share the gospel.

  4. Jamie Trumpp says:

    I love the story here. It reminds me so much of the becoming part of my own story and those around me who believe in and love Jesus. I was blind, but now I can see.

  5. Malisa Cruz says:

    Yes, simple yet profound!

  6. Karen Jaeger says:

    Each day share the love of Christ with some random acts of kindness. You never know who needs a smile or to cut in line or help carry groceries. Give God the glory if asked why. You’re life will be further blessed as you witness the happiness you bring to others.

  7. Elizabeth McGee says:

    Praying for you Allison! I became a Christian about 8 years ago and it’s still hard to fully accept God’s love for us sometimes. Something that has helped me is reminding myself whether or not we 100% “feel” it all the time, it’s still there. As people, our moods and feelings change all the time, but God never changes.

  8. Beverly Watley says:

    Jesus is Lord of all. This is such a great study on the book of John. Can’t wait for more! Blessings to all in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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