
Open Your Bible

James 1:1-18, Genesis 50:15-21, John 16:33, Romans 8:18-23, 1 Peter 4:12-19

We’re over halfway through This Is the New Testament, our thematic overview of the New Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the Pauline Epistles and begin the General Epistles. 

What Is James? Written by James, the brother of Jesus, this book instructs and admonishes readers to seek godly wisdom. It also counsels them to avoid internal conflicts within the Church and to express their faith through good works. James encourages believers to persevere in this calling in spite of trials, as God is faithful to mature His people in the midst of suffering. 

How James Fits Into the Story: James continually calls for obedience to the law of God, showing believers that their obedience to God’s instruction is an indication of a living faith. Some choose to oversimplify the distinctions between the Old Testament and the New Testament by saying that the Old Testament is grounded in works and the New Testament is grounded in faith. James brings both testaments together to show that faith and works are integrally related in both the old and new covenants.

Reflection Questions: 
1. Why does James say to be joyful during trials? Practically, how can you express joy in the middle of your current challenges?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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60 thoughts on "James"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you lord for all

  2. Jana Knowlton says:

    When I hear the word joy, I think about a VBS lesson where we taught the difference between joy and happiness. Joy is Jesus, who is everlasting and happiness fades away. The joy for me is that we have a faithful Father and Savior who walk with us through it all.

  3. Nicole Stiles says:

    James tells us to have joy in our struggles because it will cause us to become stronger in our faith. When I’m in the middle of a hardship, I remind myself that I have a God who loves me, who will stay by my side, and who has promised me an eternity with him. The knowledge that none of that can be taken away gives me peace and joy regardless of my circumstance.

  4. Tash P says:

    Praying for you ❤️
    Lord, thank you for Kelly. Thank you for the love and care she has for her patients, and for the 10 years you have given her in this particular field of work. God, you know the internal struggles and tortures that Kelly faces. I pray that you would bring healing to her through your hand and wisdom to medical professionals as they help her. I pray for release and peace. I pray you would clearly direct her path in her job and open new doors if that is your will. I pray confidence in her current job, that she would be confident in the therapy she gives but more so confident in your ability to use her wherever you have her. In Jesus name, Amen.

  5. Kelly says:

    I am going to be transparent and ask for guidance from my fellow sisters. I have been going through alot of self doubt insecurity and bad anxiety since I became a believer 16 yrs ago. The self doubt is mainly with my job as a physical therapy assistant. Everytime I make a mistake it tears me up inside knowing I may have done something to harm someone. I can’t sleep and so anxious. I don’t know if it’s something physical or mental as I have both thyroid issues and being treated for depression. I have been a pta for 10 yrs and I love what I do but I question if this is really where God wants me. I am desperate for relief. Thank you all for listening.

  6. Sarah Miller says:

    I used to think being joyful in suffering felt fake – sort of a fake it til you make it mentality. Then I finally grasped true joy. And it’s not pretending to be happy when you’re falling apart on the inside. It’s recognizing the hard, but still seeing the good. In death, celebrating the life well lived and knowing my MIL is in heaven. In work, trusting God to provide when my hours were cut and using the extra time to focus more on my kids. There is always joy to be had.

  7. Susan Crosby says:

    I did a study on James a few years ago. The writer stressed that when the verse says count it all joy when you face various trials that the it is not the trials but the faith you have to get through them. He said God would not expect us to have joy when facing such trials but it’s our faith that God expects us to have joy in. Food for thought and does make the verse seem clearer for me to understand.❤️

  8. Mari V says:

    In my life journey walking with Jesus and facing trials of many kinds there have been times when it has been hard to be joyful. But God… Every time! But God… My Jesus has seen me through it. I have never felt abandoned because I know He is with me. And many times it’s been very painful. At times very scary to the point being afraid of my own shadow but even then I knew and I know my Jesus has never forsaken me. And being human, there were times when it was hard to be joyful and felt alone, as if I was the only one going through this, but in my heart I knew I wasn’t. I held (and still do) onto HIS PROMISE. That he would never leave me. I’ve said this before: HIS were the footprints on the sand.

  9. Katie J says:

    Rely on the Lord when you experience hardships and trust that your future with him is more than worth all the worldly chaos and obstacles you find yourself in.

  10. CeeGee says:

    MERCY, love what you shared!!!

    VICTORIA E., you definitely remain in my prayers and Tuesday we get another report!

    ERB and MAURA, so sorry you have both had a rough week. Thank you for allowing us to grow in knowledge with your partnership in the study of Isaiah! What a blessing!

  11. Mercy says:

    An overused cliché that I hear is “No one is perfect, we are only humans”….BUT (big but) in the Bible, it calls us to be perfect through Matthew 5:48: “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect”. I wrestle with this for a long time. Why would you call us to be perfect Lord? Don’t you know we are humans? How on earth Lord? But think for a second, God would be so unjust to call us to do something that we can’t. But the fact that God says “be perfect my child” given the condition that His Spirit indwells in us, the Spirit of the Perfect One embodies me to fill me, His strength in my weakness – that makes it possible. And today, I found the resounding answer, “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience, and let patience have her perfect work, that YOU MAY BE PERFECT and entire, wanting nothing” James 1:4 KJV. I sat and thought about it again and again, so this is how it’s done. How many times do I want to be perfect without paying the price ? There is needs for resistance to build strength. There is a price to maturity. It’s patience (long endurance) through fiery trials allowed by God’s training. May God give us endurance to face what may come. To God be all the glory. Be blessed sisters.

  12. K Swenson says:

    Happy Birthday, Cynthia!

  13. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so thankful that whatever trials we face, we can have joy; since we know these trials are making us more mature. As a mom there are moments that are exhilarating and moments of exhaustion. I love being a mother, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but I know I face trials in motherhood; loneliness , my own selfishness and frustration. I know that in every trial I face, God is making me into the person he wants me to be.

  14. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia Johnson!! Prayers for health!❤️

  15. Krysta Orona says:

    I don’t think he means joy as in happy. But joy as in calm security. To not be frazzled, anxious, or freaking out over our circumstances but to endure the trials with face with a sort of serenity that can’t be explained other than the knowledge we belong to Christ and what we face in this world is nothing compared to the joy that awaits us.

  16. Traci Gendron says:

    Happy birthday Cynthia!I will turn 60 in November. Life moves fast.
    DOROTHY – I did not realize you lost your son to drowning. I am so sorry that the flash flooding brings it all back to you. I pray for God to give you peace.
    REBECCA – I understand what you are saying. I feel that I handle my son’s illness better by doing all that I can to help him through it. I will not have regrets allowing this hardship to flatten me. I am running the race by God’s grace alone.
    KATHY – Thank you for your comments. They had me taking notes.
    KATHY STILES – Thank you. Your comments spoke to me.
    KELLY – I once told a pastor that James was my favorite book. He said but it is such a hard book. I love that James is direct. He doesn’t mince words. When I first started studying the Bible maybe I needed that. I don’t like having to read between the lines. lol
    TINA – dearest Tina you are in my prayers. I’m so sorry for all the loss you have recently gone through. You are so special to all of us.

  17. Victoria E says:

    Tina, Angie, Taylor, ERB, praying for you in your trials. This command to rejoice in trials is difficult and can look different for different people I believe. When we had a miscarriage 4 months ago I did not rejoice. I was angry and devastated and scared. But God used it to bring me closer to Him, so in retrospect I rejoice that what the enemy meant for evil God has used for good. None of my trials have been suffering “because of Jesus”. We are fortunate here in America to enjoy religious freedom at least. But I am thankful that God uses whatever hardships we face to change us. If I can ask for continued prayer for myself and for the precious life God has given us, I have my eight week ultrasound this upcoming Tuesday. I have a lot more peace about it than I did before, and I pray God will continue to help me trust Him and continue to keep this precious one alive. Thank you so much.

  18. CeeGee says:

    “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8. This verse kept coming to mind as JOY entered the discussion today. Our Faithful Father is certainly worthy of praise at all times!There are times that we don’t feel like praising, but when we do God will pour out such a blessing for our heart making that joy more attainable.

    TINA, you remain in my prayers! Thanks so much for sharing!

    TAYLOR, it gives my heart such joy to see how much you have grown in your faith the past few months! Keep on keeping’ on!


    Praying for each request.

  19. Dorothy says:

    It is hard to stay positive and not think the worst when bad things start to happen, especially when “the waters get really rough”. I have this problem, like today, I have to go get two new front tires. I was driving in a parking lot yesterday and this curb just jump out in front of me and I ended up running over it. LOL!!! No I accidentally ran over a curb when I was driving in the parking lot and got a slit in my one of my front tires. So there’s no need to get mad what happened happened and I have to deal with it. I’m lucky it didn’t do any major damage.
    Last night I almost lost it b/c we had a major thunder storm and flash flood warning and when the flash flood warnings come I have to go to the Lord. Many of you know my older son drowned almost 18 years ago after flash floods. I took it God and made it through. Praise be to the Lord.
    Be blessed and have a great weekend sisters, I’m off to get two new tires.

  20. Cynthia Johnston says:

    Today I turn 60 years old. I am so grateful for the life I have been given in Christ Jesus. I am blessed to celebrate with family and friends this evening. Please pray for God’s protection as we gather together. Thank you, Shes, for your encouragement to me!

    1. Victoria E says:

      Happy birthday Cynthia Johnston! May God bless you !

    2. Sarah Rose says:

      Happy birthday Cynthia! Your SRT community is thankful for you!

  21. Kathy A says:

    May the God of all comfort, comfort you @Tina, @ERB and other Shes who are going through so much. @Kathy I like how you put it, that we can CHOOSE joy, it is not easy for sure. @Charlotte, I am so glad you asked! Great ideas shared. It is hard to know when to choose gratitude, serving and giving (thanks @Rebecca!) and when you should speak up. Some trials just bring out my inner 3 years old, and I REALLY want to say something, and there are times when we need to. How to decide? Payers for you and yours @Angie! Have a blessed and restful weekend everyone.

  22. Maura says:

    ERB, So, so blessed by your words. I kind of felt like Isaiah 66 was for me any way on a movie set. So much that is hard to fathom in the judgement, that I can hear the gnashing of teeth. It reveals so much doesn’t it. But, Jesus, But God’s saving grace we would all not be holy enough, save His sacrifice. Him, who was in the beginning, is now and will forever be. I really felt the need for salvation as I read of this judgement, and feel it in my heart for those who don’t escape the evil, who choose not to run into the Father’s arms. And, I feel dear ERB, I need to pray so much more for the lost I know, that they would turn to our Lord, for me to have the right words. May we all pray for those we know that they will see, and will hear and will run into His waiting arms. I too, love what you said about pain bringing growth. I believe the birthing verses show this and in reading about the suffering and the joy in James this morning it spoke to me. Because we have Christ, Because we are in the Father’s hands we have the constant joy of knowing He is with us, He is fighting for us, He who willingly sacrificed His Son, part of Himself made a way for us. And praise God that which we face, He is more than able to handle. Such Joy in knowing this.
    I love Isaiah 66: 13 – 14
    As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;
    and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”
    14 When you see this, your heart will rejoice
    and you will flourish like grass;
    the hand of the Lord will be made known to his servants,
    but his fury will be shown to his foes. God comforting “As a mother comforts her child.” I just love this so. How many of us Mothers have felt God’s arms around us as we comfort our children and have prayed His comfort over them. So, so Good. And the Righteous justice of God is felt in the remaining verses. Indeed ERB, pointing out Who are you following? And can you see, do you know where you are being led? Ha, indeed. I am going to have to leave it hear dear friend. I am exhausted and really emotional this morning. Feeling actually worse this morning. Appreciate so much your prayers. I am sorry yesterday was a rough day, I don’t have covid, but feeling dizzy and exhausted. Maybe some kind of infection. I can’t tell you how very blessed this walk through Isaiah has been. Especially in this season I find myself in, I have learned much about our God, Isn’t His Word incredible. I have learned much from you and about you. You Em are a gracious, kind, beautiful, intelligent and awesome Sister. What a great joy to know you are out there. Thanks for inviting me into Isaiah, we will find another journey, I have no doubt. I will keep praying for you and your brother. Keep me informed. And maybe God will let us have tea one day here on earth. I keep thinking, probably would not be affordable for me, but that SRT should do some kind of camp. Wouldn’t that be fun. I look forward to the day I meet you and all my long distance Sisters here in heaven when we see God face to face. Thank you so much dear ERB for the love and learning. Hugs to you all Dear Sisters. Thank you for your prayers. Remember Who holds us, this is our Joy.

  23. Rebecca Norton says:

    Charlotte- the three ways I’ve learned to find and express joy during trials are gratitude, giving and serving. I feel like doing none of these at the time, but it brings joy if I do them anyway. It brings a sense of empowerment when I’ve felt powerless in times of suffering. I feel more connected to Jesus and other people. It’s usually something small, like being thankful for a roof over my head, giving an item from my house to a friend who needs it more than I do, and saying yes when someone asks for help.

  24. Ashleigh H says:

    God uses the evils of this world for His good. That perspective is one that I confess is not always present when I find myself in midst of trial or hardships. I heartily agree with @KathySites when she said we have to choose joy. It is not a present emotion in our worst moments. For me, practically speaking, that means several things. It means that I need to practice gratitude in my life, prayer to an ever present God, remembrance for when joy naturally occurred, and hope for better times on Earth or in Heaven. Trials are meant for refinement. God will use whatever we are going through for our good which culminates in His glory.

  25. Krystyn Carey says:

    This verse hit me-

    17For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

    I have seen God exposing things in the past couple of years… it seems that there are times when God beings corruption and evil motives into the light. If this is what God is doing, how can I better align myself with him. How is He bringing change and healing through this?

    1. Cindy Hanna says:

      That verse resonated with me as well. Spending time meditating on it.

  26. Linda Gilbow says:

    I heard a lovely prayer that goes along with this theme: Lord, give me the wisdom to not waste this trial.

    1. Krystyn Carey says:

      Love that

  27. Laurel says:

    Caroline Bridges–Congratulations on you first day of your first year of college! I pray that you will continue to work out daily (physically and spiritually) as you pursue your collegiate goals. Enjoy this time! Phil 4: 13: I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!

  28. ERB says:

    MAURA, dearest friend, so sorry that I didn’t post yesterday, I was having a rough day with my seizures and needed to unplug and rest. I am feeling better today.
    So sorry that you are still feeling unwell. I think the key is RESTING. You’ve had SO much going on…I dearly hope that you are feeling better and are finding your strength and rest in our ever-loving and faithful Father’s arms!! He loves you oh so much (as do I) My thoughts and prayers are with you!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    Isaiah 66. Wow!! What a way to finish this book!!! SO much in here!!!! I highlighted most of it, again!! Haha!!
    I love the header to this chapter: Judgement and Hope. SO GOOD!!!! And I LOVE the analogies, promises and word pictures in this chapter and how we get to see the faithful and just hand of God at work!!!
    Here are the verses that stood out to me:
    Isaiah 66:1-2
    Isaiah 66:3 (the last sentence) “They have chosen their own ways, and they delight in their abominations;”
    Isaiah 66:4-6 …incredible that the Lord called out and no one answered yet again… I also found it interesting that there was a tone of mocking from their own people… but we see again that God steps in…
    Isaiah 66:7-9 I found this word picture to be incredibly helpful. It reminds me that we cannot grow or have something happen without having some pain and labor. Because it is through the pain & labor that God’s BEST comes forth!!
    Isaiah 66:11-16 verse 13 “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you…” really stood out to me here!
    I also like the last part of verse 17 “they will meet their end together WITH THE ONE they follow,” declares the Lord.” …very convicting!! Who are we following?
    Isaiah 66:18-20 I love the promises here!! ALL people, ALL nations will proclaim the Glory of the Lord!!!
    Isaiah 66:22-24 ..the new Heavens and the new Earth will ENDURE before God and those who rebelled against Him will be loathsome to all that see them!! A pretty awesome promise and a pretty harsh reality… But it comes down to the same questions posed throughout this entire book… Where are our eyes fixed? Where are we focused? Are our hearts for God? Are we being faithful to Him, and to Him alone? Is He our ONE true love and motivation? SOOO Good!!!

    It is very hard to believe that we are at the end of reading this incredible book!! I am so grateful and glad that you joined me on this journey!! It really has been such a blessing… I have learned and grown SO much through this!! And I love how we both got to see the hand of God at work in the Body of Christ through the word of God and through each other!!! I have enjoyed hearing and seeing how God speaks to us individually and personally. What an AMAZING thing!!! I also got to learn and start to deeply comprehend what JUSTICE looks like through the eyes of God!!! It really has changed me and helped me to see beyond what is right in front of my face!!! I am and always will be forever grateful for that!! Thank you dearest friend for journeying and sharing with me!!! You have impacted and changed my life!! So grateful for ALL that you are and how you contribute to the Body of Christ!! Be Blessed always, and please let me know if you ever want to do something like this again!! I will gladly join you!!! Lots of love forever and for always, Em

  29. Danielle says:

    @Taylor I appreciate your thoughts on looking to God and being joyful takes our mind off our trials. This is so true. Also as others mentioned it draws us closer to him. I’ve experienced this in my own life and the richer relationship is worth the trial. Another thought i have about being joyful in the trials is I’m experiencing the challenges based on my faith in God and my relationship in Him. As it is stated in 1 Peter, I’m being insulted for the name of Christ. To me this means I’m living in a God honoring way, which is my desire.

    I continue to pray for you all

  30. Julie Hurst says:

    It’s always a hood day to hear from James; his message cuts through the fog of discouragement with a beam sword bright. Set aside for a moment your load and feel the warmth and strength from James

  31. Aimee DiCicco-Ruhl says:

    Jesus help me to know only you are my source of joy. All else is temporary.

  32. Emma K. says:

    For me it all has to do with gratitude. What is God doing in my life amidst the trials of this world? A butterfly following me on my walk, a text from a friend, a nice glass of wine… Instead of zooming in on my problem or worry, zooming out and seeing all of God’s Creation around me. He’s got the whole world in His Hands, and He is a loving God. That brings peace and joy because He is my God.

    1. Sarah Ritchie says:

      Oh I love this. There is always beauty to be found. Thanks for the reminder!

  33. Latavia Freeman says:

    Lately I’ve been allowing the spirit to lead me and help me to discern what’s right and what’s wrong. I continue to pray and ask God to allow me to see people how he sees them so that I can see their spirit before anything else.

  34. Taylor says:

    Being joyful during trials takes our eyes off ourselves and our circumstances and turns them to God who we KNOW is faithful and is working everything out for our good. We can be joyful in trials knowing God’s got us and wants us to grow in maturity and steadfastness to Him. I feel like I’m finally coming around to being joyful in my “trial” of singleness. In the last two months I can look back and see SO many instances of the Lord providing little blessings. Remembrance is so important during trials. He’s carried us through deep waters before and He will 100% do it again. “I’ve seen you move, you’ve moved the mountains. And I believe, I’ll see you do it again” (Do It Again – Elevation Worship) Also would DEFINITELY recommend the song “Though You Slay Me” by Shane & Shane. I cry literally every time I listen to it, it’s so good

    1. Emma K. says:

      Taylor, “To Those Who Wait” by Bethany Dillon really encouraged me in my time of singleness. Proud of you for being present in this season, will be praying God continues to move!

  35. Caroline Bridges says:

    I have a long day ahead of me. Getting a workout in and then heading to college. It’s my first year. Happy Friday

    1. Krystyn Carey says:

      Happy first day of college!

  36. Gerin Thomas says:

    Trials produce steadfastness in us, they perfect us and complete us and we can rejoice in this process. I used to wish that God would snap his fingers and I’d be perfect but have learned that in trials is when I seek God the most and learn to rely on Him and have the opportunity to practice choosing righteousness. I appreciate all of the practicals shared so far. I was thinking gratitude and worshiping God through the trial

  37. Angie says:

    So many wonderful things shared this morning so far. Thank you ladies.

    KATHY – I shared the semicolon statement from Genesis in the Old Testament but, it was not mine, it came from Kelly Minter. She has done podcasts for SRT and has several book studies out. Thank you for re-sharing it as it fit perfectly. I loved what you shared from Beth Moore and am going to copy it for myself. I think it is a gift God gives to be able to hold onto treasures He gives us in our heart and mind and apply them to our life. Thank you for helping us do that.

    Thank you ladies for the many birthday wishes Wednesday and the prayers that are going out for teachers. My birthday was also the first day with students. We had a major storm begin during the day. The power at school kept going off and on, several times throughout the day, while the storm raged outside. My 3rd graders handled it pretty well after the first couple of times. I am imagining what it was like for those precious kindergarteners. Praise God the storm let up long enough to get all the students safely home and then raged in the night again. We did not have school yesterday because no one had power, including the businesses and schools. Most have power by this morning, although last night when I went to bed only 2 schools did. What a crazy start to this year. I love that situations like that force us to rest in the Creator and trust Him. (I could not do my SRT until this morning so I will be behind until tonight probably.) Many big trees came down. My sweet neighbor said, “God is so good, the tree missed our house and God waited for the coffee to brew before He allowed the power to go out.” That is a godly women finding joy in whatever circumstance she faces.

    I do have a couple prayer requests please:
    The first is the closest to my heart. My grandson started kindergarten. He is having trouble on the bus. He never complains but, when he gets off he looks terrified, and it is not from the school day. In his school district they pick up the little children and then go get the high schoolers. He has a gentle spirit and I don’t know if the “big kids” are just yelling, making lots of noise, and being rough when they get on, or actually picking on the little ones and the bus driver is ignoring it. I know my grandson normally is comfortable around older kids, but yesterday I had the opportunity to see him when he got off the bus and it was not good. I am praying for the situation and wisdom for my son and daughter-in-law. They are a wonderful family and have talked with him and I know will pray with him over the situation.

    My close friend’s daughter is getting married tomorrow. The rehearsal dinner is tonight. Her dad had a heart attack Wednesday night, a 99% blockage. He is alive, got a stint, and they hope to release him for the wedding. They have given him permission to walk her down the aisle, enjoy the father daughter dance, and then do nothing for the rest of the time. Would you please pray for my friends Amy and Eric through the weekend? She loves Jesus and I know will lean into him but, it is a lot all at once.

    I pray you all have a blessed Friday. I did pray over the needs already posted this morning. What would we do without Jesus? I cannot imagine, and do not want to. I will pray more throughout the weekend. God bless.

  38. Margaret Eaton says:

    We are told to count it ALL joy…Even the messy stuff. Really, how this is so hard to do. I am so quick to whine and pout when things do go my way. But God tells us in his word that these sharpen us…refining us to reflect more of him. May you stop me in my tracks Lord when I whine. Reminding me that even the messy I am called to praise for You have a plan and in that you waste not! Forgive me on how often I doubt you. Yes, forgive me and let me finish the race set before me.

  39. Kathy says:

    I have to confess that I got up this morning feeling defeated and frustrated and scared because of this new strain of Covid. Sometimes it is just too much. But God…
    All of the passages we read this morning spoke directly to my heart about all that I am feeling. “Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials…” I have this note written in my Bible. “Trials steal our dignity, security, and dreams unless we’re in Christ. Trials don’t get to steal from followers of Jesus unless we hand over the goods. (Beth Moore).
    I have a choice of what I do with the trials that I am facing. When we were doing the Old Testament someone shared about Genesis 50:20. “You planned evil against me; God planned it for good…” It’s all about which side of the semi-colon you choose to live on. Whatever happens in our lives, we have the choice to dwell on the side evil planned against us or to trust God’s plans for us and we can trust Him – dwelling on the side of His goodness.
    I am choosing today to live on the right side of the semicolon. Things may be hard and not go the way I want them to, but I can walk through this with the peace that passes all understanding – with kindness, goodness, mercy. Trusting God to give me what I need.

  40. Kathy Sites says:

    I honestly cannot say I consider the various trials I encounter (in my marriage, with my grown children, with the grands, in my classroom and school, and the list continues) that I consider these pure joy. But…I can CHOOSE joy. All the trials that any of us go through are HARD, especially in today’s world. But God…He listens and He is big enough to hear my rants and see my tears. @Tina, I understand and feel a lot of what you listed and then again not all of it. You are NOT alone! I do not post often, but I always read the petitions of the SRT sisters and PRAY. This world is hard, so I remind myself OFTEN that we are not meant to stay here, that we are meant to search out a hope for something better. James 1:5 often comes to mind for me…wisdom to pray humbly, to act generously, to give without expectation. I know most of you are going through at least one trial, so know that this community is strong and full of sisters who love you without knowing you. We all have one thing in common…We love the Lord and He loves us. Sweet Friday blessings and smiles…

  41. Blessed Beth says:

    When things happen to me I reflect and hold on to the good, joyful events that have occurred . Doing this enables me to have joy and patience to get through it.

  42. Bronwen Rogers says:

    James asking us to express joy in the midst of challenges is an expression of God during hard times. Knowing that God has us in his sights and will get us through the trials. Practically, during difficult times, smile, talk of and think of God and his goodness. It takes practice. When my husband went through cancer, looking to God and talking to others of God’s goodness help me get through. I was questioned on how I could smile and be upbeat during that time. Told them because of God. I give the glory to God.

  43. Kelly says:

    1. Joy is something the Spirit produces in us as we cultivate a life in Christ. Trials should drive us to look to God more thus deepening our joy. Practically when in trails to be intentional about looking for blessings, for ways that God has provided, for ways to serve others, then we fill our joy tank when our circumstances are trying to drain it. For me it can be just as simple as spending some time outside, getting a chance to experience God’s attention to detail in creation fills me with joy because I know He has the details of my life planned out too.
    2.James (my favorite book) gives so much wisdom and direction for living a redeemed life in a fallen world. I find comfort in the situations he describes because I know that I am not the only one who struggles with the issues (taming tongue; showing preference; ect).

    TINA-sorry you are having such a tough go of things right now. May God continue to bring you strength and peace. (((Hugs)))

  44. Searching says:

    TINA – praying for you, so much loss! The loss of friends and family hurts, and hurts deep, no 2 ways about it. A lot of loss of both in recent years. I try to focus on being thankful and remembering good times spent with them.

    CHARLOTTE ANDERSON – I think thankfulness is essential to joy and that it adds steadfastness to our faith, even in the worst/saddest of times. When it’s difficult to think of thankfulness in a situation, I can start by being thankful for my salvation.

    SYDNEY – praying for Meghan.

  45. Debbie PursuedbyHim says:

    I can show joy in hardship and trials by being patient and kind with others even though my life may be a mess. I may not like what I am going through, but if I am kind to others, they will see that I can find joy, in others, through the suffering. I can be an encouragement, and I think that shows joy!

  46. Tina says:

    Life has had its challenges, some have taken longer to be worked through, and some, by God’s Grace, have not been challenges for long!

    This last month has been particularly challenging and tough.
    I lost a nephew suddenly…

    My dear friend after a good fight with cancer, fell asleep, in perfect peace.

    Another friend just fell to the ground and died with undetected heart problems.(attending funeral this morning)

    A very good friend’s heart is failing..

    The list goes on..

    But God..

    Though these are not my challenges, perse, my heart has taken them on for prayer, and because these are not just random people but much loved friends, I feel their pain and struggles..

    The joy of the Lord is my strength

    “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Nehemiah 8:10).

    I hold fast to that as lifes waves batter me and those I love, knowing that no matter what..

    But God..

    Blessings dear hearts, wrapped in love and prayers for a blessed and ‘the Lords joy’ over the coming weekend!❤

  47. Charlotte Anderson says:

    Did anyone have any ideas on how to practically express joy in the midst of challenges?

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      One thing I thought was that when I’m tempted to grumble and complain that I could stop and thank God that he uses my challenges to produce endurance and maturity in me.

      1. Allison Bentley says:

        Focus on gratitude not grumbling! I have those on a post it where I see it everyday!

    2. Susie H says:

      Charlotte, I think this is a particularly difficult verse especially to embrace in the midst of deep trials. There have been some good ideas expressed here. I think just choosing God rather than despair is a way of finding joy in these times.

  48. Melissa Mcronney says:
