Day 25

Instruction for Consecration

from the Exodus reading plan

Exodus 29:1-46, Psalm 132:12-16, Hebrews 7:23-28

BY Bailey Gillespie

In his poem “How to Be a Poet,” Wendell Berry says, “There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.”

Because God created all things—the heavens and the earth—we know this is true. All is inherently sacred. Only sin and evil can destroy and desecrate. All humans bears the imago dei, the image of God. However, today’s passage in Exodus also shows us the importance of consecration to God. The Faithlife Study Bible describes how the Hebrew word used in Exodus 29:1, qadash, “refers to being holy or making something holy.” “The concept of holiness fundamentally indicates separation,” says Faithlife. “Someone or something is set apart for sacred use, as opposed to ordinary use.”

We might think about it this way: Redwood forests stretching along the Pacific Northwest are made by our creator God. They stand as sentinels for us to feast our eyes on. They house birds and other living organisms. They contribute to the flourishing of the Pacific Northwest ecosystem. Each tree, needle, and pine cone has mostly ordinary uses. 

But when God instructs His people with a specific task, like preparing a sin offering or ordaining someone to the priesthood, ordinary things are suddenly used for sacred purposes, as we see in today’s act of consecration after the establishment of the Mosaic covenant. Bread cakes and burnt rams become a holy, “pleasing aroma” (Exodus 29:22–25). Garments become holy after being sprinkled with blood (v.21). An altar becomes “especially holy” (v.37). 

When Aaron and his brothers are selected as priests, they are now ordinary men set apart for sacred use. They are holy. “The priesthood is to be theirs by a permanent statute,” Scripture tells us (v.9). This new role is meant to be a lasting one, the evidence of God’s redeeming work making its way through His people, moment by moment, beginning in Scripture’s opening pages to the very end. Jesus now holds this role of the High Priest, the One “exalted above the heavens” and the only One truly capable of removing our sin (Hebrews 7:26).

Being set apart by God is not something we take lightly but a sacred and holy calling. Thankfully, we have the testimony of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to help us walk this calling out faithfully. Thanks be to God.   

Post Comments (37)

37 thoughts on "Instruction for Consecration"

  1. Kat says:

    That is what confirmation is. Confirming your baptism.

  2. Kristi V says:

    I would allow them to be baptized now as they’re the ones making the choice to show others that they want to follow Jesus the rest of their lives.

  3. Crystal H says:

    This is not related to today’s reading but has been on my mine. I chose to be baptized as a teenager when I first came to Christ. As parents, we chose to baptize our boys as infants as was the tradition of our Lutheran church and belief in God’s promise to his people.

    Fast forward, my boys are now 11 and we long ago switched to a church with baptist roots. My boys have recently asked to be baptized, saying you chose to baptize us, now we are making the decision to do it. How do I respond? I don’t see harm in allowing them to make this public decision now, but I also don’t believe that they need to be baptized 2x. Is this a silly question?

  4. Crystal H says:

    This is not related to today’s reading but has been on my mine. I chose to be baptized as a teenager when I first came to Christ. As parents, we chose to baptize our boys as infants as was the tradition of our Lutheran church and desire to claim God’s love for them. Fast forward, my boys are now 11 and we long ago switched to a church with baptist roots. My boys have recently asked to be baptized, saying you chose to baptize us, now we are making the decision to do it. How do I respond? I don’t see harm in allowing them to make this public decision now, but I also don’t believe that they need to be baptized 2x. Is this a silly question?

  5. Crystal H says:

    This is not related to today’s reading but has been on my mine. I chose to be baptized as a teenager when I first came to Christ. As parents, we chose to baptize our boys as infants as was the tradition of our Lutheran church. Fast forward, my boys are now 11 and we long ago switched to a church with baptist roots. My boys have recently asked to be baptized, saying you chose to baptize us, now we are making the decision to do it.

  6. Alfreda Langhorne says:

    Amen..daily and continuously devoting my life to God is the only way. I get distracted by life stuff, and I’ll find myself making bad decisions. I love the Lord, and it feels so bad to get off track. I learned that through these mistakes that a self righteous spirit was fueling my motivation. My shepherd opened my eyes to see me and I asked God to forgive me.

  7. Alfreda Langhorne says:

    Thank God through you for this passage of reading and reflection. The great sacrifice of Jesus Christ reminded me more that in spite of all the distractions, as long as I continue to consecrate myself,not trying to fix anyone or anything else, Jesus will work it out. As a mother, I tend to try to make it all right. I’m learning at 56 that it’s not my job. And, it’s hard. It’s evil for me to fix it, my trust in God will destroy all evil, and make everything right. Letting go,,,letting God.

  8. GramsieSue . says:

    So many nuggets today! The wearing of garments is a picture of the character and life of the believer. Christ has taken away our dirty rags and given us a robe of righteousness. ~Each man was marked with blood on the right earlobe, the right thumb, and the right big toe.l This was a reminder that they must listen to God’s Word, do God’s work, and walk in God’s way. ~Each day began with the priests sacrificing a lamb as a burnt offering, signifying the total dedication of the people to God, and the day ended with the offering of a second lamb as a burnt offering. That’s a good example for us to follow-opening and closing the day with surrender to the Lord. Hugs to my fellow she’s ❤️

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