I Will Not Leave You or Abandon You

Open Your Bible

Joshua 1:1-9, Joshua 3:1-17, Psalm 73:21-28, Hebrews 13:1-6

What must it have been like to receive instructions directly from the mouth of the Lord? “Now you and all the people prepare to cross over the Jordan to the land I am giving the Israelites,” God told Joshua (Joshua 1:2). Moses had died, and now it was Joshua’s turn to lead—not because Joshua said so, but because God had said so.

Scripture does not describe Joshua’s emotional reaction to God’s directive, but we can infer from what God said next that Joshua was less than confident about the enormous task ahead of him: “I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or abandon you” (Joshua 1:5). Put yourself in Joshua’s place, the weight of a nation’s survival on your shoulders and impossible battles before you. Let God’s promise sink in.

God was indeed with Joshua. In the chapters that follow, we see Joshua successfully lead the Israelite people across the Jordan accompanied by none other than the tangible presence of God with the ark of the covenant. And we see God fight for Israel as they take possession of the promised land under Joshua’s command. Everyone who followed Joshua benefited from God’s presence.

But Joshua’s life and mission point to someone greater: Jesus Christ. And just as God’s promise to Joshua was for the benefit of all those who followed and obeyed Joshua, the promise is extended today to all those who follow and obey Jesus. The Lord’s presence is with us, wherever Christ leads. We can, therefore, rejoice in the freedom from fear that is ours in Christ. “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6).

(151) Comments

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151 thoughts on "I Will Not Leave You or Abandon You"

  1. Emily Pellegrini says:

    I pray for an obedient and courageous heart like Joshua had. I pray for the faith to hold on to the promise of God’s always-near presence. The Lord is with me, I have no need to fear.

  2. Jeanna Vance says:

    Surrendering my life to him afresh today.

  3. Sarah Bradley says:


  4. Angelica Baldwin says:

    Psalms 73:21-28 did itnfor me. What a strongnand powerful, comforting reminder that all we need is God!!! Be blessed yall

  5. Ashley Cesare says:

    Sometimes, I get so caught up in my own mind. The “what ifs” sink in. The weight of sin holds heavy in my heart. Today’s reading was a beautiful reminder that God sees me, he hears me, and walks beside me everyday. I may feel alone, but I am not. God is always with me (and always has been.) What an amazing Father we serve!

  6. Julie Hurst says:

    Thank you God, for your promises! The world will always disappoint us, but you will never leave us!

  7. Gabi Moss says:

    Even when things feel impossible, God is always right there, His timing is perfect and He will never abandon us

  8. Tatiana Petersen says:

    What can man do.to me. God will never leave me or abandon me. Feel like I really needed to hear this when second guessing myself

  9. Ashley Rhoades says:

    I am never alone!

  10. erika fuentes says:

    Thank you God for giving us the confidence that whatever the world throws at us, God is there to protect and bless us no matter what!

  11. Lolly Regan says:


  12. Cheri Powell says:

    No one on earth can make such a promise as to never abandon another. These are such trying times and there is one who sticks closer than a brother…one who will never leave us or forsake us!! I am resting in these promises today!!!

  13. Josie Landon says:


  14. Anneliese Peterson says:

    Man. God used this to speak to me.

  15. LeeAnne Burdette says:

    What a time for this devotion?!? Praise God that He is always with us and goes before us!

  16. Madeline Wofford says:

    I’m never alone. His presence is a promise. That is such a needed reminder, especially in such lonely times.

  17. Emily Wilkinson says:

    God gives leadership and instruction.
    We are to trust Christ and go where he sends us.

  18. Sonia Vasquez says:

    I needed this. It was a good reminder of God’s promise that he will never leave me or forsake me is very much alive today and until eternity! This helped me during this season that we are all going through and at times I need a reminder that God is in Control!

  19. Molly DiMola says:

    Loved reading this. Feeling overwhelmed with NP school and work and a bit inadequate to do it. This reminder that God will not abandon me even when things seem impossible is what I needed today. I will carry this verse today along with the thought that if God brought you to it, he will bring you through it.

  20. Michelle-Rose Oduro says:

    It is well with my soul!!

  21. Erica Riley says:

    I love the reassurance of these passage. It stuck me when I read the verses about meditating day and night on Gods word. The world is full of chaos and confusion, and our God is the only thing to surround ourselves with right now. I need the word of God to give me peace and comfort to calm my heart.

  22. Rebecca Hughes says:

    Enjoyed this! Feeling so alone and abandoned at times, in desperation for comfort and mediating on this scripture really helped me .

    1. Sarah Cortez says:

      Hang in there Rebecca, God is with you always. He will never leave you. Prayers for you!

  23. Tahryah Wheeler says:

    *spoke to me

  24. Tahryah Wheeler says:

    I needed this. Hebrews 13:6 really spoke to
    me and was the little bit of reassurance I needed. As someone who has anxiety and is constantly worried about man and human feelings towards me—sometimes being fearful of human interaction and the what-ifs, this scripture made me realize that I don’t need to fear man because God is with me, always. Anxiety isn’t something that can be easily turned off, but I’m keeping this scripture in my back pocket to remind me that I’m never alone.

  25. Sarah Maddox says:

    I really needed this today. Very overwhelmed, I need to get tested for Covid and I’m worried I might have gotten my parents sick. Please pray for all of us.

    1. Julia Gustus says:


    2. Becca McCleary says:

      ❤️ said a prayer for you

  26. Vicki Armour says:

    I know so well that God keeps his promises as long as I wait on him. I was speaking to my niece and she says she is fearful with all that is going on in the world. I told her that I do not let fear guide me because it steals my joy. God is my safe zone. I continue to pray that all my family members who do not believe will come back to following him. He is our safe zone and we are never alone as long as we keep him upfront in our lives!

  27. Penny Jo says:

    In these uncertain times the Word brings Hope beyond circumstances, urging obedience and faith to move forward even in distancing. God knows the details of our needs, praying not my will, but Your will be done. Psalm 73:24 “With Your counsel you guide me, and in the end You will receive me in glory.”
    What a day that will be!

  28. Carlie Watson says:

    God’s Presence is always enough for me. His promise to be with me covers all my fears, my deepest insecurities and points me to my eternal purpose and communion with Christ. Thank you Jesus that there’s nothing I can do to be separated from you. Your love is that vast and your grace is that deep.

  29. caroline steyn says:

    This is incredible, God’s timing as usual is so amazing. I am in a situation at work where I suddenly find myself having to assume a lot of responsibility and it was making me very anxious. This has calmed my heart.

  30. Stacey Copeland says:

    Seems simple but when reading through those passages I just kept feeling the reminder that “what God says he will do, he does” and he has so many awesome promises that we can cling to during hard times!

  31. Betty says:

    Enjoyed these reflections

  32. Betty says:

    Enjoyed this QT :)

  33. Sabrina Huggins says:

    All my life, all I can remember is heart ache and turmoil, even when things seemed to be happy. There was always an abrupt end to what was happiness at the time. My mother instilled in my heart that there is hope in God because he is always there with a life line. Still 40 years later the presence of the God of my life is here in my life. Now I can see how obedience to him was easier than making my own way with my own thoughts. I did not know how to hear or even listen to my God. I do now. Thank you Father, thank you.
    As I read these testimonies I am constantly reminded that God is and has always been with me even when my life was not favorable to his ways. He still never left me.

    1. Hillary Burns says:

      Thank you for sharing this.

  34. Jaquelinee Luna says:

    I’ve been a single mom to a boy with autism for a month now. His dad walked out on us during this pandemic. Thank God for HE is my refuge. HE protects us and blesses us every day.

    1. Ellyse Abernathy says:

      Sending you prayers for a strong community of support through this time! ❤️

    2. Rebecca Walker says:

      Oh my goodness! I have walked in your shoes for a long time, my dear sister. It is painful and wrought with exhaustion and weariness. As someone who is 10 years ahead of you, let me share this, God has shown up in ways financially and otherwise that can only be explained by divine mercy and intervention. The modern day “widows and orphans” are single parents and He does not leave those who He loves. Reach out. Ask for help. Take long walks, do yoga, breathe, and ask for Jesus’ nearness. Praying and sending love for you from TN!

  35. Dori Linderman says:

    Definitely needed to be reminded of this promise. God is so good and always on time.

  36. Kellie Plessner says:

    So encouraging! Every journey God asks you to go on, He is here! He is faithful!

  37. Jessica Berroteran says:

    When God commands us to do the impossible, He is always with us. Even when it feels too overwhelming, he is there

  38. Mica de la Horra says:

    I cant finish the reading! It cuts in “what can” … Am I the only one with this problem?

    1. Sabrina Huggins says:


  39. Shonda Thomas says:

    To know that even when I feel alone or am alone physically, God is ALWAYS with me!!

  40. Simi Ojo says:

    Exactly the reassurance I needed for the journey I’m about to embark on. Thank you lord.

  41. Alison Langerman says:

    Psalms 73:26 the Lord remains the strength of my heart forever.

  42. Sarah Pathipphanith says:

    I am about to leave my job to become my son’s full-time caregiver. Our biggest hurdle in making this decision was money. I needed to read this today! God hears our prayers and sees our needs.

  43. Tammy Buchnoff says:

    He’s with us, he won’t leave us. Even when it feels like he’s been quiet or distant. He’s working behind the scenes. Jesus is still interceding for us.

  44. Anna Brazer says:

    I don’t have to be afraid because God is with me. He is my help!

  45. Susan Crosby says:

    The Lord is my helper I shall not fear. What can man do to me?

  46. Chelsea Clifton says:

    I think right now I’m this chaos it is wild that when I allow my thoughts and feelings to really take over I feel alone but when I calm down and allow myself to breathe by reading his work I can feel Him and know that He hasn’t left and he never will leave

  47. Jessica Williamston says:

    God has shown me so many times in the past how much he is with me; even right now in these present circumstances. He gives clear instruction and provides signs or evidence of his presence. He is faithful! God please continue to open my eyes and heart to see your hand working in every area of my life.

  48. Kristen Davenport says:

    I needed to read these words tonight. I have felt so alone yet God is with me. He has not abandoned me

  49. Kinesha Cox says:

    I needed this tonight! I love knowing that God will never leave me!

  50. Hannah G says:

    This is what I needed today. I’m a high school English teacher, and my husband is a university theatre professor. We both miss our students so much, and I’ve really struggled with feeling as if I’ve abandoned them during this strange time. It’s so wonderful to be reminded that God is not bound by earthly limitations when it comes to being there for us, and that he will never abandon us.

    1. Renee Dowdy says:

      I work in higher education as well (student affairs – residence life) and yes, I felt very similar reading this today. In addition from Hebrews “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” I’ve felt so much fear surrounding my job and work upended. God is always with us no matter the circumstances around us.

  51. Dorothy Tinsley says:

    I’m a day behind so I’m reading this on Thursday. From page one I just couldn’t get over Joshua 1:5 I will not leave you or abandon you.
    I’ve stepped away from God for a few years. I recently discovered SRT and decided to start with this study. Wow it’s powerful. Even though I left God and abandoned him he repeatedly says he will not do that to me. It’s so comforting to read that at this time in my life.

  52. Terri Gauldin says:

    It’s funny-sometimes I get a day behind but I know I can catch up on Saturday’s. This was such a week so I’m reading this passage on Thursday-the day my husband is performing lung surgery on a Covid-19 positive patient. He not afraid-but his people are nervous. He’s aware. But y’all-the Lords hand is in every detail of our day. He even texted me on the way to work that his verse of the day that popped up on his phone was Isaiah 41:10- which begins’ “Do not fear, for I am with you.” He is with us. He is before us, behind us, beside us, around us, and within us. In the morning, in the evening, in our coming and going, in our weeping and our rejoining. He is FOR us. His promises are true. If you get a minute- listen to The Blessing by Kari Jobe. Many of these words are form that song because I listen to and sing it in my head daily.

    1. Hannah G says:

      What a beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing.

    2. Jaquelinee Luna says:

      Thank you for sharing!
      The song is amazing!

  53. Marie Kiledjian says:

    @Rebecca Leek, being in Christ has nothing to do with what we do. It’s about what we are: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/six-things-it-means-to-be-in-christ-jesus Knowing these things and living them out will gradually change us: we will see fruit in our lives (love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, self control, faithfulness). We will strive to become more like Christ. We can’t force these changes in us but we can trust God to bring them as we reflect on who He is and who we are in Him. God always follows through on his promises ;)

  54. Tina says:

    @Paula Cline, thank you so much for your breakdown of ‘our’feelings and emotions. That absolutely makes sense..

    Blessings and thank you again.❤

  55. Erricka Hager says:

    Love love love the story of Joshua. I can relate so much to his timidness about his mighty role. However God’s promise to him truly shows us God’s character. I immediately highlighted the promise of “I will be with you” & “I will not leave you or abandon you.”

  56. Michelle Mason says:

    I love that the Israelites were not only promised that God was going to be with them, but then there was proof too. I’m sure they had heard the stories passed down from their family members of God being with them when they had crossed the Red Sea. And now they were seeing that same God do it again, only for them this time, thus to reveal His promise for sure to be true.

  57. Rachel Ann says:

    Jada and Perla–welcome, Friends! We’re glad you’re here.

    I like to pray from Psalm 119 asking the Holy Spirit to “open my eyes that I may see wondrous things out of [God’s] law” before beginning Scripture reading–praying that simple prayer from scripture helps me to remember that God’s word is living and active, and it helps me to approach the Bible humbly seeking God (rather than seeking success or knowledge for my own sake).

    Praying for you tonight that God would open your eyes to see wondrous things in his word when you read tomorrow.

    Looking forward to reading along with you.

    1. Jada Ellison says:

      Thank you so much for the advice and the prayer! I felt so much gratitude and understanding when I was reading this morning, and I am excited to keep reading!

  58. Faith Kendrick says:

    We always think that God is always with us. And he is, but we never think that we are always with Him. And that’s true. We are always by his side because He is always by ours. Sometimes it may seem like we are not with him and miles away, but if we have Jesus living in our hearts, we are always in the presence of the Lord!

  59. Sara Gandolfo says:

    This is my first SRT study guide and I’m loving it! Being closure to God and knowing scripture has been something I’ve wanted. He will never leave us is absolutely true. ❤️

  60. Mikia T says:

    So grateful that Jesus is the strength of my heart ❤️ (Psalm 73:26)

  61. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Since I used to struggle with feelings of abandonment , God’s continual presence, is one of my favorite promises. I love that I don’t have to fear, for God is with me:) Let us all walk in that knowledge today. ❤️

  62. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Since I used to struggle with feelings of

  63. Jada Ellison says:

    Hi guys! My name is Jada, and this is my first Study Plan with SRT. I didn’t really grow up going to church because my family moved around a lot, and I felt that this was the perfect time to pursue a deeper relationship with God. If anyone could give me advice on how to take notes or how to develop a deeper understanding of the scripture that would be greatly appreciated! I am a few days behind, and I am excited to get started!

    1. Perla Ramirez says:

      I’m new too! Let’s be friends!

      1. Jada Ellison says:

        Yay to new friends! :)

    2. Allie Riley says:

      Welcome Jada & Perla! I like to hand write the Bible verses that stand out to me. Slowing down & writing them word for word vs reading it helps the words sink in more. Sometimes reading definitions of words (even words that I know) gives more insight into what’s being said.

    3. Ashley Thomas says:

      Jada, the first SRT study I did was the Bible in a year. I commented every day. It made me feel accountable, and it forced me to really think about what I was reading. What was God trying to tell me?

    4. Ashley Thomas says:

      Jada, also, try to find a church in your area that’s doing online service. It will help ease you in to church. They only other thing to do is pray. Pray for God to open your heart to Him, for Him to help you lean on Him.

    5. Hayley Fernandez says:

      Studies like these help a lot! But also make sure to read independently, even if it’s just a few verses/chapters a day with a bible in a year study for guidance/pacing. Just pray for direction and keep your mind open to what God may be sharing! Write down what stands out, what comes to mind, what you don’t understand. Definitely find a church near you that’s doing online services/small groups and get connected so you have a foundation when things return to normal! Welcome to SRT :) I pray you learn from this study and all the others you choose to do!

    6. Amanda Seawright says:

      Here are some great videos about how to study your Bible, Jada! https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9TkSxUgcmrhwZ1RFZyQOnw8l3-ld8C9_

    7. Jada Ellison says:

      Thank you guys for responding with such great advice! I am actively working on putting all of it to use, and I appreciate how helpful and welcoming y’all are! :)

  64. DOROTHY says:

    Sherry, I’ll be praying for you and your family especially your father. I worked on a memory care unit for several years and the last few days were the hardest in the person’s life.

  65. DOROTHY says:

    So yesterday I barely got to read the devotional let alone read very many of the comments which I like to try to do that day. My day yesterday was so busy, my friend doesn’t have a car and wanted go and pick up food from Harvesters so I got up earlier than I’m used to and we went and got food. Now mind you we are both single and the only ones in our households but by the time we left my trunk was so full. A friend mutual who lives in the same complex as my other didn’t get to go so we call her and she came down and got some. I gave some to some to other residents in their complex. I still left with a trunk half full so I delivered to my cousin and my sister. Then when I went to work I took some to the family of Finley, the little girl, I work with. I still have some to deliver tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong I’m very grateful but I was so busy that I didn’t get to do my usual routine of SRT but I know that God understands. I also was able to help a family while I was there because I had bought some close for Finley and they didn’t fit her and I had them in my car, in the car next to us was a car with young children that they would fit so instead of worrying about finding a place to donate them to I gave them to the family in the car next to us.
    Today’s verses and devotional remind me that I have only to rely on God and Christ when I have any fears. I love the song by Zach Williams “Fear Is a Liar” because it continuously reminds me that all I have to do is rely on the Almighty when I’m afraid.

  66. Bethany Trimble says:

    Always a great reminder of the faithfulness of God. ❤️

  67. Ashley White says:


  68. Dona Bell says:

    In reading what JENNY and JESSICA said above ( app tossed me out twice trying to respond right after their comments): what God brought to mind when reading this devotion was a clear picture of how the ark being the safe anchor in the Jordan to allow the people to cross safely is an illustration for us that God is firmly anchored in this river of COVID and is holding back the waters for us until we safely pass. This just gives me such comfort! He hems us before and behind! Just had to share this striking insight with you ladies!

    1. Arleisha Strauder says:

      Thank you for such an encouraging word! Yes God is always present, always watching over us and taking care of us!

    2. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I love this!!❤️

  69. Alisha Attella-Sevier says:

    Footprints in the Sand! ❤️❤️❤️

  70. Victoria Rae says:

    What a good prayer. Thank you.

  71. Jenna says:

    I don’t know if anyone listens to Jay Stocker’s Scripture Lullabies. On his first Hidden in My Heart album, there’s a song called “I Will Never Leave You.” Today’s promise and readings reminded me of that song. It’s really peaceful music and worth a listen to in these uncertain times.

  72. Jazmine Parker says:

    Wow this was so encouraging! Joshua 1:9 “Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” This is a great reminder that our Father is with us always and that I do not need to do things on my own but know that the Lord is with me always. As it said in Hebrews 13:6, “the Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me.”

  73. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “My flesh and my heart fail;” boy do they ever… BUT — thank God for all the “buts” in the Bible! When I am weak, He is strong, when I fear, He is fearless! “But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Amen! A nice reminder today of the promises of God.

  74. Laurie Crary says:

    I cannot comprehend how people navigate life without Jesus, who never leaves us or forsakes us!!

    1. Caitlin H. says:

      Same! So thankful for Jesus!

  75. Diana Fleenor says:

    This is what I wrote in my prayer journal before reading the devotion or comments: God tells me in many places in his word that he “will never leave you nor forsake you.” This is a promise to his people. I am also aware that I need to trust this is true in order to receive this blessing. Yet, from where does faith come? How grateful I am to be reminded that Jesus is the author and perfecter of faith! When my faith feels weak, when doubt tries to take over my heart, I can run to the Lord, my helper, with my fears and doubts and unbelief, saying, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

    I hear you, sisters! We all seem to have this common struggle with our emotions to go and trust the Lord with these assuring words of his. Paula’s description in response to Tina’s confession of personal struggle about how our emotions take time to conform to our mental understanding of God’s word is helpful. I’m so grateful that the Lord is so patient with us and helps us in our emotional struggle!

  76. Mari V says:

    The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me.(Hebrews 13:6)
    Grateful for the reminder again. It seems as if God knows exactly what I need to hear. My daughter who does these devotions with me (a little later in the morning since she still sleeping) just mentioned to me yesterday that she thinks it’s really neat how we read God’s Word and and most of the time it has to do with exactly what we’re going through at that moment. It put a smile on my face. Lately I’ve been afraid and I have to remind myself that this is God‘s promise. He is my Helper. I don’t need to be afraid. Sigh… Lord help me to remember this always when anxiety and fear invade my thoughts.

  77. CeeGee says:

    We can certainly pray for that, Jenny! I love your insight on the distancing. I want to research that a little – 1000 yards is over a half mile!

  78. Laura Struyf says:

    Today’s verses brought to mind the song by Rascal Flatts, “He Ain’t the Leavin’ Kind…
    He ain’t the leavin’ kind
    He’d never walk away
    Even from those who don’t believe
    And wanna leave him behind
    He ain’t the leavin’ kind

  79. Debbie Bratton says:

    I love that parallel that God’s promise to Joshua benefited those who followed and obeyed Joshua, just as the promise is extended today to those who follow and obey Jesus. Thank you for pointing us to Christ.

  80. GramsieSue says:

    What a blessing this was today! These are the promises of God I have clung to through this time of distancing. And as I read each of your comments I was able to see how God has been there for each of us. I am so thankful for SRT and this family of sisters. Hugs to all of you from Missouri. ❤️

  81. Claire Berkeley-Hitt says:

    Whew! Good morning ladies! We have so much “meat” in the readings today plus a lot to consider within the comments. It’s good to be here with you all and God.

    I too took note as many have that Joshua 1:6 implores us to “Be strong and of good courage”. It’s as if God knows we will struggle to accept the fact that He is with us and has our back ALWAYS as enough. He knows we need to be told, you have to be brave! In fact, he tells Joshua THREE times in Chapter 1!!

    NATALIE, I am right there with you… I am on the west coast and any minute my 21 month old with cry out from her slumber ready for my undivided attention.

    SHERRY, my heart goes out to you. This is an incredible difficult time for your family. Anxiety is an intense monster and I know you want to comfort your mother and be at her side. I have thought many times of this exact scenario of loved ones not being able to be beside the elderly during this time of social distancing and it is awful. Psalm 73:25-26 “Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.” These verses jumped out at me this morning as I lost my sister in July to breast cancer. She was 35 years old. With each month that she isn’t here on earth, it becomes more jarring. Her body surely failed and she has left us; Praise God she is in heaven with Him now, despite the journey that got her there and how we all long for her here. Its amazing how despite our faith, that we do not need to fear death, we still do. It is frightening to think of our loved ones suffering as they’re passing. I pray you and your Mom and Dad have the peace that passeth all understanding at this time. This note of course does not capture what the Holy Spirit laid on my heart this morning when I arrived at these words; kind of thinking in my mind (if I am honest) as I read through Joshua 1 “yea, but what about cancer? Is God there in that? Did he forsake Olivia as she suffered?) and then I was reminded that “He is our portion” upon leaving the earth. PS. I love that you mixed up your years of marriage!!! And a impressive “record” on both accounts.

    Finally, ANGIE and JADE: Oh man, so much talk about the book and I havent gotten mine yet! I ordered it on Thursday so I hope it comes so I can see the layout and the notes section etc. Some were talking about it yesterday too. I know the mail is running slow so I hope it gets here soon.

    Be well all.

  82. Melinda says:

    Amen. ❤

  83. Cindy says:

    My prayer is that many who haven’t known Him before, will feel the Presence of someone greater than themselves, and investigate, and learn of a God who has been there with them along….

  84. Mary FromHB says:

    The beauty of these words, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” profoundly stuck out for me during this reading. A reminder that no matter the challenge or difficulty we may face, God is with us, encouraging us, and guiding us toward Him

  85. Natalie McMahon says:

    Even as I try to write this my toddler is trying to crawl into my life and climb all over me. I found myself annoyed until I thought of the picture in it. God desires us to take refuge in Him. It’s storming outside and in many ways my toddler seeks me for refuge, just as we should seek our Heavenly Father. The Psalm said, “25Whom have I in heaven but you?
    And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. 26My flesh and my heart may fail,but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” It is when we find refuge in Him that we find and experiences his promises, the strength and courage to endure the storms and rivers.

    1. Kristina Moore says:

      Amen, Natalie! Also my toddler is doing the same thing as I read ;)

    2. Kelsi Boone says:

      Love this Natalie thanks for sharing your heart

  86. Robin W. says:

    This study combined with the SRT podcast has been a huge blessing these past few weeks. Thank you for spreading truth, love and grace. ♥️

  87. Cheyenne Aliff says:


  88. Kay Shinn says:

    Sometimes I look up definitions of words to help me get a fuller understanding of how they are being used. Today I looked up consecrate: “ make a conscious, willing decision to dedicate your soul, mind, heart and body to GOD. This decision must be one of will, intelligence and affection.”
    In the context of our scripture, “consecrate yourselves, because the LORD will do wonders among you tomorrow.” This is something I need to consciously do every day out of my affection for my Heavenly Father, and be open to the wonders HE does! I needed that reminder today!

  89. Courtney says:

    Wow, Jenny! I think you may be on to something my friend. Thank you for sharing what God put on your heart.

  90. Sharon L says:

    As I am reading the notes left by others this morning, I had to read what Tina posted. She asked why is it easy to encourage others with God’s truths, yet difficult to encourage ourselves with the same truths when we are having difficult times. I don’t believe it’s due to us forgetting His promises. We are just dealing with all the emotions of the struggle and doing what we can to get through the day. That is why we need friends, family, our church family, our brothers and sisters in Christ family. Family encourages each other. Family is there to help us pick up the pieces. Family is there to remind us that we are not alone. Family reminds us what God has promised us. I have those family members who are always ready to listen and remind me of God’s faithfulness. I am blessed to have them in my life. Thank you to those if you who share your thoughts here. You, too, are in my family and I am thankful for the many times you have encouraged me.

  91. Joanna says:

    I love this!! Thank you, Jenny!

  92. Kathleen King says:

    So so true

  93. Kathleen King says:

    So so true. He addresses it all the time in scripture. I think He knew it would be one of our greatest battles.

  94. Kathy says:

    This devotion brought to mind the song, “The God Who Stays” by Matthew West. The chorus says:
    “You’re the God who stays
    You’re the God who stays
    You’re the one who runs in my direction
    When the whole world walks away
    You’re the God who stands
    with wide-open arms
    And you tell me nothing I have ever done can separate my heart
    From the God who stays

    I am so thankful for this promise. Lord, help me keep my eyes focused on You and not the circumstances around me.

    1. Meghan Hampton says:

      Thank you, I am going to listen to this today ❤️

  95. Jenny Love says:

    I thought it was interesting that there has to be a distance between the people and the ark “in order that you may know the way you should go, for you have not passed this way before.” I realize this distance has to do with the holiness of God, but the next line too, Joshua said, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you…” He asked them to be set apart, because God was going to something amazing that He was going to be glorified for. Can not God use this time of distancing from one another, to know the way we should go, into a time we have never yet been? Is not God about to do something that will completely show us how Great He truly is?! I believe God is preparing the soil of our country for the message of the Gospel!

    1. Nancy Singleton says:

      Amen! It has certainly been a time of closeness to God, time in His word & in prayer like I’ve never enjoyed before! Praying that many look up to our almighty Father & be strengthened & encouraged as I have been.

    2. Rebekah JuskoWright says:


    3. Margaret Lindsey says:

      I hope so!

    4. Tracy McGee says:

      This is such a wonderful interpretation! Amen!

  96. Angela Sutherland says:

    I’m realizing how often I look to my circumstances as a measure for my confidence, when this promise of God clearly tells me to not be afraid. To trust that He is with me. It reminds of when I’m trying to help my kids in a situation that has them scared…I ask them to look at me and trust me, and every time their little round eyes find mine, I see they want to trust, but then they keep looking back toward what has caused them to fear. I am like that with God and my circumstances more often than I realize! But if the God of the universe is telling me not to fear, that is where I should focus my attention. Not on the lies the enemy would have me believe about whatever I’m facing. I needed these scriptures today!

  97. Jessica Hayhurst says:

    What I love about this story in Joshua is the truth in Psalm 139 “You hem me in behind and before…” is so evident! In story after story, God goes before His people, walks with them through the trial, and comes up behind them so we are covered on all sides with His presence. He asks obedience from us, and responds with abundant grace to give us strength and courage in His presence every step of the way. Hallelujah!

  98. Sherry says:

    My post should say 66 years of marriage. My parents have been married 66 years. I have been married 36 years.

  99. Sue says:

    Tima, thank you for your words today.

  100. Sue says:

    Jade, I often use the space for notes to copy something either from the devotional or a comment someone has posted that is especially meaningful or one that helps bring the scripture to life for me.

  101. Sherry says:

    Tina. I needed your words today and this study. I needed to be reassured of God’s promises. I have been questioning where God is. I am like you; I can support others, but question God when my own troubles come. Yesterday we placed my 87 year old mom on hospice. She has had a good and long life, but the end of her life has not been easy. She can no longer walk and struggles so with dementia and anxiety. She cries and tries to tell us something, but we cannot understand. You can see the fear in her eyes. And add to all this the Coronavirus and we cannot get into the nursing home to be with her. We can only see her through a window. After 36 years of marriage my dad goes to her window every day. I have been questioning God. Why God? Why did you not take her home before this virus? But I know God is here even in my questioning, even in my sadness. He is leading my mama home.

  102. K D says:

    So grateful that even in times of loneliness and isolation we are not alone. God is with us.

    1. Lauren Ouellette says:

      Yes!! ❤️

    2. Meghan Hampton says:

      So true! I live alone and quarantine has been tough. I have found a lot of comfort in knowing I’m not actually alone and have used this time to focus on my relationship with God and making sure I am in the best place possible when things return to “normal”

  103. Churchmouse says:

    Joshua 1:5 ends with “I will not leave you or abandon you.” Joshua 1:6 begins with “Be strong and courageous.” God’s Word is not coincidental. He (God Himself!) is ever with us. No matter what, He doesn’t cut and run. He doesn’t give up on us. In our darkest night, He stays. Therefore, we are to be brave and courageous in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. We are not in our circumstances alone and helpless. God is with us and He’s not leaving. He will see us through. We have access to all His resources, and they are limitless. I recall the chorus to the song “Surrounded” – “It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by You.” Let us take our eyes off the storm and set our gaze firmly on Jesus. He’s got us. He’s got going anywhere.

    1. Cathy Simpkins says:


    2. Mari V says:

      I LOVE that song. A close friend of mine sent me that song during a very critical time. With earphones on I listened to it over and over.

  104. Laura Gelinas says:

    This was just what I needed today. Thank you

  105. Angie says:

    CLAIRE BERKELEY-HITT praise God for your beautiful day yesterday. I, too, have felt release since Sunday when I laid down trying to “be all” in this situation. I also know the prayers of many are holding up our arms as we lift them to the Father’s purpose in this time. Heidi and other fellow teachers, I pray you are filled with strength, peace, and even joy each day. Monday, for the short time we are allowed into the school, a younger friend who is a mom with 4 children and a kindergarten teacher in our building stopped in. She is an excellent teacher and a very loving mom. She is also a leader for the girls youth group at their church. She shared how very stretched she is during this time as she helps her own 4 with their elearning, creates her own for her students, and contacts at least once a week each girl in her youth group individually as well as meeting with the whole group through Zoom once or twice a week. Another mom of 5 children, (ages 6 and under) contacted me this week. Her husband runs a hospital. She was thanking me for something but, underlying her words were a foundation of faith and trust in God in a time when she is tired…I can’t imagine that she isn’t tired ALL the time – I respect that woman so much! Anyway, it seems like our scripture, “I will not leave you or abandon you.” Joshua 1:5 is one to be proclaimed loudly. Then, being strong and courageous…very courageous, meditating day and night on the Word, we can step out in brotherly love, hospitality, and honor to go and do, as we are called/directed, this day, every day…for God is the strength of our heart and our portion forever.

  106. Angie says:

    Jade, I get the books (and loved the additional section today about saying we might think are scriptural or allude to it), but I don’t stress myself out about filling in the pages exactly as they are prepared. I pray and ask God through the Holy Spirit to open my heart to what he has. Then I underline parts of scripture, write notes and even prayers all along the white spaces…sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, sometimes nothing because I need some time to process. I’ve drawn a picture, if scripture leads me that way. Write other scriptures you are reminded of or trying to memorize right now. If you have read from other sources something you are reminded of now, write it down. I hope you will not stress. Allow the notes part to be added space for whatever the Lord lays on your heart and if it is quiet and you do not have words, rest in His presence. That is what I do anyway.

  107. Jade Nguyen says:

    Anyone have any tips on what to write in the notes section?

    1. Julie Bayne says:

      I just try to write something that jumps out at me from the reading and the devotional, some nugget of truth I want to hold on to, often even something that speaks to me from the comments people have made.

      1. Jade Nguyen says:

        Thank you so much ☺️

    2. Jessica Hayhurst says:

      Hey Jade, I’m a bit of a free spirit, so I don’t like to structure my notes too much, but I like to use them as a place to record my questions if something is confusing, my response to some amazing miracle, connections to at her parts of scripture, or anything that I hear God speaking to me through scripture. Some days I can’t seem to write fast enough and some days I only have one or two notes to jot down. My advice is just to ask God to show you something and jot it down when He does.

  108. Blessed Beth says:

    The Lord’s presence is with us, wherever Christ leads. We can, therefore, rejoice in the freedom from fear that is ours in Christ. “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Heb 13:6)
    I had to copy these words they give me such peace today!
    Tina I am in prayer for you and your friend’s and their daughter this is such a struggle. I know as I as a teenager struggled with anorexia. It is a life long battle as it rears it’s head is difference ways through out your life. It is only knowing that the Lord loves me for who I am that gets me through each day. So love her just as He loves you.

  109. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Yes! So grateful for His promises! It is easier to praise Him in the good. But we need Him in the bad too. That’s when we really need God. Let us lift our voice to Him even then.
    Blessings to you ladies!

  110. Melinda says:

    Amen, thankyou for sharing this.

  111. Tina says:

    It is so so easy to believe in troubles and strife, that we are alone..

    I have friends, who at the moment are struggling with their daughters anorexia.. I have come alongside them in prayer and support, not because I am an expert, but because I KNOW A GOD WHO CAN.
    But here’s the thing, if the shoe were on the other foot, I dont think I would be able to hold the truth I pray over this precious family, why is that? What makes that truth, THAT I KNOW, AND SO WELL, be nowhere to be seen or found, when troubles comes my way?

    It’s a funny thing, but praise, gratitude, joy is so easy to do and be when things are going well.., But God says, so so clearly ‘..I will never leave you,( in the good time) nor forsake you..( no matter what, in the good, the bad or the ugly, I AM RIGHT THERE. CLOSER THAN THE SKIN ON YOUR BONES)”
    If God, the Good Father is there in the good, surely, He will be there for sure, in the not so good..
    When all is said and done, when all has long since disappeared, when life comes and life goes, when words are no more, God, and His promises will still be, because His Word and promises are true today, were yesterday, and oh, they surely will be tomorrow..

    Thank you God… thank you for always being there, even when we struggle to see, thank you that your promises are a yes absolute in Jesus, and that the seasons and journeys are never walked alone. Thank you Lord God that when we are weak you are made strong.. Thank you for your love, Lord, that holds us safe and secure.. Thank you Lord. Thank you..


    1. Paula Kline says:

      Hi Tina,

      Thank you for sharing the beautiful and vulnerable truth (we can be blind to Gods presence when we are in deep pain) in light of Gods Truth. I’m a psychologist so I have a lot of ideas about how our physical make-up influences what you are asking but I feel like what is most relevant to you and your friends is that we are emotional creatures first and intellectual creatures second. When we learn something with our minds, our emotions remain unconvinced until we experience it. I think that’s why God is constantly telling people in scripture to remember this or remember that… it’s an invitation to bring that intellectual piece on board and have it help to bring relevant memories on board as well. Those memories will help us move through our emotional challenges with more confidence. However, sometimes what we are facing is so much deeper and so much bigger than anything we’ve experienced with God before that we will have to wait to create the memories of his faithfulness through the painful circumstance. That’s a hard but beautiful Truth. Because what I can tell you is, when you learn those Truths they change you forever.

      1. Amy Wright says:

        Paula, thank you for taking the time to break it down this way for us; so helpful! And Tina, thank you for sharing the specific struggle. Praying for you to continue to have His words and encouragement for your friends.

      2. Jen Brewer says:

        Thank you Tina and Paula for sharing. ❤️