Day 9

I Will Give You Peace and Rest

from the Promises of God reading plan

Matthew 11:28-30, John 14:27, John 20:19-23, Psalm 55:22, Isaiah 53:1-5, Philippians 4:4-7, Colossians 3:12-17

BY She Reads Truth

When you think of rest, you may envision a quiet weekend in a quaint cabin in the woods, or perhaps a peaceful morning on the beach. Maybe you just imagine a morning when you get to ignore the alarm and sleep for an extra thirty minutes. The image we often have of rest is one of stillness and quiet, but what Jesus promises us goes beyond mere tranquility.

The rest Jesus offers isn’t a retreat, but a new way of living, drawn from an Old Testament concept called shalom. Shalom is more than rest; it is peace, wholeness, blessing, and connection to the Lord. This is only possible when we learn to rely on God rather than our own efforts, to cast our worries onto His back rather than piling them up on our own. This is the rest Jesus calls us to. And when we accept His invitation, we find His peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Jesus tells His followers that His “yoke is easy and [His] burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). His “yoke” is a lifestyle, a commitment to walk in obedience to His teachings and in light of His example. Jesus taught the way of the kingdom, complete with the pace and priorities of heaven, and He modeled total dependence on God, the key to true shalom. When we follow His example, we learn we can take His peace with us wherever we go.

Post Comments (93)

93 thoughts on "I Will Give You Peace and Rest"

  1. Carney Elias says:

    A wonderful day of readings and a reminder we constantly need. The commentary missed the fact that we need to rely on Jesus’ death in order to live fully dependent on God and walking in his peace. Jesus is so much more than just an example of God’s peace. Praise God that through Jesus death we can know his peace!

  2. Vicki Armour says:

    So many times I think of how much I call on Jesus to handle all my cares. Recently, my days are more stressful outside of COVID and when I forget to go to him in prayer I am so overwhelmed. Having so many deaths over these past four years, especially losing my husband to lung cancer and now the possibility of my oldest sister having the same disease, I must rely more on my faith than ever before. God has taken me through the darkest time and brought me back to light and life and he will continue to do so, I am confident of this.

  3. Krystyn Carey says:


  4. Julia Trainer says:

    I’m new here, and I started reading this reading plan a lot later than the rest of you. But I really needed these words today. I’ve been worrying a lot of things that are out of my control and in Gods hands. I keep reminding myself that is is out of my hands, but I continue to worry. Any advise on how to “accept his invitation” and fully rely on him?

    1. Jess Thomas says:

      Julia combatting worrying and anxiety is an active practice, and it doesn’t fix overnight, but it’s not impossible. I have found that training my mind to recognize when it’s worrying and then actively redirect it has worked to calm anxious thoughts. I often use Philippians 4:6-7 and other passages to redirect my thoughts, to re-fix my eyes on Jesus, and to let go of (again and again) the things to make me worry. Sometimes I even visualize myself actually giving something over to Jesus or placing it at the cross. I have been a “Christian” most of my life, but only in November 2019 did I finally start truly seeking after God. SRT has been so helpful in giving me direction in daily reading of God’s word, which in turn has begun to fill my heart with His words and peace. Different passages come to mind for different occasions (worry, fear, joy, etc.). I believe the Holy Spirit is using my time in God’s word to give me a little more ammo for my anxiety and a little more cushion of His peace, each day that I read. Prayers for you, Sister. Hang in there.

  5. Chelsea Clifton says:

    I really needed this yesterday but I’m glad I got it today. So much heaviness and praying to actually give it over to God.

  6. Elisha Anne says:

    He will give us rest! He wants us to go to Him, ti give up our own way and go with Him, taking His burden, which is light. May we learn from Him continually, humility and gentleness. Amen!

  7. Taylor says:

    Shalom is only possible when I learn to rely on God rather than my own efforts. Wow this really hit me today! Today’s Scripture readings, the devotions, and everyone’s comments were so encouraging and challenged me. I recognize I’m really bad at giving God full control over my life. Today’s devotion taught me that the key to true shalom is total dependence on God. Lehua K., your comment really encouraged me. I also struggle with letting go and letting God. I am so thankful that he is a patient Teacher, like you said! God I pray that I would surrender to your will for me and obey your teachings so I may experience true Shalom in you. I want to feel that wholeness and deep connection to You. Thank you for never giving up on me. I love You. Amen

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