Day 8

I Will Forgive Your Sins

from the Promises of God reading plan

Matthew 6:9-14, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 7:36-50, Acts 10:34-43, Ephesians 1:7-8

BY She Reads Truth

Had you been chosen as an Old Testament prophet, you would have had the unpopular job of giving people bad news. Judgment, punishment, destruction—these were the sort of words you might have become known for using. Sure, you would have also used their redemptive counterparts, like restoration and salvation, but often only after all the judgment, punishment, and destruction talk. When Jesus came along, He spoke words of warning like the prophets before Him, but He also offered forgiveness in a way that they, not being God in the flesh, could not. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17).

While some people were drawn to Jesus, many were offended by His words and actions. Scribes accused Him of blasphemy for telling a paralytic man his sins were forgiven (Mark 2:5–7). Pharisees were appalled that He let a notoriously sinful woman touch Him (Luke 7:39). Why did Jesus say these things and spend time with these people?

Jesus knew the Father’s heart, a heart that aches for sinners limping through this world under the weight of rebellion and brokenness. It had been His plan from the beginning to provide a way for sins to be forgiven. That way is Jesus. No matter how dark or scandalous our personal sins may be, God extends mercy to us—and to the entire world—because of the price Jesus paid on the cross. He laid down His life to secure pardon for every repentant sinner.

Post Comments (82)

82 thoughts on "I Will Forgive Your Sins"

  1. Shonda Thomas says:

    Thank You God!!❤️

  2. Bobbi Hague says:


  3. Kayla AnnColford says:

    Wow, I love of God works. This is exactly the Scriptures my soul needed today. I couldn’t shake a recent instance in my life where I sinned against another. I confessed to others and to God but couldn’t shake why I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Now I realize it was the Holy Spirit’s prompting to forgive the one that sinned against me. Praise God for his mercy.

  4. Kelly Dorin says:


    I love your vulnerability and know that the Lord will bless it! I was praying for you and this verse came to mind:

    “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
    ‭‭James‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    If you haven’t already, maybe find a good, Jesus loving friend to talk to about your sin? It’s really helpful to be able to share your heart and struggles with someone who can help with accountability and prayer.

  5. Lindsey says:

    He is faithful, indeed. ❤️

  6. Haley Watson says:

    Taylor, I also used to be tormented by a sin I would repeat and could not shake. Here is what I learned – when there is a sin we keep repeating, the source is likely a wound in our soul that needs to be discovered, brought to Jesus, and healed. When we do our repeated sin we are trying to cover that wound, satisfy that desire, fill a void with something other than Jesus when He is really the only one who can satisfy. But sometimes coming to Him on our own isn’t enough. Sometimes we need help to dig deep and find the source of that sin and shine the light on our darkness. I finally tried therapy. I went to a Christian counselor and it was super helpful and enlightening. I believe through that experience the Lord healed the wound in my soul. I have not committed that sin in 8 years now, nor been tempted to. My spirit is free of it! I pray the same for you.

  7. Kristen says:

    Imagine how clean, pure, and whole the woman felt as Jesus forgave her and said she was saved. She could start again. She is a new creation! What joy and freedom she must have felt. Her sins and past are her past!! Praise God for that forgiveness and freedom He gives. The King of Kings looked at her and gave her a new life. He does the same for us! I heard a sermon saying that the perfume would have been very expensive and I guess like a symbol for her. ( I’m paraphrasing.) She could have lived a life of a prostitute. That perfume would have been valuable. The smell would have been alluring. I think I remember him saying that sex was her way of her defining herself. Now, she didn’t have to have that as her identity. She had worth because of Jesus. I know I didn’t say this exactly right. But, just think how freeing that is. We can have that freedom, new beginning, identity and find our worth in Him too! I need to reflect on this too. I strive a lot! I also need to rest and get it in my head all that He has already done. I need to remember His love and forgiveness and power!

    1. Haley Watson says:

      I love that Kristen, that we have our identity rewritten when Jesus becomes Lord of our life! All we have to strive to do is abide with him, connect with him, seek him. Alllll the rest grows as naturally as a fruit grows on a tree! The tree doesn’t have to try to make fruit. It only has to seek the nourishment from the soil and the sun. All we have to do is seek our nourishment in him. :)

  8. Taylor says:

    Diane thank you so much for responding and praying for me. It really means the world to me to feel covered in prayer. Lindsey, thank you so much for this verse! I just highlighted it in my Bible and it gave me great comfort. Like you, I’ve also noticed that God has given me opportunities out of the temptation which I sometimes take and sometimes don’t. I just read the next devotion “I will give you peace and rest” and it revealed my need to depend more on God rather than my own strength. Letting Go and letting God take my burden can be a lot easier said than done, but like the verse you shared said, God is faithful <3

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