Had you been chosen as an Old Testament prophet, you would have had the unpopular job of giving people bad news. Judgment, punishment, destruction—these were the sort of words you might have become known for using. Sure, you would have also used their redemptive counterparts, like restoration and salvation, but often only after all the judgment, punishment, and destruction talk. When Jesus came along, He spoke words of warning like the prophets before Him, but He also offered forgiveness in a way that they, not being God in the flesh, could not. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17).
While some people were drawn to Jesus, many were offended by His words and actions. Scribes accused Him of blasphemy for telling a paralytic man his sins were forgiven (Mark 2:5–7). Pharisees were appalled that He let a notoriously sinful woman touch Him (Luke 7:39). Why did Jesus say these things and spend time with these people?
Jesus knew the Father’s heart, a heart that aches for sinners limping through this world under the weight of rebellion and brokenness. It had been His plan from the beginning to provide a way for sins to be forgiven. That way is Jesus. No matter how dark or scandalous our personal sins may be, God extends mercy to us—and to the entire world—because of the price Jesus paid on the cross. He laid down His life to secure pardon for every repentant sinner.
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82 thoughts on "I Will Forgive Your Sins"
Thank you, Lord, for your mercy ❤️
I feel like I fall on the side of the Pharisee so often – pointing the finger at Jesus asking him how he has the right to not make judgment. Lord, help me lead with love!
“He bled and died, to buy my pardon. An empty grave is there to prove my saviour lives.” ❤️
Thank you Jesus for showing us the father’s compassionate heart. Thank you for your forgiveness and grace and mercy, abundant and free. Please fill me with passion for your glory and a love for the lost that far outweighs my fear of their rejection. Please may I boldly proclaim your truth, in love, to those in my life who need to hear it.
I love that Jesus knew what he was doing. He knew the sins of the people he was with and forgave them. He wasn’t shocked. He knew that the paralytic man had an even heavier burden than his disability and that was his sin. He knew the sinful woman’s heart and love and her unabashed love and repentance and he lifted the weight. He wasn’t shocked by her sin, he saw her repentance and cleansed her, lifted her burdens and it was beautiful.
I often feel like I am Simon. Quick to judge, slow to see my own sinfulness. I have a hard time forgiving, and an even harder time forgetting. I struggle with comparison in all senses of the word. This story of the woman washing his feet always reminds me to focus less on others and more on what I am actually doing to love, glorify, and sanctify. She isn’t concerned about the weight of her sin; she isn’t even concerned about salvation. She’s concerned about glorifying God. I pray to be more like that.
Taylor, I’m praying for you! I’ve been there. I wondered how I could call myself a follower of Jesus, a child of God, and keep repeating the same thing over and over again. God is faithful, and when we are at our weakest, He is strong.
A verse that really helps me is 2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self control.
So many Monday mornings, I’ve woken up regretting my weekends. Grateful for this Truth and for the washing away of that filth by a Father who loves me and doesn’t want me to stay in the muck and mire. Feeling entangled by the same sin over and over, that so easily happens, like Taylor said. Grateful for the chains being loosened. Praying for a life of holiness that is not “holier than thou”, but is freedom!
Oh His mercy! Oh His forgiveness! Oh His love! Grateful from the bottom of a redeemed sinner’s heart.
God is so good to us. So very grateful
Thank You God!!❤️
Wow, I love of God works. This is exactly the Scriptures my soul needed today. I couldn’t shake a recent instance in my life where I sinned against another. I confessed to others and to God but couldn’t shake why I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Now I realize it was the Holy Spirit’s prompting to forgive the one that sinned against me. Praise God for his mercy.
I love your vulnerability and know that the Lord will bless it! I was praying for you and this verse came to mind:
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
James 5:16 ESV
If you haven’t already, maybe find a good, Jesus loving friend to talk to about your sin? It’s really helpful to be able to share your heart and struggles with someone who can help with accountability and prayer.
He is faithful, indeed. ❤️
Taylor, I also used to be tormented by a sin I would repeat and could not shake. Here is what I learned – when there is a sin we keep repeating, the source is likely a wound in our soul that needs to be discovered, brought to Jesus, and healed. When we do our repeated sin we are trying to cover that wound, satisfy that desire, fill a void with something other than Jesus when He is really the only one who can satisfy. But sometimes coming to Him on our own isn’t enough. Sometimes we need help to dig deep and find the source of that sin and shine the light on our darkness. I finally tried therapy. I went to a Christian counselor and it was super helpful and enlightening. I believe through that experience the Lord healed the wound in my soul. I have not committed that sin in 8 years now, nor been tempted to. My spirit is free of it! I pray the same for you.
Imagine how clean, pure, and whole the woman felt as Jesus forgave her and said she was saved. She could start again. She is a new creation! What joy and freedom she must have felt. Her sins and past are her past!! Praise God for that forgiveness and freedom He gives. The King of Kings looked at her and gave her a new life. He does the same for us! I heard a sermon saying that the perfume would have been very expensive and I guess like a symbol for her. ( I’m paraphrasing.) She could have lived a life of a prostitute. That perfume would have been valuable. The smell would have been alluring. I think I remember him saying that sex was her way of her defining herself. Now, she didn’t have to have that as her identity. She had worth because of Jesus. I know I didn’t say this exactly right. But, just think how freeing that is. We can have that freedom, new beginning, identity and find our worth in Him too! I need to reflect on this too. I strive a lot! I also need to rest and get it in my head all that He has already done. I need to remember His love and forgiveness and power!
I love that Kristen, that we have our identity rewritten when Jesus becomes Lord of our life! All we have to strive to do is abide with him, connect with him, seek him. Alllll the rest grows as naturally as a fruit grows on a tree! The tree doesn’t have to try to make fruit. It only has to seek the nourishment from the soil and the sun. All we have to do is seek our nourishment in him. :)
Diane thank you so much for responding and praying for me. It really means the world to me to feel covered in prayer. Lindsey, thank you so much for this verse! I just highlighted it in my Bible and it gave me great comfort. Like you, I’ve also noticed that God has given me opportunities out of the temptation which I sometimes take and sometimes don’t. I just read the next devotion “I will give you peace and rest” and it revealed my need to depend more on God rather than my own strength. Letting Go and letting God take my burden can be a lot easier said than done, but like the verse you shared said, God is faithful <3
God planned our redemption, Christ paid for it and the Holy Spirit confirms it.
So grateful for the forgiveness that can only come from God.
Taylor, your post resonated deeply with me. I struggled for years with a sin I was deeply convicted by but, like you, couldn’t seem to shake. During that time, the Lord gave me this verse to lean on: “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it” (1 Cor. 10:13). I began noticing that the Lord truly did offer me ways out when I was tempted; sometimes I took them, but a lot of times I didn’t. But He is faithful. I will pray for you in your fight to overcome temptation.
Taylor i have been reading along with srt on and off for 2 years now and I don’t typically comment. I see that you read and commented late in the day like me and therefore less likely to be read by others. I hesitate to comment because I’m not as insightful as the others. Just know that I read your post and prayed for you.
Your faith has saved you❤️ So simple and sometimes so difficult to understand. It’s the gospel that saves.
Seeking wisdom and advice from anyone who might see this on how to tackle an old sin that I just can’t seem to overcome. I know I am forgiven of this sin but it’s a snare and something that Satan seems to hold over me and say “You’re not fully forgiven because you still fall in this area”. I pray for strength and courage to overcome but when push comes to shove, I fall time and again. I want to break this chain once and for all, and I believe God has the power to do this (because I obviously don’t). If anyone has any Scripture, words of wisdom, or will simply pray for me that I can finally overcome this burden it would mean so much. I’m so thankful for SRT and how we can be vulnerable with each other and life each other up in prayer
No word of wisdom, but I will pray for you that the Lord will stand with you in the face of your temptation and help you overcome.
I’m praying for you today that God would break the chains for you. I will also share this… 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Paul had a thorn in his flesh that never went away even after asking many times. And It served a purpose in his life.
And don’t forget to forgive yourself too. Every time. Just as Christ forgives you. Every time. There’s no limit probably because he knows we would max it out:)
Taylor, just know that ANY IMPROVEMENT in your walk, the Lord is proud of. He will never leave you nor forsake you or leave you behind. You are not too far gone from a big hug from our Heavenly Dad! You are so loved by Him! His arms are wide open. Praying for Him to break EVERY chain!
I know it’s been a few months since you commented here. But I am seeing it now and praying for you!
I don’t know where you are at with this, but if you could use a sister to talk with, walk with, and come alongside you in it, I would be more than happy to!
My IG is @tawnj_moore and Facebook is Tawnie Moore. My email is [email protected].
Please feel free to message me ANY time! You dear sister, are forgiven. God does not deal with His daughters based on our sin but on the grace and love of Jesus (Psalm 103). I hope you are finding His truth to be a safe and sweet place for your heart to rest!
I am beyond thankful that I am forgiven and washed of my many sins. I am so thankful to serve a God who is so merciful and who can love a sinner like me. I have so much more to learn and sooo much more room to grow. I pray He continues to walk with me as I feel I fail him daily.
This reading is such fullness for me. Forgiveness is the greatest gift, rooted and grown in love.
Wow, what an incredible way for God to love us.
Such a great point Jenna! Thanks for sharing :)
I’m so thankful we have a Savior who loves us and forgives us of all our sins… And who is also the perfect example of how to forgive others. I’m finding that it’s especially hard to forgive myself at times because the standards I set for myself are so high. Thanks be to God for being an example of grace and forgiveness and for sending His Son to be a living example on Earth for us!
This was such an on time message. Thank you God for sending us forgiveness, through Jesus.
That image of the woman washing Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair is such a beautiful picture of love for him. The imagery helps me love him even more. I also love how he says that the person who is forgiven much loves much. If we follow his example it takes away all our judgment of other people’s sins. We can look at the “biggest sinner” and think, “That may be the person who loves Him most.” I ask for His heart of compassion for all the lost and broken. When we love them, we love Him.
That has always been a stunning scene to consider, so many implications. I love your attitude of seeing “the other” as one who just might love Jesus the most. Your words made me review my own attitudes, and the need for me to also see those who have not yet believed as ones who could become the greatest lovers of Jesus ever.
I am struggling with something and this continues to show me God is our redeemer
I’m so thankful that I am forgiven! May I live like that every day.
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more.
I love how in the story of the paralytic Jesus goes right to the heart of the issue. He forgives the man’s sin. I’m sure the man and his friends were expecting him to just be physically healed, but Jesus addresses his greatest need, the condition of his soul, first. One commentary that I read described it like this: “What good was it if the man had two whole legs and walked right into hell with them?”
Amen – these are just the words I needed to hear today. Thank you Jesus and I love you. So happy to be living my life with You. ❤️
Was anyone else wondering what was going on in the first part of the Acts verses? I had to go and read the first part of the chapter of Acts 10 to totally understand the verses they had selected for today. These words from today’s devotion really stand out to me: “No matter how dark or scandalous our personal sins may be, God extends mercy to us—and to the entire world—because of the price Jesus paid on the cross. He laid down His life to secure pardon for every repentant sinner.” The forgiveness is something I crave and am happy to receive. I am so glad God’s love doesn’t depend on whether I am good or bad, whether I am rich or poor, whether I am young or old. I am elated God’s love is unconditional and all I have to do is believe and have faith. Lord God, I believe, I believe You sent Your Son to die for my sins and I am so overjoyed He rose again. I have the Holy Spirit in me and believe and will pass it on. Amen.
No matter how dark my sin has been, Jesus forgives me. And he forgives you! Now that our God! I love, love my quiet times.
We have been doing Sunday school lessons and learning AWANA verses at home during this time, and as my 5 year old practices, my 2 year old hears. The most recent verse my older daughter memorized is John 1:29 “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” As we were saying it, my younger daughter said, “Sin is yucky. So, Jesus throws it out the window.” And I just had to share this simple explanation from the eyes of a child with you ladies this morning. My heart melted at her faith. It’s a great reminder of how I don’t need to make it a complicated process. My sin is yucky, so I ask Jesus to take it and throw it out the window, and He does! :) Feeling extra blessed today <3
Love this!!!!
Noting the similarities and difference between the Old Testament prophets and the Son of God, our Lord Jesus does have great value. He truly is the only one in the flesh who has the authority to forgive sin. He did the work that none of us could do. Though I realize some others here have a different take on the idea of forgiving self, I have come to believe that all I (we) truly need is the forgiveness of our Lord. He is enough. If I don’t feel forgiven, it’s not because I need to forgive myself, but I need to fully believe and receive the forgiveness of my God.
Though it wasn’t included in today’s reading, I went on to Matthew 6:15 as it seemed a necessary part of the thought Jesus was presenting to his hearers. If we don’t forgive others of their sins, we will not be forgiven by our Father in heaven. What came to mind as I pondered and prayed on these words is that if we don’t forgive others, we really have not understood how deep is our own depravity and how we don’t deserve God’s forgiveness. Even in Jesus’ example of prayer, he pressed us to pray for forgiveness attached to the need to forgive those who sin against us. Oh it can be hard to forgive the great atrocities which can come against any of us! But as I have received such a great mercy, may I be fully engaged in intentional forgiving of the sins of others. I asked the Lord today to help me see anyone I have yet to forgive. And I even ask him to be able to make a right judgment about what is truly the sin of others as I realize that I could have a bias that needs righting first in order to justly see the sin in my neighbor. I pray these things for you as well, dear sisters!
Thank you for this! I’ve always heard forgive others but it makes so much sense that we can (and need to) forgive ourselves as well.
I try not to think of how much I sin. I know I do, many times each day. Sadly, I know I have mean & jealous thoughts, say things to my husband & children that are not right in God’s eye. I try to forget them but as I pray, they are brought up in my thoughts, eventually each one. I know I need to ask for forgiveness from each person I have wronged but some have been gone for years. In my prayers of asking for forgiveness, I feel so very broken in my heart. But then I remember God is a loving God. He sent Jesus to take away those sins. I am so very thankfully live in the time after Jesus has come, so we can pray for forgiveness and not spend time worrying about it. I also ask forgiveness from the people I have wronged but it is the best feeling to know God forgives my sins. Thank you, dear Lord, for forging and forgetting our sins.
1 John 1:5-9
“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Father in heaven, you are light. You are faithful. You are just. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Forgive us our sins. Cleanse us in the blood of Christ. We cast our sins upon the cross. I know from you word, Father, if I confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me. Help us to walk in light, as you are in the light.
Amen ❤️
Amen, Heidi, amen. You’re preaching wisdom and truth right there.
Thank you for sharing these words!
What a beautiful and necessary reminder of the promise to forgive our sins, that in Him we have the freedom to grow and start fresh without dwelling on the mistakes of yesterday. They have consequences, yes, but when we live in the light of His forgiveness so much can be healed.
Thank you Angie and Churchmouse. Have a blessed week all.♥️
I love how Jesus tells the women to “go in peace” oh the lightness and joy she must have enjoyed that day. Freedom!! A new start to walk with a God who lavishes his love on us and who never leaves us alone even in the valleys of life.
What a comforting thought, and so true. I know I often struggle with letting go of my sins and forgiving myself for wrongs. I remember a pastor once explained Psalm 55:22 (“Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you.”) this way: When a quarterback needs to throw a pass, he has to let the ball go. If we don’t cast our burden of sin upon God, we are still holding it.
That was years ago, and while I don’t really like sports metaphors, I think it was a good one to remind us that we have to be able to let go.
Yeah I like this little metaphor..
Great metaphor!
One thought that came to me during prayer- because of Christ we have forgiveness from our Creator and Savior of every wrong choice, every negative thought, every imperfection that our human-selves possess. And because we have His forgiveness, we’ve been blessed with the authority (through Him) to forgive OURSELVES. Our forgiveness doesn’t offer eternal salvation with it, but if God’s forgiveness is all we ever accept, hurray for eternity but our current life is going to be miserable. Not to mention the lack of witness we become to others who lose the opportunity of seeing His work of restoration in our lives. So grateful His work is that great. Not only does He forgive and separate me from my wrong doing, He empowers me to forgive myself and allow His Spirit the space to work through whatever issues are at hand to bring about actual change and healing in the HERE and NOW. It’s truly amazing…
To really know and understand just how much I’m forgiven, I reflect back on the worse thing I think I did before coming to Christ. That one thing you don’t want anyone to know that you did even as a sinner. Then to think of what someone did to me and realize they did it because they were sinners. I thank God for forgiving me and giving me the ability to forgive others.
This was so timely as my prayer this morning was for God to reveal those hidden, deep down sins I’ve forgotten about or never confessed. He is so gracious and merciful that He will show these to me so I will be completely clean before Him. Thank you, Lord!
Mari V, thank you for posting the YouTube yesterday. I was able to find it and it blessed me with such joy. It is easy to feel isolated, especially these days when we literally are isolated. To see so many sing the praises of God brought tears to my eyes. We are not alone. The Lord brought an image to my mind of us all in heaven singing God’s praise together, forever. He is worthy or such praise! Amen!
I loved it too that’s why I wanted to share it with my sisters here at SRT. My best friend’s mom sent it to me and then I sent it to bunch of my friends individually. I played it over and over.
Thank you Angie
Saturday I planted most of our garden. I tilled up the ground a couple of weeks ago, and went over it again and again before planting, doing my best to get rid of as many weeds as possible.
God’s promise of forgiveness of sin is HUGE.
It is everything.
No matter how many times I (emphasis on I, my work) till the soil of my heart, remnants of weeds remain –
until Jesus. He came. Redemption through his blood, trespasses forgiven, extravagant grace poured out.
“I will forgive your sins,” means everything.
Our garden soil is not that great, so we poured pure, rich, black soil into the rows…and in that rich soil the tiniest of seeds were planted. Amazingly, those seeds will sprout, rising into the sun-filled air becoming all they were meant to be. Taking different amounts of time until harvest. Those radishes – 22 days. Lettuce and Kale – double the time. Tomatoes and corn – 70 days. Brussel sprouts – a whopping 100 days!
Redemption found in the blood of Jesus, grows forth into a bountiful harvest for the Lord in the rich, pure, soil of the Holy Spirit.
I am the sinner woman, overwhelmed with gratitude to be in the presence of my Savior. Tears from a heart set free pour from my eyes and over His feet. In my hands I hold the alabaster jar; this life He has give me.
I am logical. I am frugal. I am methodical. My plan is to use the perfume sparingly, dab a little here, and there…using it well. A little goes a long way.
But then, I come into His presence and, I am made whole. I am washed clean. I am free. And, I cannot hold back.
I will not hold back. There is no little-by-little conservation…only poured out and flowing, fully empty of everything. Everything I have, everything I am before Him.
I long to remain at his feet; the feet of redemption, purity, and love. Yet, drenched in the hair-dried fragrance of him I go forth, forgiven, for his purpose. Until the harvest, where empty-while full, I am Home.
Angie, thank you for sharing this.
Thank you for sharing this Angie.
Beautiful, thank you for sharing.
Beautifully expressed Angie!
Amen churchmouse you are so gifted with words! Thank you
God is so gracious there are times when I can’t imagine that He is so willing to forgive and forget what I do. For me it is so easy to forgive others, myself, no it isn’t as easy no matter how little the sin. BUT then I remember Jesus and why He came and yes I too take a deep breath and simply say thank you.
Amen, my dear friend Churchmouse… what truth you speak. Preach it sister!
I love this!
Happy Monday. Wrapped in love from across the ocean.❤
We are not always gracious towards the bearers of bad news. While we say we want the truth, we want it in palatable bites, the bad seasoned with some hope. Jesus warns of judgment but take a deep breath. It is tempered with mercy. Jesus tells us the penalty of our sin but take a deep breath. Confession is coupled to His forgiveness. Jesus tells us who our enemy is in this world but take a deep breath. The enemy is a defeated foe. Jesus died on a cross but take a deep breath. The tomb is empty and Jesus is alive. Jesus left this earth but take a deep breath. He sent His Holy Spirit. Yes, take a deep breath and be grateful that Jesus tells us the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. He speaks. It is up to us to listen. And when we do, we can breathe easy.
So good!! Thank you for your reply!!
AMEN!! Love this response!
Thank you for your message of hope this Monday morning.
Beautifully said, Churchmouse!
❤️ this as I talk a deep breath!