Day 19

I Will Bring Goodness from Every Broken and Twisted Thing

from the Promises of God reading plan

Revelation 21:1-7, Romans 8:28-30, 1 Corinthians 2:6-12, Psalm 31:1-24, Psalm 34:8

BY She Reads Truth

The best stories end with good triumphing over evil, the hero saving the day, and peace being restored to the land. But the story we are living will have a greater ending still. God promises to make all things new and to bring goodness from every broken and twisted thing. How this will happen is largely a mystery. In the midst of this world breaking and twisting around us, the heartache and sorrow we experience doesn’t seem to contain even a spark of goodness to be fanned into flame. So this, of all God’s promises, may require the greatest amount of faith.

The Bible does give us a glimpse into the final outcome: a world where God dwells with His people and “grief, crying, and pain will be no more” (Revelation 21:3–4). That God could take the murder and theft and lies of this world and transform it all into a place that feels like heaven is beyond our ability to comprehend. And yet, we see it in the cross. The most broken and twisted thing imaginable—the murder of the Son of God—became the greatest good thing the world has ever known.

Through the cross, God has made a way for His goodness to permeate our world and overtake the curse we all live under. Every pain and hardship we suffer is being worked “together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Though we cannot fathom how it will be done, we can trust that it will be, because we can trust the One who has made this promise. All of the promises of God found in His Word are as certain as He is good. He is the reason for our hope, and the hope of the Lord does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).

Post Comments (58)

58 thoughts on "I Will Bring Goodness from Every Broken and Twisted Thing"

  1. Kimme Bartlett says:

    I love ❤️ God ~ He is SO SO SO SO GOOD!! He is SO SO FAITHFUL & SO SO BEAUTIFUL!
    Thank you, JESUS!!!!!!!

  2. Gia Rogers says:

    I am grateful for what has been giving freely to us from God. Trying to look to our hope for the future as our nation mourns and goes through these trying times. Continue to give thanks that God is our hope through it all.

  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    This is such an important promise from God. Whenever I wonder why God lets bad things happen in this world, I think back to this promise. God will bring good out of our difficult times. I know we are all clinging to this promise, especially during our current season. I know I can look back and see the amazing things he brought out of challenging seasons. As I look forward, I believe he will continue to bring good out of our challenging times.

  4. Amanda says:

    I love how She Reads Truth circles back to the Cross every time. I’m so broken and worn out from the drudgery of work. I want to glorify God in it but it’s so hard. Sometimes when I seem to focus too much on myself, I look back at the Cross.

    1. Elissa SimmonsShirrell says:


  5. Maya Bulos says:

    These passages are my hope and anchor. I lost my father last month, the most godly man I know was called home to Heaven. My peace is in His Promise- that He defeated the grave and death itself and has prepared a place for us.. a place with no more tears, sorrow and pain, where our Lord and Saviour is seated on the Throne. I may not feel or quite yet see the good out of this, but Faith goes beyond feelings and sight. Today’s reading was very timely for me.

  6. Maura says:

    Praying for you and your family Lindsay Ellingwood. That you feel His Everlasting Arms holding you and see His love poured out on you all. He will be your peace and strength and provide for all your needs. Know you are loved immensely.

    1. Lindsey Ellingwood says:

      Thank you Maura.

  7. Maura says:

    Read today’s reading a little later than normal. So loving this study of God’s promises and the scripture. So strengthening is the Word. Praising God for His redeeming sacrificial love that takes this broken and twisted life and provides for it, freed it from sin, and is transforming it. And heard the song Fight my Battles by Bethel Worship to know that when it looks like I’m surrounded, I’m surrounded by You my loving Jesus and that is how I fight my battles by the depths of You. Hugs Sisters.

  8. Connie Adams says:

    Thank you Father God!

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