Day 8

Healing on the Sabbath

from the John reading plan

John 5:1-30, Exodus 20:8-11, Luke 6:1-11

BY Kim Cash Tate

I’ll never forget the day I sat down to study my Bible and discovered my toddler had beaten me to the pages. Scribble marks adorned two chapters in Luke—big loopy scribbles in permanent blue ink. “Oh, no!” reverberated within. This was my favorite Bible, the one I spent time with daily over a hot cup of coffee. I was learning to do inductive study with this Bible and marking keywords with care. I’d cringe if I had to erase a bit of colored pencil, knowing it wouldn’t be clean. But this was more than a smudged word. Two entire pages had been ruined.

I sat my little girl on my lap to explain gently that she couldn’t color in mommy’s Bible. She’d meant no harm, of course, but this was a teachable moment. She couldn’t go around taking pen to paper in books around the house.

But in that moment, the Lord graciously spoke to my heart. My daughter hadn’t taken a pen to any other books, only this book. She was modeling what she’d seen.   

“Sweetie, were you ‘studying’ like Mommy?”

She smiled, nodding her head big.

It became my teachable moment. Instead of focusing on “the rules” or my angst over the pages, I could see the bigger picture. God had been moving in my little girl’s heart, drawing her to His Word. She wanted to interact with it in the only way she knew how. Lifting my focus helped me to see God at work, which changed everything.

It’s often easy to miss God’s hand at work, just as many did when Jesus walked the earth. I’m astounded when I read of the man Jesus healed by the pool of Bethesda because of the scene afterward. People had seen this man lying around for thirty-eight years, and suddenly he was walking. Yet, no one asked, “Wow! What happened? How were you cured?” No one praised God that he’d been delivered from decades of infirmity. Instead, the healed man is chastised for carrying his pallet on the Sabbath. And the Jewish leaders want to know, not who cured him, but who had the audacity to tell him to pick up his pallet and walk with it (John 5:12).  

Jesus, the Son of God, was there among them. A miracle had been done in their midst. Yet, focusing on the rules of the Sabbath, they missed the Lord of the Sabbath.  

How often do we do the same? How often are we so focused on one side of a circumstance that we miss God’s purposes altogether?

Jesus is the author of life. And He brings not only life but also light, grace, and glory into that which seems dead, dark, and overwhelming (Acts 3:15, 2Corinthians 4:6). We’re told to walk by faith and not by sight (2Corinthians 5:7) because when our eyes are faith-filled, we see the divine. We see God. 

Jesus is always working in every facet of our lives and the lives of those around us. Let’s pray to keep our eyes fixed on Him so that we can behold every moment.

Post Comments (126)

126 thoughts on "Healing on the Sabbath"

  1. Corina James Scribner says:

    A reminder to pause and try to see how God is working.

  2. Desiree Harris says:

    God, help me see you You in my daily routine.

  3. Jill Ford says:

    A good reminder to keep my eyes on Jesus daily. He is working all around me. I don’t want to miss those moments.

  4. Brandi Greer says:

    Oh, that my eyes would be trained to see God at work and not the frustration of my own mind when my will is stalled or blocked.

  5. Alexandra Dent says:

    The story of the blind man reminds me of the days before I gave my life to my lord and savior. He was always directing my steps that would lead to him without me even realizing it

  6. Jennifer Dawn says:

    Greater as in importance to Jesus. Jesus was much more concerned with his spiritual healing.

  7. Jennifer Dawn says:

    Yes! Jesus healed him physically but was much more concerned about his spiritual healing.

  8. Jennifer Dawn says:

    Living a life of sin—separated from God—and eternal punishment is far greater than a physical condition during his earthly life.

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