Day 6

Grace Day

from the Exodus reading plan

Psalm 68:4

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Sing to God! Sing praises to his name.
Exalt him who rides on the clouds—
his name is the LORD—and celebrate before him.
—Psalm 68:4

Post Comments (27)

27 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Lynne from Alabama – sorry for your family’s loss. May the Lord bring you peace and comfort. Got your husband’s surgery on my calendar! Wisdom for the doctors and rapid recovery for him.

  2. Rhonda J. says:

    Thank you Kelly for all your prayers for my dad and all of us She’s!! We appreciate you SO MUCH!! I am learning slowly how to be a prayer warrior! The Holy Spirit is leading them for me since I’m a Moses, slow in the tongue with UNelequent words. But He is enough, More than enough (which is a great song playing right now!) and I am praying throughout my day now. Your faithfulness to us all is such an inspiration!

  3. Christel Fleming says:

    Living our lives to Worship is the way to amazing joy, so thankful we get to come into His presence daily! What an honor and a gift ♥️

  4. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    “Remember… I’ve got the whole world in my hands”. “Yes God, You do”. Our Father, You are the Cloud Rider (Psalm 68:4), Divine Warrior, our haven of mercy and strength. I gather manna every morning. Fresh oil today. Fresh faith. Cancer, in Your hands. Sickness, in Your hands. Lies from the enemy, in Your hands. Wickedness, in Your hands. The lost, in Your hands. The lonely, in Your hands. Envy and strife, in Your hands. Children, in Your hands. Husbands and wives, in Your hands. Faith… in mine. I bow low to You Lord. I lay my prayers upon Your altar, and I wait for You in adoration. My heart is in awe of Your Word. My Bibles have become my greatest treasures. I do not take for granted the blessing and privilege to have the Word of God in my home. Because I know my struggles are not with blood and flesh. The Word is my sword as I battle my enemies. Day after day, I put on my armor, gather the manna, and train to be stronger in the Lord, in the might of His strength (Ephesians 6:10). Not my strength, but His. Focus on the sacrifice of Jesus. This quiets my soul. My inner peace comes from total trust in God. Wrestle not with God in rebellion, but walk and wrestle in sync with Him. Let Him be my strength and fortress. When pride rises, may I turn to the sacrifice of Christ. When I don’t understand, let Him be my answer. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  5. Penny Courtney says:

    Prayers for Lynne’s family.

  6. Bobbie Leathers says:

    Just prayed Lynne from Alabama. Blessings over your family. Peace and comfort for all and a successful surgery for your hubs.

  7. Michelle Patire says:

    Mercy, I love your anecdotes. Thank you for sharing your heart with us and how beautiful your relationship with God is. <3
    I also enjoyed what you had to say in Day 4 about the importance of choosing a godly and wise leader in government. I have been having a hard time committing to vote, but I think the Lord is helping me get perspective for the next big election, so I am better prepared to make an informed decision. Thank you.

  8. Melissa Mcronney says:


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