Day 13

Grace Day

from the Deuteronomy reading plan

1 John 5:3

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

For this is what love for God is: to keep his commands. And his commands are not a burden
—1 John 5:3

Post Comments (24)

24 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Mari V says:

    My son and I were having a similar conversation about this yesterday. Mainly we were talking about how much God loves us and that we are not poor. We have everything we need. I do want to be transparent. I feel sad for him. College is so expensive and he’s having to do college online now. His closest friend left and is living on the campus and though I am not jealous it still hurts. I know God has a plan and I’m going to believe it. Meanwhile prayers are appreciated that he would stay disciplined with his classes and saving up for a car so that he’s able to move down there closer to the University. It also means he’ll need to find a job so that he’s able live close to the campus. At least he will be able to go on the campus and participate and hang out with his friends.

  2. Foster Mama says:

    Nice comments this morning… happy to greet you all this Saturday morning ❤️ and reciprocating your love.

    Yes, LINDA GILBOW. Loving when so much working against it.

    Oh, my Shepherd, may Yours always be the clearest, most motivating voice. May my desire always be to follow You.

  3. MARTHA HIX says:

    Thank you for your continued prayers after the unexpected death of my husband two weeks ago. They have been a comfort to me and my family. ❤️

  4. Heidi V says:

    What beautiful comments this morning! Thank you SRT sister’s. May we all have time for rest this weekend > > >

  5. Heidi V says:

    Beautiful comments this morning, thank you SRT sisters! May we all have time for rest this weekend > >

  6. Linda Gilbow says:

    He often asks us to do hard things. Forgiveness. Loving someone who is hateful. They are burdensome unless we submit to the control of the Holy Spirit and become His hands and feet. Some days it’s harder than others. I praise Him that He doesn’t give up on me!

  7. Aimee DiCicco-Ruhl says:

    Casting my cares Lord and following your commands. Amen

  8. ERB says:

    MAURA, I just typed out a message to you with my email address attached..because of this SRT said it needed approval to post it.. I am HOPING it posted but if not please reach out to me because a friend of mine in Colorado might have an option for you about housing!! She just wants a few details from you… area you want to be in? if you want 2 or 3 bedrooms? and price range? ..My friend owns property and knows people in the property owning this might be a good way to go!! Just let me know!! Many Blessings dear friend!! Xoxo

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