Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Daniel 7:14

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

He was given dominion
and glory and a kingdom,
so that those of every people,
nation, and language
should serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
that will not pass away,
and his kingdom is one
that will not be destroyed.
—Daniel 7:14

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24 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Susan Crosby says:

    His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away and His kingdom will not be destroyed❤️ Such comforting words for the days ahead. Only Jesus!

  2. Lawanda Hunt says:


  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so glad that God is in control, even when life feels so out of control. I am confident and at peace knowing that He is good. I am praying for GRAMSIESUE and your family. I can’t even imagine what you all must be feeling.

  4. Cheri Emery says:

    What a tragic event for your nephew’s family and especially his wife. The very same thing happened to me 3 years ago when my husband decided to take his own life at age 60 and there was nothing I could do prevent it. It all happened so fast. My husband was a believer and could not get past the mental illness that he had been suffering from. I will be praying fervently for your nephew’s family and the pain they will endure in the coming days. I can tell you that the love of Jesus, family members, and dear friends was and is still amazing. The Lord truly sustains us during the worst of times.

  5. Victoria E says:

    GramsieSue I have been thinking of you and your family and praying for you all since yesterday. My heart is heavy thinking of the pain you all must be going through. I will continue to pray.

  6. GramsieSue . says:

    I thank all of you so so much for your prayers. I have felt them throughout yesterday, last night, and again this morning. After hearing all the details and finding out that my nephew has been talking about suicide for months, my heart breaks that he didn’t get the help he really needed. This is a sad end to a troubled life. Do pray for his wife as she was right there and couldn’t prevent it. The funeral won’t be u til next weekend because they have to wait on an autopsy. I love all of you sisters. Praying for your needs as well. ❤️

    1. Becky W says:

      Praying that the peace of God will guard your heart and mind, and the same for your nephews wife, as you grieve. Praying for a redemption story to come from all of this. My deepest heartfelt condolences, GramsieSue.

  7. Foster Mama says:

    GRAMSIESUE – praying frequently for y’all since the moment I read your post yesterday. Lord Jesus, please…

  8. Mari V says:

    GramsieSue, You were on my mind throughout the day yesterday and again this morning. My heart, our hearts go out to you and your family. We will continue to pray for your family.

  9. Mari V says:

    HE is our everlasting God! There is NO end to HIM!
    I trust HIM. Prayers are appreciated as I watch my college-aged son navigate through life. I am often reminded I need to take a step back and just let him do it. I don’t want to nag! And sometimes it’s hard to watch.
    But there are times when I reminded him “gently“. And when he’s frustrated I take a deep breath, come alongside him, and be there for him. Yesterday after a frustration he called me into his room wanting his mother to pray for him. So I did. I didn’t nag. I didn’t say I told you so. I just prayed over him.. I’m asking my SRT sisters to please pray his FASFA and other aids will be there for him as he goes back to online school in about a week.

  10. Nancy Singleton says:

    Today is my best friend’s husband’s 70th birthday, & he is in the last days of life here on earth after a 15 year battle with cancer. We were able to travel to see him and say our goodbyes, but continue to pray for his peaceful passing at home. He is at peace & ready to move to his eternal home. So thankful for our shared faith in our eternal Father & Lord! Praying too for his wife & son, providing his care with hospice support.

    1. Mari V says:

      Praying alongside you Nancy. So glad that you can be there for your best friend. I love that God gives us these beautiful friendships.

  11. PamC says:

    Thanks to everyone for your prayers. We’re heading out now & I’m taking your prayers with me.
    TruthReader I have added your request to my prayers. I grew up traveling back and forth across country as part of a Navy family. Thank you and your family for your service.
    Hugs wrapped in love & prayers for a a great weekend of rest for all y’all.

    1. Mari V says:

      Have FUN PamC. My kids and I were in Santa Cruz last weekend. You’re going to love the beach. Praying that you can sustain the trip. If you have to, ask the driver to pull over so you can stretch a little.

  12. ERB says:

    GRAMMIESUE, I prayed all throughout the day yesterday for you and your family, especially for your nephew’s wife, this new growing life inside of her and their young child… and for your sister too.. I am continuing to pray throughout the day today and will continue to pray!! May the God of all COMFORT show you exactly how and where to be and what to do… stay tucked in and close to the Holy Spirit/God, and His presence, allowing Him to heal, comfort and do the work He wants to… We are standing WITH you dear sister!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    MAURA, so glad what I wrote made sense!! All glory to God!!! SO HAPPY that you are having your girls there with you this weekend!!! I am praying that your time together will be anointed and blessed, and filled with encouragement, joy and laughter!!! Be IN the moment, Maura. It’s so important!! We will pick up Isaiah on Monday (or whatever day is good for you) so that you can soak in this wonderful Gods-provided time with you girls!! My prayers are with you dear friend!!! Xoxo

    TRUTH READER, I pray that through this move you will find a strength and calm/peace within yourself that you didn’t know you possessed and that your eyes will be fixed UPward!! And through that upward gaze you will find the comfort, peace and fellowship you need and crave!!! May God prepare the way…and may you see clearly the way He wants you to go!! Here’s to new beginnings and to deep fellowship and connection!! He is with you Always!! ❤️

    Prayers for each and every one of you dear sisters!!! May His love endure and carry you through whatever your circumstance… xoxo ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Mari V says:

      ERB, you have such a sweet spirit praying for everyone! I pray you have a very blessed weekend yourself.

      1. Victoria E says:

        I second that Mari V. ERB we love you!

  13. SarahJoy says:

    For some reason a yellow heart doesn’t show up in the comments. There was supposed to be one for you TRUTH READER. ❤️

  14. SarahJoy says:

    Trying to go back since I missed so much in the comments this week. I need to get to sleep earlier! (Maybe once the Olympics are over…)

    GRAMSIESUE – heartbreaking. Saying prayers as you wake to another day of grief. May God provide for all your needs as you bring the ministry of presence to your sister and her sweet family. There are no words, but you offer exactly what’s important right now – Jesus with skin on. ❤️

    TRUTH READER – thank you for your family’s service! Saying a prayer that you find community that supports the unique life you have.

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying that God opens the doors for exactly what you need. ❤️

  15. Sundayschoolteacher says:

    Help us to remember You Lord are in control always. May we hold on to you and know all things work out in your perfect timing. May we tether our hearts and minds to You and not the things of this world. Happy Saturday Sisters! I love being in community with you! Miss you so much Churchmouse! I hope you are okay! Thanks Tina for sharing your insights with us from across the pond! ❤️

  16. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Thank you ladies for your prayers! I had “somewhat” of an answer – the insurance finally authorized the CT scan, after 2 calls to insurance and 4 calls to the Dr.s office! I had the scan at 1:15 yesterday and was told at radiology that it would be sent right away to the Dr. and I should hear back with in the hour…The Dr. never called! So I still don’t know anything more. The office closed at 5:00 pm, I called at 4:20, and was told no one had read them yet! I specifically asked for the Dr. to call back before he left for the day and was told he would – but he never did. I’m thinking and hoping that if there was a serious issue going on, somebody would have said something!

    I continue to pray for you @Grammiesue. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Praying also for @Maura, @Truthreader and @Pam. May God continue to work in each of your situations. I will add each of you to my prayer list – and all other requests from my SRT sisters as I continue to read them.

    Have a blessed weekend and an awesome Lord’s day!

  17. Kelly says:

    Life can be so hard, and this world is seemingly out of control BUT GOD has dominion over all. He is the only one with a true perspective of what is happening in the world and in our lives. May He increase our faith and hope as we wait for His purposes to come to pass.

    NICOLE NORRIS, MADISON, GRAMSIESUE, ASHLEY, JENNIFER COLLINS, TINA – Praying the comfort of the Holy Spirit helps you in processing your grief.

    SARAH, LEIGH, HOPE, TRUTH READER – may the Lord lead you to a safe community of Christians who will encourage and strengthen your faith.

    Praying for the other requests too ❤

  18. SEARCHING says:

    GRAMSIESUE – continuing to pray, may you and your family feel the Lord’s presence, comfort and strength.

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying for healing and authorization for the CT scan.

    PAMC – praying for you and also for firefighters and victims of these fires. We’re not in a wildfire area so cannot fully comprehend the fear, danger and loss these bring to the west every year. As with most things, I’m sure the pictures we see are nothing compared to the devastation, loss and sorrow felt by those in the fire zones.

    TRUTH READER – praying for community and connection as you make this move.

  19. MARTHA HIX says:
