Day 4

Grace Day

from the Lent 2016 reading plan

Psalm 51:16-17

BY She Reads Truth

Text: Psalm 51:16-17

Take time today to rest in the knowledge of God’s boundless grace and reflect on Scripture below.

You do not want a sacrifice, or I would give it;
You are not pleased with a burnt offering.
The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit.
God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart.
-Psalm 51:16-17


Post Comments (99)

99 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Mahagonymon says:

    Beautiful verse…God just wants us to come as we are. Sacrificing ourselves to him….

  2. Coach Sinta says:


  3. Dina says:

    This hit me hard today. I am in tears because my heart and spirit are broken. I am devoting time every day this Lent to grow closer to God and try to regain the relationship I once had. I know that my tears do not got unseen and that I am not alone in my journey. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me despite my sins, my temper, my wrongdoings. Thank you for forgiving me when I am weakest and need it most. Thank you for never turning away from me even when I turn away from you.

    1. Lauren F says:

      Praise God!

  4. Dina says:

    This hit me hard today. I am in tears because my heart and spirit at broken.and spirit

  5. Churchmouse says:

    Ahhhh…. It’s grace day. May we be gracious in our actions and comments, speaking the truth in love and thereby pleasing our Lord. May we humbly listen, ponder, and pray when there are differences. May we not take offense but rather seek common ground and pursue peace. If we do not agree, let us not be disagreeable. Let us offer each other the right hand of fellowship. May it be His face we seek and His Word, His Word alone, upon which we take our stand. Praying for us all, my dear sisters in Christ.

    1. Rwhite5 says:


    2. Abiola says:


    3. Lauren says:

      And all of God’s people said Amen….

  6. Jenny O says:

    God will not despise a broken and humbled heart…a broken heart I have! Humility I am still working on

    1. Wendy says:

      Amen! I as well…

  7. Marriah says:

    This really spoke to me! I’m converting to Roman Catholicism after being evangelical for 29 years so this is my first lent. I gave up alcohol (I love a good red wine!) for lent, and this sacrifice has already exposed so much sin in my life that I had been covering up with alcohol. If I complete these 40 days without a drop of alcohol, but I don’t have a repentant heart, will that please him? No, but he “will not despise a broken and humble heart”. Through our sacrifices we can grow closer to him, and already this lenten season has already broken my spirit, humbled me, lead me closer, and forced me to lean on His grace.

    1. Riley says:

      I am converting to Catholicism as well after being non denominational for 23 years. This is my first lent as well, and it’s uncovered so much. I truly think the faith is so beautiful and so much deeper than I ever thought growing up. I have to ask you if you got any mixed reviews when telling your family of your conversion? I’ve been in RCIA for over a year now and there are still some members of the family that have no idea, I’m afraid of their judgment. A lot of evangelical Christians look down on Catholics but they are not educating themselves in the religion because if they did, they would see that we believe all of the same things. Happy Saturday :(

      1. Riley says:

        I meant to put a smile :) ***

      2. Marriah Cummins says:

        My thoughts exactly on converting! Its so beautiful, rich, and above all true! I had so many misconceptions about the Catholic Church growing up that were all wrong. My family is not happy, and I have lost most of my friends who are evangelical or non-denominational. My husband and I are taking it slow with our families, and we just tell them we are always open to conversations and questions. To be honest, I’m not sure if they actually know we will officially be Catholic come Easter…. anyway I will be praying for you and I ask that you will for me too! It’s a hard road for sure, but when I think about the Real Presence and being in full communion with the Church, it puts everything in perspective :)

        1. Riley says:

          It is an interesting topic that brings a lot of different opinions. It interesting that a lot of my friends who were raised Catholic and a lot of adult Catholics end up leaving the church for non denominational churches that offer more freedom. The way I felt was that I always knew Jesus, and I was close to him through memory verses, and reading my bible. And like you said Marriah, I had TONS of opinions about the Catholic Church as well. I find that if you go as an adult, it’s easier to see the beauty in the traditions. I still don’t pray with saints, and sometimes it’s hard to believe that the bread is the actual body of Christ, but other than that, I think the way the church is set up gives me a better understanding of Jesus than I ever had before and I’ve become incredibly close with Him over the past year. It would be silly to say there are no differences, however when it comes down to it, converting never changed my belief system. I still believe what I always have.

          1. Marriah Cummins says:

            Amen! Couldn’t agree with you more! Praying for you sister

      3. Sarah says:

        Riley and Marriah, I am so happy for you. I grew up Catholic, but have since converted to Methodist with my husband. I still share this time with my children and the importance of this season. Our relationship with our one true Savior is what is most important. The where and religion lesser so. I wish you both all the blessings in the world for pursuing that relationship.

      4. I find this conversation so interesting because I was Catholic for 18 years, and after reading the Bible for the first time on my own (with 3 years of prayer and study) I became Protestant. I still value the rich traditions like Lent and Advent that the Catholic Church taught me, but I had never experienced the free grace of the cross until I left the Catholic Church. It is still very dear to me and all my family/friends in it, but there are some pretty clear teachings I was unable to reconcile with scripture- papal authority, justification by sacraments as grace, veneration of Mary, the Mass, and the literal transubstantiation of bread into the body of Christ, rather than a remembrance symbol. I love my Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ, but let’s not do the disservice of saying that there aren’t differences- because I know many Catholics who go through the motions and completely miss the gospel and saving grace of Christ.

        1. Marriah Cummins says:

          There are differences, clearly, or else we wouldn’t have converted. Its funny that you say you left the Catholic Church after being raised Protestant, because being raised Protestant (evangelical) I studied the Bible from an early age, my husband event went to Bible school, and I had so many questions regarding certain verses and why we interpreted them the way we did (one example being John 6). Reading Francis Chan’s Crazy Love also reinforced this in me.

          Would you like me to give a defense as to those issues you mentioned? I can if you’re interested, however I do think sometimes it can be fruitless because I read a passage, and you read a passage, and we come to completely different conclusions. Who is right? If the Holy Spirit illuminates us both, why do we disagree on the meaning of passages?

          Also, in the end, I would like to point out, that just as many Protestants go through the motions and completely miss the gospel and saving grace of Christ. Believe me, I’ve seen it as I’m sure you have (or will) too

          1. Marriah Cummins says:

            oops meant to say left the Church after reading the Bible

        2. Marriah Cummins says:

          oops meant to say left the Church after reading the Bible

      5. Blair Kawa says:

        My husband and I love the way the rhythms of the church bring Christ to life and call us to Enter into a deeper understanding of him. We are Anglican Church of North America… Although currently attend Acts29 network church. Love that the liturgical church is being better understood by Protestant Christians.

    2. NN says:

      Hi guys, umm just for the sake of..I don’t know really. I don’t think they are judging you when they try to persuade you to not converting. Many people who’d do are actually quite educated on God’s Word. As much as we say and hope it is so, we don’t believe the same things. The Bible warns us not to worship images, bow down to idols or pray to other gods or even saints . Roman Catholics exults and pray to Mary, worship idols, thus commit spiritual adultery against God, who’s the One who deserves all the honor, glory and praise. They blaspheme against God, when He’s the one who forgives men their sins (1 Tim 2:5). I could go on and on with examples, I won’t though. I’m not being judgemental, but I’m deciding to say something out of love for you my sisters, which I think is the reason your family (mostly) would speak againts it, too. Jesus, the Author of life and our Savior, not Mary or the saints or angels loves you and died for you and Him alone deserves your worship. I love you all. I wish you the best.

      1. Marriah Cummins says:

        I have to speak out and defend the Catholic Church. First, I am aware evangelicals (my family and friends) are educated in God’s word, I am too! They are the ones who instilled the love of Scripture in me! Second, what you stated about the Catholic Church is simply false. We do not worship images, we do not bow down to idols, we do not pray to other Gods, and as far as praying to Saints, we ask them to pray for us – just as you would ask a friend to join you in prayer. I can go further on that if you would like. Mary is a Saint (which I believe you would agree) and yes we give her honor as the Mother of our Lord and Savior, the Ark of the New Covenant, whose “Yes” undid Eve’s “No”. We do not worship her, repeat, we do NOT worship her.

        We worship more than Jesus, we worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Clearly you are ignorant of the Catholic faith and have based everything you said on assumptions and lies. If you are curious as to what the Catholic Church believes and teaches, you can look up the Catechism online and is a great resource to answer all of your questions as well.

        1. Brittnie says:

          And in other news, while ya’ll are passively aggressively arguing about who’s church is right and wrong, how about ya open your bibles to 1 Corinthians 12:12-31…this is what God’s got to say about it.
          It’s ok to not prefer a certain denomination, He created you uniquely to hear Him in your own unique way.if you don’t like the church someone else goes to, don’t go, simple as that.

          1. Marriah Cummins says:

            I have, respectfully, never been passive aggressive and I have never said a Protestant church is wrong. I have defended my Church when others have attacked and have answered questions others have asked. If the Church is the Bride of Christ, then I will defend her when someone states she is committing adultery on him. I love my Church, I love the Saints, I love Mary, and above all, I love God. Why bringing up the Catholic Church strikes such a negative chord with women on this blog is beyond me. The Church is beautiful, rich with tradition, teaching, history, and God’s grace, love, and mercy.

            I even mentioned in an above comment that I believe a debate on here is pointless, since many times we will read the same passages and come to different conclusions. However, love covers a multitude of wrongs, and my prayer is that us, as women of faith, can all come together, support one another, and find common ground i.e. 1 Corinthians 12:13 “For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.”

          2. Tina says:

            I hardly think defending one’s position is “passively aggressively arguing.” It seems to me that two Catholics were having a conversation when someone jumped in and called them idolaters.

        2. Rebekah says:

          1. We’re all here because we love Christ.
          2. We’re all called to love one another in Him.

          That said, as one sister in Christ to another, I just want to point out that, Scripturally, Christ is the only Intercessor, Mediator, or Priest we need for salvation, and that Christ said, in reference to prayer with and for one another: “if any two on earth agree”, not “if you and a human soul in heaven agree”.
          Why pray to a departed human soul to pray for you when you can ask Christ to do so?
          Even better, pray in agreement with whatever Christ is already praying for you.
          “Father, I am in wholehearted agreement with Christ’s prayers for me. May all of Your perfect will be done fully in me, for me, and through me. Amen.”

      2. Rosie says:

        As Christians of all denominations let’s agree to pray
        For each other and for a closer relationship with Jesus. As we begin this Lenten journey together let us
        Pray for peace and unity and God’s grace for all who see Him/truth diligently.

        1. NN says:

          Amen Rosie, let’s do that. God bless :)

    3. NN says:

      I’m not interested in arguing with anyone here, and or even mincing words to look good. I’m saying what I know is true. As someone already said there is One mediator betwee God and men and to say there’s someone else is to deny Christ His rightful place. It is to create an Ishmael when you already have Isaac promised. Please take it as you will, but God knows my heart. I wasn’t arguing just trying to state the truth out of love, so no one can stand on Judgement Day and plead ignorance. Please let’s read God’s Word and if we do than let’s please believe in what the Word says, you can’t decide what God calls idolatry and what He doesn’t. Only His word teaches us the truth and I believe it wholely, without a doubt. To put someone, something else in Jesus’ place is to idolise and its a sin and blaspheme against God. As far as I know only Jesus is the High Priest and our great intercessor and no one else. And He gave us the right to approach the throne with confidence. No one else died for us or shed their innocent blood or is without sin only Jesus than deserves all that glory. Stay blessed.

  8. Heather says:

    So thankful

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