Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Romans 8:15

Use this day to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!”
—Romans 8:15

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42 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Ashley Cesare says:

    Sisters in Christ, if anyone is reading this (because I am completing this study far after it was originally “running”), I ask you keep me in prayer. For a long time, I was a slave to fear. I let my sin weigh me down to anxiety and shame. Since surrendering to Jesus and laying my sin and fear at the cross, I have found such peace! That is, until my faith was tested this week. Surely, I’m still leaning into Him and seeking His guidance every day. I have not given up. But this week just threw everything that could have gone wrong my way. With that, fear crept in and so did temptation. I ask you pray for my heart, for my mind and my soul that it is healed through Jesus. That I feel peace in knowing my chains are broken. I am set free. Even within the past hour, as I read scripture and journaled, I am feeling much better under Jesus’ loving care. Thank you, SRT sisters! God bless all of you!

    1. Jeanna Vance says:

      I’m seeing this two years later, but I’m praying for you right now Ashley. May you feel deeply loved, wholly free, and completely comforted.

  2. Lolly Regan says:


  3. Jessica Nicolas says:

    I am not living in fear, I am leaving for what’s “under the sun” for what is “of the Son’s kingdom”. Thank you Lord! ♡

  4. Lisa Vanderplate says:

    Is anyone having issues with day 21 not coming up to close out the reading plan?

    1. Kimme Bartlett says:

      I’ve been having alot of issues with the app for some time. I’m hesitant to delete and reinstall it bc I don’t want to lose my completed studies.

    2. Jennifer Martin says:

      Yes. It’s been a week and Day 21 of this plan still hasn’t shown up

    3. Lisa Vanderplate says:

      Thanks Ladies. At least I know it isn’t just me.

    4. Sarah Eben says:

      Yes, I can’t see day 21 or access it :(

    5. Elissa SimmonsShirrell says:

      I’m reading this behind you all, but my Day 21 isn’t there either!

  5. Susan Crosby says:

    May we cry Abba Father…especially when we turn towards fear.

  6. Nicole Burgos says:


  7. Taylor says:

    I’m no longer a slave to fear, for I AM a child of God! No more chains. As Churchmouse said, don’t look back to Egypt! I totally catch myself doing that a lot. Looking back to the sinful lifestyle and thinking “but it was so much fun” NOT TRUE. I carried so many burdens and shame back then. Now I am free! I have the Holy Spirit, my Advocate, living in me! I’d rather be a slave to God and to righteousness then a slave to self and pride. Thank you Jesus for breaking our chains!

  8. Hopeful InJesus says:

    This was precisely the Bible passage that I needed to read this morning! What a great reminder of Gods love for us.

  9. Terri says:

    I woke up in the middle of the night to pray for Angie and her husband who has been diagnosed with coronavirus. I am feeling the burden to pray for them again. Please join me women of God in praying for them. Let the Holy Spirit led us in our prayers.

  10. S J says:

    Thank you Father. I call out to you in my time of need. Please pray for me

    1. Jane K says:


  11. Angie Troyer says:

    I am just getting to read and post…No fear. No chains. Daughters of the King. Loved. Amen.

  12. DOROTHY says:

    Jennifer Myers, Liz A., I don’t know if you have ever heard the song “Fear Is a Liar” by Zach Williams but I suggest you listen to it several times. The words are so good. If you can see a version on YouTube with the words I suggest you watch it. I will prayer for both of you.
    Amen, Churchmouse, Mary Pitner and Jennifer Anapol, amen.

    1. Jane K says:

      Just watched and listened to “Fear I a Liar” thank you for sharing this song today Dorothy! My heart cries out in prayer for all who experience fear and anxiety!

  13. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so thankful that in this crazy world, God never changes. He is our solid rock in these challenging and uncertain times. I love him❤️

  14. K D says:

    I have been adopted. Amen.

  15. Ashley White says:


  16. Liz A says:

    Please, pray for me I am full of a lot of fear & anxiety

    1. S O says:

      Praying that you feel our mighty Father’s arms around you sweet sister… He is there with you right now ❤️ We’re lifting you up to Him and praying for you

  17. DOROTHY says:

    Maya Bulos, I’m sorry to hear about your dad. My dad was the most Godly man I had ever met also.
    In the last six weeks it seems like I have been calling out, “Abba, Father” and He has always answered. He hasn’t always answered in the way I wanted but He has answered. I will be moving to a new apartment in June. I still have wonderful memories but right now they can be painful at times. But God, you have a reason for everything. I don’t know what the reason for this was but I’m sure I will find out sooner or later. I continue to pack. Yes I still have a month but I am working 30 – 35 hours a week as well as pack. You my SRT sisters are what keep me going, I look forward to reading the scriptures, devotions and everyone’s comments. Some days it is the comments that get me through. God thank you for She Reads Truth and all my wonderful Christian sisters I have met through it. God I thank you for Your Word and the inspiration You give each and everyone of the writers, whether it be a devotion they write or a comment they write. Lord watch over all of us, help those of us that are ill or have ill family members, make the well again if it is Your will. Most of all Lord I praise You for all the good and wonderful things You have brought into my life. Amen.

    1. Traci Gendron says:


  18. Mari V says:

    We can call Him “Daddy”.

    1. Sandi Wellnitz says:

      ABBA Father

  19. Diana Fleenor says:

    As I read this verse again today, my heart is enlivened by this promise of the Spirit of adoption by which we cry, “Abba, Father!” And then my mind went back a couple of chapters (chp 6), where Paul tells us there is a kind of slavery that is good. Being enslaved to our God and his righteousness as we are freed from sin and fear by the perfect love of our Lord and Savior is something glorious to embrace. O how I worship him with gratitude for this amazing promise to those whose faith is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

  20. Maura says:

    So blessed are we by the Promise Keeper. Press on sisters He is with us, caring for us and holding us in immeasurable love. Joy to your weekends.

  21. Mary Pitner says:

    All of God’s promises are Yes in Christ, and they are for ME! He will bless me. He will not leave me or abandon me. He will give me an everlasting kingdom. He will give me a future and a hope. He will forgive my sins. He will give me peace and rest. He will give me abundant and eternal life. I will have suffering in this world. He will be with me always. He will adopt me into His family. He will set me free from sin. He will provide for me. He will make me glorious. He will bring goodness from every twisted and broken thing. Thank you, ABBA!

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Thank you for the recap!!

    2. Jane K says:

      Yes and Yes! I love the recap. God’s promises will sustain us through this life and we will rise glorious! Praise God.

  22. Doris says:

    The One that we call Abba Father is the One that all week have said, “I WILL”.
    The promises of our Father are for sure. When He says I will, He will.

    Hebrews 10:37_For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, an will not tarry. What comforting words!

  23. Churchmouse says:

    Let’s not go back to Egypt, or even glance over our shoulder. We are no longer slaves, but free! Let’s not chain ourselves to the past but press on in the strength and assurance of our faith. We have not been given a spirit of fear. We have the Holy Spirit, Jesus in us. What a gift!

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:


    2. Jane K says:


  24. Jennifer Myers says:

    This verse is so timely in my life. After 3 particularly fearful, anxious-filled weeks that ended in good news, I keep feeling the temptation to slide back into fear and worry. But God has given me His Spirit, and I get to call on my Heavenly Father to fight for me and to give me His peace. I’m not a slave to fear! I have to claim this promise to myself often! So thankful for God’s Word; it truly is healing.

  25. Jessica Williamston says:

    I get very emotional when I think all God has done for me and is currently doing for me. My mind is blown each time the holy spirit imparts more truth and knowledge in me. Its humbles me and strengthens at the same time. Theres so much out here to discourage us but God is always available even more so when I acknowledge and submit to Him. God please continue to reveal the richness of your promises in our live when we choose to faithfully believe and put the work in for manifestation. Amen.

  26. Tina says:

    So very thankful for your love, and for making me yours, ABBA, Father.. Thank you.. thank you..❤❤

    Happy weekend Sisters wrapped in love and prayers for you to feel the loving arms of ABBA.. Father.. whatever your weekend looks like. ❤

  27. Nancy Singleton says:

    ABBA, Father, Daddy-thank you for loving me & making me your child.