Grace Day

Open Your Bible

John 14:26

Use this day to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.”
—John 14:26

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31 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Lolly Regan says:


  2. Sydney A says:

    I don’t get it. :(

    1. Jess Thomas says:

      Sydney – what don’t you get?

  3. K D says:


  4. Avis DeniseGraves says:


  5. Sue says:

    Dorothy, Yes, you may gladly share.
    Thank you everyone for your comments each day. I am blessed by you all.

  6. Kristen says:

    This is a podcast about the Holy Spirit:

    There’s a true story about a little boy that got saved and this led to many others finding Jesus. I had never heard about this before. This talks about the work of the Holy Spirit

  7. Ashley White says:


  8. DOROTHY says:

    Maura beautifully said and amen.
    Laurel Olson, WOW, so glad you shared that. Now I have a new way of looking at the Holy Spirit.

  9. DOROTHY says:

    Tina, I have never thought of it like that may I pass on what you said to other Christian friends and family. I want to thank you for all your wisdom.
    Melanie, I love your explanation.
    Sue what you have said is beautiful may I share it with others.

  10. DOROTHY says:

    Churchmouse in your comment you mention the red letters, it reminds me of the song “Red Letters” by Crowder. I don’t know if you have ever listen to it but it is beautiful. Here are a few of the lyrics that touch me every time I hear it: “Felt like lighting hit my veins/My dead heart began to beat/Breath of God filled my lungs/And the Holy Ghost awaken me/Yeah, the Holy Ghost awaken me./When I read the Red Letters/And the ground began to shake/The prison walls started falling/And I became a free man that day.” Also yesterday you mentioned about how you have multiple nativity scenes out around your house and you keep them up all year round, well I glad to hear that because I’m the same way. My sister has even started giving me a different one every year for Christmas from UNICEF. God bless you and all my SRT sisters all of your comments and widom are what have been getting me through this last month.

  11. Taylor says:

    Thankful for the last 2 months of quarantine that have allowed me to become a student of the Word – spending over an hour every day in the Word just soaking and resting in the Promises of God and the great gift of Easter through the Resurrection of Jesus. I’m excited to finally be starting online courses for grad school again on Monday but I will always cherish these last 8 weeks that have allowed me to dive deeper into the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to be my ever present, every patient Teacher

  12. Mari V says:

    It’s that still small voice guiding, Comforting, and Yep sometimes convicting me.

  13. Kristen says:

    Here is a message about the most important job of the Holy Spirit. He makes Jesus real to us!!! Doesn’t do much change when you come to that place? I thought I’d share if you would like to listen.

  14. laurel olson says:

    In the devotional Not a Fan, Kyle Idelman gave me a new understanding of the Holy Spirit. He writes, re: Holy Spirit as a comforter, “…We enjoy creature comforts like comfortable homes and comfy clothes. But the word [comforter] really means “with great strength.” It carries the idea of encouragement in the strongest sense of the word, because it includes the idea of pressing someone to take an action that could mean discomfort. When you think of the Holy Spirit, put warm fuzzies aside.” Like many, I viewed the Holy Spirit as one who wraps his arms around me to make me feel better. However, I am impressed further by the notion of one who pushes me to discomfort in the name of the Lord.

  15. Maura says:

    Thankful for the Holy Spirit, the wisdom,the peace, the joy He brings. And knowing He never leaves and directs me toward the will of the Lord. How great is our God, Immanuel to faithfully and lovingly dwell with us and draw us nearer to Him and be the light unto our path. Happy Saturday sisters. So glad you are out there across the pond or closer and to know you are lifting up the name of Jesus and sharing His amazing love encourages me daily.

  16. Melinda says:

    God is good. Thank you so much sisters for sharing all of this. I need to remind myself that The Holy Spirit is so close to me and ready to teach me anytime. I really need to be aware of her presence in me. Thank you so much Jesus. ❤

  17. Sue says:

    The Holy Spirit dwells in us. We carry the presence of God wherever we go.

    Therefore, we can be assured that:

    We can rest in His mercy.
    He will provide peace and rest.
    We will have life in abundance.
    He will provide peace through our suffering.
    He will be with us always.

    And as we read today, the Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us of all these promises.

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Beautiful truth and summary of the promises this week. Thank you, Sue ❤️

  18. Ashley Roberts says:

    Oh thank you Father! I whispered this verse “He will teach me all things” soon as I woke up , only for me to see it I’m today’s devotion ❤️❤️❤️

  19. Melanie says:

    This my first post but I feel
    As though I know you all from all that I glean from your comments daily. I’ve always been fascinated by the life of Helen Keller. In her autobiography she describes the first day she met Annie Sullivan and writes “I met the one that would teach me all things”… it has always reminded me of the Holy Spirit’s role In our lives…. the Interpreter..explaining what is already there. I picture Annie’s hands on Helen’s and I see the Holy Spirit taking our hands and explaining it all and our “eyes” being opened.

    1. Julie Ganucheau says:

      Love this Melanie!

  20. Melissa Mcronney says:


  21. MARTHA says:


  22. Tina says:

    Praising with gratitude, God, for the Councillor, the Holy Spirit, I have living in me. For the gift through Jesus that reminds me, however short I fall, of who I am, to whom I belong, because my DNA, tells me I am the daughter of the Most High God, and where I am going…no matter the route I may take..

    Thank you God. Thank you Jesus.


    Happy Saturday from across the pond with much love and prayers..
    Singing the Blessing over you all❤❤

    1. ingrid Giller says:


    2. Ashley N says:

      Thank you for sharing ♥️

  23. Churchmouse says:

    We do not give in to despair because the Holy Spirit reminds us of all that Jesus said and taught. The red letters of our Bibles comfort and strengthen us through the difficult days on this earth. Wise counsel is found throughout its pages. The Holy Spirit, Jesus in us, is our constant companion, reminding us Who speaks Truth in a world committed to shades of it. Every day we open the Word is a refresher course in following Jesus and walking in wisdom and Truth. We do not despair. We have Hope eternal.

    1. Ashley N says:

      Truth in a world committed to shades of it – love this! Thank you as always for sharing

    2. Jennifer Martin says:


    3. Jen Brewer says:

      Amen ❤️