Day 6

Grace Day

Joshua 24:15

BY She Reads Truth

Use today to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

But if it doesn’t please you to worship the LORD, choose for yourselves today: Which will you worship—the gods your fathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living? As for me and my family, we will worship the LORD.

Joshua 24:15

Post Comments (26)

26 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Heather Hull says:


  2. Sandy Pass says:

    On page 41 of the book, False Worship in the Bible, number 5 Worship of Other Gods it states “ Through out Israel’s history, the people turned to false gods, often combing their worship of the one true God with pagan practices an always violating the commandment. “ Do not have other gods besides me” (Ex 20:3). I have to think that some people do this when they use Yoga as from of meditation while thinking they are meditating and worshiping God. These are things to be mindful of, I’m sure there are many other instances.

  3. Christina Robledo says:

    If the angels worship and they are not his children, how will I not worship him?

  4. NanaK says:

    AMEN and AMEN! Thank you Shawn–so beautifully said.

  5. Ashley Thomas says:

    Thank you to everyone who has been praying for my sister, Mary Kay. They did a procedure that had never been performed anywhere in the United States, where they placed a drain line to empty her leg of all the intestinal leakage. It is working! She has been in tremendous amounts of pain still. They wanted to taper off her pain meds, and removed a medication that was going directly to her leg as well as another IV medication.

    1. Ashley Thomas says:

      **they did double her other medication after her husband fought with them, and she was doing better. She’s unable to walk due to the inflammation and pain. They are unsure how much longer she will be in the hospital. While she has this drain, she cannot receive chemo. Please keep praying for wisdom for the doctors, and for our ultimate healer to do what only He can do!

  6. Pam K says:

    I have been reading a review copy of “Beholding and Becoming- The Art of Everyday Worship”, by Ruth Chou Simons. It has paralleled this study in many ways. In a chapter on learning to love what must be done, she says “If I trace every complaint about my circumstances back to its origin, I find that my addiction to productivity, efficiency , and comfort are always at the center of my unhappiness. At the root of my discontentment is what I love most….and without my loves being reordered and remade by Christ, I will always chase endlessly after what was never meant to satisfy”. As I read the verse today I had to think about times when I am worshipping comfort or ease, rather than seeking the Lord first. So thankful for His grace in continuing to shape this heart of mine.

    1. Nancy Varberg says:

      Thank you. That is exactly what I needed to hear today. I choose Jesus! And tracing my discontentment, worry and anxiety does trace back to productivity and comfort…. which will NEVER satisfy! I will worship the Lord!

  7. Grace says:

    With many false gods rooted in distraction, worshipping the Lord is a daily decision.
    It is a decision that must be made with action through worship and service.
    I pray for focus and attention on what is truly important.
    I am thankful for the reminders from the Holy Spirit of our one true God and Savior.

  8. Kara says:

    Where do I spend my time, my energy, my emotions? Do i fit God unto the cracks of a busy life, or is He front and center, guiding my steps? Conviction can sting, but oh the grace and goodness of a father who seeks us out.

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