Day 6

Grace Day

from the Nehemiah reading plan

Psalm 8:1

BY She Reads Truth

Use today to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

LORD, our Lord,
how magnificent is your name throughout the earth!
You have covered the heavens with your majesty.
—Psalm 8:1


Post Comments (29)

29 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Soraya DosSantos says:

    Thank you for this message. I am staying anchored in God’s love and fully accepting his amazing grace to transform my life!

  2. Terrie Fulk says:

    God is giving us something to remind us of what we are going to see when we join Him in Heaven.

  3. Aneka Jhass says:

    I’ve never posted before …but feeling lost with God and want to recall his majesty and be joyful. The knowledge from the head needs to reach the heart

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for sharing Aneka. We’re praying for you and are so grateful that you’re here! -Margot, The SRT Team

    2. Misti Grimson says:

      Praying for you, Anneka

    3. Karen says:

      Praying for you Aneka, that you may feel God’s incredible love for you deep in your soul. Sometimes it helps me reflect on His majesty by going outside and marveling at all the beauty He has created in nature. The other thing that helps is to look back on different events in your life where God pulled you through or taught you something valuable, to remember His majestic and tender work in your life. Praying for you today!

    4. Meredith Ayers says:

      Praying for you Aneka! May God bless you for your honesty and vulnerability, and may he make His presence known to you in a new way. Keep pressing in and pressing on, dear one.

    5. Lexi Martin says:

      Praying for you now!! Ask the Lord to help your knowledge and your heart to work together to recognize his true glory and majesty! ❤️

    6. Kari says:

      So many prayers for you this morning Aneka! So glad you are sticking with the devotional and continuing to reach out to God. He will come!!

  4. Karina Argudo says:

    Praise God! He truly is magnificent

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