Day 11

God Is Just

from the Attributes of God reading plan

Exodus 34:5-7, Psalm 146:5-9, John 5:19-30, Romans 2:1-11, Revelation 20:11-12

BY She Reads Truth

God is righteous. He is the standard for all that is just and fair.

We are often unsure what to make of our just God. But His righteousness can and should be cause for celebration, a source of immense comfort in a world where earthly justice falls short.

We ache for justice when we experience the ramifications of sin, both on a personal and a systemic scale. When someone or something we love is violated, wounded, or broken, we don’t respond with indifference—we cry out, demanding accountability. If we, with our limited perspective, are so affected by injustice, how much more does God demand justice when His standard of what is good is not upheld?

God loves more deeply and thoroughly than we could ever imagine. He loves perfectly. When proclaiming Himself to Moses, God says He is “a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:6–7).

God’s understanding of guilt is also perfect, because He is all-knowing, holy, and infinite. He has no statute of limitations. He is not swayed by false testimony or inconclusive evidence. He is the perfect witness, who searches and knows every heart, every intention, every action (Job 28:24; Psalm 69:5). He is “faithful forever, executing justice for the exploited,” even when our lives are not long enough to see it (Psalm 146:6–7).

Unlike what we experience from one another on earth, God is not faulty or vindictive. He does not overlook sin, nor does He demand more than what is just. This is good news, because we are not only victims of sin and injustice; we are also perpetrators. And yet the steep price our guilt demands is a price Christ already paid on the cross. And “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Jesus tells us He has been given the right to pass judgment, and that He gives life to those who hear His Word and believe it (John 5:24). Our just Judge is also our Savior. He alone can mend the brokenhearted and offer hope to the unrighteous.

Post Comments (30)

30 thoughts on "God Is Just"

  1. Angie says:

    Shawn, I’ve been teaching for 28 years also. I understand COMPLETELY. You are in my prayers.

  2. Steph C says:

    He is just. He doesn’t excuse sin but He offers forgiveness for it. He alone can pay (has paid) the terrible price for sin. This doesn’t mean that He makes light of sin! I can choose (by God’s grace) to forgive someone but that doesn’t remove the pain that may come. He is still grieved by my sin every day. His justice has been satisfied. His mercy makes forgiveness possible. And His love endures forever.

  3. Y K says:

    I don’t like to admit it, but I am so quick to jump straight into judgment at times. This ‘mom’ world is full of so many opinions & comments. It’s easy to attempt to defend one’s stance, but in doing so also dole out a hefty dose of judgment to those with opposing views. And not even realize you’re doing it! Who am I to judge? That responsibility isn’t a burden I need to willingly put on each day. Today’s reading reminds me I need to humble myself before God and pray, asking Him to help me love like Him.

  4. Bonnie Mills says:

    I needed all that I read in God is Just……

  5. Marina Garcia-Vinolo says:

    This word came to me at a special time in my circumstance. I’ve lately felt compelled to claim accountability for someone who did wrong to my son. But God spoke to me through this word telling me that He is just and He will take care of it, but also that those people that did wrong are also His children and that it is not my job to judge, but to love like He also loves them. It’s far from easy, but with Him all is possible. And His word provides peace. ♡

  6. Mari V says:

    He is Faithful forever! Now that’s my God!

  7. Leslie Cestona says:

    I will definitely have you in my prayers. Teaching is not easy especially now a days. I once considered majoring in education but now I have doubts that is the right thing for me. Please pray for me as well. Bless your hearts for all you do for our children, for the love you give, the knowledge you instill in their brains, and the patience of dealing with the parents. Its not an easy career. But you’re doing an amazing job at creating a brighter future through their young minds. God bless you and all the teachers.

  8. Leslie Cestona says:

    Will have you and all teachers in my prayers. I know now its a difficult job to uphold having seen what teachers go to up close. Bless the hearts of those who go out and do it. Education is not what it was 10 years ago. My hearts goes out to all. Its a demanding but rewarding job. I was considering majoring in teaching but lately have come to a point where I am not sure its what I want. I ask for prayers myself in the decision making for my future. Blessed week. You’re amazing for educating and paving the way for a brighter future. God bless you

    1. Shawn Parks says:

      Prayers are greatly needed and greatly appreciated. As a teacher of 28 years, the love of God and my obedience in staying on this path He has set before me are the reason I stay. Coming home not just exhausted but actually feeling like I am beaten up day after day—students’ complete disregard for rules; administrations’ inability to employ discipline due to laws that severely restrict their options for even major offenses; students’ not only disinterest in learning but their bold refusal to learn or let their classmates learn; and parents who verbally attack teachers and question their methods at every turn while failing to see any responsibility on the part of their child. Last week I was deliberately pushed by a 13 year old because I was directing him down a hallway and he wanted to go a different way. At first the aunt refused to see it when presented with the camera footage and then replied, “are you trying to say that kids can’t put their hands on teachers?” That is a snapshot of how much school has changed in my career. HOWEVER, God is good and his mercies are new every morning. I will greet every student with a smile this morning and encourage them to try and to do. I will ask God to fill me with his immeasurable love and I will praise Him for His work in my classroom. I will take a breath to remind myself that I am filled with His Holy Spirit before responding to a scathing email. God performs miracles in my class every day. I will choose to see those and leave the rest to his wise judgment. I will do His will and continue to seek His forgiveness when I fall short of his divine plan for me. I will walk into the school again this morning armed with His Word and equipped with his spirit to do the work he has called me to do. To walk in strengthened by the prayers of my dear sisters is empowering and humbling at the same time so thank you.❤️

      1. Meghan Hempe says:

        Shawn, I am a teacher too and so much of what you described has been true for me too. I love your perspective- following His will for us and knowing his ways are perfect even if we don’t understand them. I’m praying for you this morning! I hope today is a good day! ❤️

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