Day 5

Confidence in God

Habakkuk 3:1-19, Psalm 17:1-15, John 1:14-18, Galatians 3:11

BY Guest Writer

Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 3:1-19, Psalm 17:1-15, John 1:14-18, Galatians 3:11

The Broadway show, Mean Girls, is a spectacle. Hot pink and glitter, blonde hair and high-pitched voices—I saw them everywhere under the stage’s bright spotlight. As the play began, my eyes landed on Regina’s mother (played by Amy Poehler in the movie version). When her “Queen Bee” daughter arrives home with friends, the mother says: “There are no rules in this house! I’m not like a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.” Then she winks.

Regina’s mother is a laughing stock. Out all of the kids in the movie, Regina needs a strong parent the most. And in trying to be the “cool” mom, she’s actually no mother at all. Her well-timed wink is proof of her weakness.

I say this because we live in a time that would very much like for God to be a “cool” God. If He is all-forgiving, we suppose He is all-accommodating too. But we don’t have a God who winks at evil. In this passage in Habakkuk, we’re given explosive imagery, like a fresh pair of glasses with which to see God. Take the time to read the passage out loud and really envision the scene.

As I read this chapter, I imagine God standing in the midst of a city, turning His head back and forth, searching for something. He stomps through the earth, on the hunt. His brilliance is like light. Rays are flashing from His hand. Pestilence surrounds His feet. As I read Habakkuk 3 with this image in mind, a picture of God, I wonder, Should I fall in love with Him, or should I be afraid of Him?

I think the author of Habakkuk wants us to feel that tension. Because God is attractive, He draws us to Him. But He is also terrifying. Whether we’re about to be saved or destroyed, the same thing is true: God is worthy of our awe (Habakkuk 3:2). In His presence, our mouths should drop open; He is worthy of our rapt attention.

But what is He doing in this passage? What is He after? Our answer can be found right in the middle of the chapter where the prophet tells us why God is on a rampage: “You come out to save Your people, to save Your anointed” (v.13).

In this book of poetry, I see God as a fierce fighter trampling wickedness, turning His head to the left and right, all in order to find and save me. This is such great news! God is not angry with me; He is angry with evil. God is not on a mission to destroy me; He is on a mission to destroy His enemies. That is why the last few verses of this chapter are so very powerful. Can I write my own version? Can you?

Even if cancer takes the ones I love away
Even if my marriage falters and fails
Even if the house is empty of children forever
Even if my career is cut short
Even if my bank account is nearing zero
Even if all I see is sorrow and pain and destruction—
Even then I will rejoice in the Lord.
I will trust Him.
I will wait quietly for God to do His work, confident in His goodness and His timing.

No, God does not wink at our sin. But He loves His children, and He holds us in His arms, even as His feet stomp out the worst of the evil in this world.


Claire Gibson is a writer whose work has been featured in publications including The Washington Post and Entrepreneur Magazine among many others. An Army kid who grew up at West Point, New York, Claire is currently growing roots in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband, Patrick, their son, Sam, and their dog, Winnie. Her debut novel, Beyond the Point, will be published next year.

Post Comments (61)

61 thoughts on "Confidence in God"

  1. Ashley Thomas says:

    Regardless of my plan for my life, I will remain faithful to God’s plan for me, even if it is difficult, even if it is not why I envisioned for myself. It’s so hard to let go and let God, but it’s something I’ve really been working on the past couple of years. When I start to become fearful, instead of worrying and playing out worst case scenarios in my head, I pray. When I’m stressed, I pray. I have to give it to God because He knows what He wants for me.

    1. Allison Van wyngardem says:


  2. Lindsey Bailey says:

    Wow. Chills. This was powerful. I remember when my husband and I struggled with infertility and God gave me these exact verses in the midst of some of the most discouraging years of my life. ‘Though the fig tree should not blossom…’ Month after month after month, God taught me how to praise Him even when I couldn’t see the fruit I so longed to see. Even when everyone around me was getting pregnant. Even when the people who didn’t seem to deserve to bring life into the world, easily got pregnant. I learned to turn my face to Him. He took my questions and burdens and made my path somehow lighter with His presence. We now have three children. The fruit that we prayed for finally came. In the midst of waiting though, we learned such a valuable lesson. Even if it never came, we would praise and trust our God for He is good.

  3. Churchmouse says:

    There are no cold cases, unsolved or unseen or forgotten by our God. There are no lost files. He will judge justly. Which means I do not have to. It’s not my job. I don’t need to fret or worry or plot. In the midst of all the “even if’s” of my life, I can be still… because I know God. When my emotions try to race ahead of the situation I’m in, I turn up the worship. I rejoice in the Lord. And I keep on rejoicing until my emotions and my mind get in line with Truth. He is my Sovereign Lord. “I will be joyful in God my Savior.”

  4. Dorothy says:

    “But He loves His children, and He holds us in His arms, even as His feet stomp out the worst of the evil in this world.” Claire this is what I needed to hear today to start my day. I know I am loved by the Almighty no matter what I do.

  5. Alexis says:

    Thank you Claire for this word. I have been struggling with not being good enough for God and thinking we are on bad terms because I make mistakes. I have to remember that I am loved and forgiven.

    Even if I don’t know where the money is coming from
    Even if I still have cancer
    Even if my promises don’t come true
    Even if my family continues to be chaotic
    Even if I am stressed by all the work
    Even if I am weary from the wait…
    Yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
    I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
    God, the Lord, is my strength;
    ghe makes my feet like the deer’s;
    he makes me tread on my high places.

    1. Dorothy says:


  6. Kristy 'Dame'Morrow says:

    This hits right to my heart. I think you could have written that new verse for me. My mom just got diagnosed with cancer, after loosing my dad to it 21 years ago. My bank account is nearly zero. But God WILL NOT FAIL ME! I’m so thankful for that. Resting in that promise today! Trusting for his provision to get us through!

  7. Gina Snow says:

    Wow! This hit the nail right on the head for me. Thank you, Lord, for your provision even in my devotional reading. Thank you for reminding me again of who You are and reassuring me of Your role in this chaos and suffering. Cleanse me of all unrighteousness and may I surrender fully to your will.

  8. Cynthia Johnston says:

    ~B~ Praying for you and yours. Miss hearing from you and your insights. Hope you all are well! ♥️

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