Day 16

come before him with thanksgiving

from the come before him with thanksgiving reading plan

Nehemiah 12:27-47, Psalm 16:1-11

BY Diana Stone

Text: Nehemiah 12:27-47, Psalm 16:1-11

After months of toil and years of living in and around a broken city, Jerusalem is done. Complete in record time. People are in, the temple is ready.

What happens next? A giant celebration of the Lord’s faithfulness to provide and protect them during this time! But this was not just a party. This was a dedication.

You see, Jerusalem wasn’t simply a city. It was the holiest city on earth. It was God’s chosen city for His chosen people. It deserved to be treated as such. We read in the verses about rituals that were followed, special people who were invited, traditions that were kept. The Israelites, though known for their grumbling in most of their stories before, knew this dedication was of the utmost importance to get right. Not to show off. Not to follow rules set by man. But to show their God they truly loved and appreciated what He had done for them.

I wonder in our lives how often we stop to give the Lord our very best in thankfulness. When we avoid a car accident, when our child gets well, when that house we wanted becomes ours. There isn’t anything wrong with a quick, “Thank you, Jesus” in a stressful situation. Yet, do we follow up? Do we take time to reflect on the blessing given to us, to come before God with the very best?

In this age where things move at the speed of light, it’s so easy to pass over any kind of preparation as we come before God. But when we thank Him, it’s important to slow down, to take time to fully comprehend just what we’ve been blessed with and did not deserve. It’s important to take time to see the miracles in our lives that we miss when we just rush past.

Let us still our hearts before the Lord and pray with the Psalmist, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” (Psalm 16:2) Amen.


Post Comments (68)

68 thoughts on "come before him with thanksgiving"

  1. Mukasha says:

    Now that I have two daughters…just reading Tina's post has all my fears and insecurities rise and bubble up. Your confession pulled strings in my mother's heart…painfully. I take it as a reminder that we owe nothing in this world and we must never attach ourselves to things or people, even our own children, put God first. I have recently begun to meditate on the fact that my parents, my husband and my children are all a loan from God (it only comes natural to think that we own them, right?), so all together we can work towards His higher purpose. I must sing praise for each day we spend together in a family. This truly puts my daily grumbling into perspective. Now that my girls are peacefully asleep, I look at my messy house and I feel the love of God, his blessing upon me. Thank you Lord for this amazing gift of family you have given me.

    God bless you Tina. Thank you for your confession sister, may God multiply your strength and devotion. Much love!

  2. LaurenC_ says:

    From our scripture today:

    "Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge." No matter what we face each day in our circumstances, there will always be refuge for us in God.

    "You make known to me the path of life;" No other path will lead me to the life that is best for me.
    "…in your presence there is fullness of joy;" With God, there is no lacking of joy. We experience it fully, when we seek Him with an open, trusting heart.
    "…at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." God wants to give us a life full of pleasures, both in this world and in heaven. His pleasures will stay with us forever, once we accept His grace and forgiveness.

    It's so easy to type the words and then inevitably, gradually walk away from God's path, to seek other sources of joy, to fail to thank God fully for the blessings He provides, to return to a dark place of fear or pain or worry as we try to "figure it all out." Diana is so right – too much of our lives takes place in a rush from one thing to the next, whether it's one appointment to the next or one thought to the next. Becoming a part of SRT has helped me to learn how to still my heart, but I know I have a long way to go towards really quieting all the noise around me and in my head. I am reading a lot these days about being, and truly living, in the present moment. Again, so much easier said than done, at least for me, but I am learning that in the present moment is where God really lives in me and speaks to me. The present moment is where I can really open my eyes to all of the blessings He has given me, the pleasures He provides to me, the refuge He holds for me, the fullness of joy with Him, the safe and wide path He makes for me. Thank you Lord for hemming me in, behind and before, and for teaching me to look for you in each present moment. Please keep teaching me. Thank you for this wonderful community of sisters sincerely seeking to live a better life in Your name, for Your kingdom.

    "Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God." – Dr. Maya Angelou

  3. AnnaLee says:

    Father, help me to thank you even in the stressful, chaotic times. Make me your servant, and remind me of your faithfulness even now. Praise you, Lord.

  4. Kristen says:

    Couldn't have asked for a better word today. Something I've needed to really stop and think about that I never really thought of before! Thank you God :)

  5. Laura says:

    I was stuck on this verse today… "After the priests and Levites had purified themselves, they purified the people, the gates and the wall." Nehemiah 12:30
    I love that it specifies that we need to be right and clean before blessing or 'purifying' anything else. :)

  6. tina says:

    I am saddened to hear if the passing of the great and inspirational Maya Angelou… example of thankful …..I saw her recently with Oprah, saying something like….be thankful, when you get what you ask for…or not, when you are released from your job, be thankful to your bosses for setting you free for that something better that is coming …….
    A GREAT woman….she has returned to her All….as she put it….she's gone home….AMEN….x

  7. Emily Grace says:

    What a great reminder! I have been convicted of this lately as well. I often shoot up a "thanks God!" quick prayer, but He does SO MUCH for me every single day, that I need to come before Him daily and thank Him for His goodness and reflect on all He has done.

  8. Diane says:

    Yes, the rewards of being obedient in our thoughts about The Lord are unlimited.When a I have taken time to BE with him in worship, my body does rest secure.Ps.16. The more I focus on putting this first in my day, the more I want to stay in that posture throughout the day. I am waiting on The Lord for the fulfilment of a prayer I have been praying for a long time, My BIG ask. On that day I will have more reason to rejoice ,but in the meantime I have this beautiful place in my day to let HIM remind me of HIS constant guidance and love for me.

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