Day 26

Born Thy People to Deliver Day 26

Psalm 107:1-6, Luke 1:26-56

BY Bailey T. Hurley

The latest trend I see all over social media is influencers telling followers: “exciting news is coming.” You are asked to tune in, subscribe, or follow along so you won’t miss the big life update. Guiltily, I can’t help but get invested in whatever the mysterious announcement may be—I have a deep anticipation for what is going on in the lives of others. 

But what about the anticipation for our own lives and the work God is doing? Like Israel, we have been told over and over again that God is good, His love endures forever, and He redeems us from the hands of our foes. But sometimes, the anticipation for this good news to be revealed can almost feel debilitating. When, God? How, God? 

Imagine Israel waiting centuries for their promised deliverance, “Some wandered in the desolate wilderness, finding no way to a city where they could live. They were hungry and thirsty; their spirits failed within them” (Psalm 107:4–5). There was a restlessness, a displacement, a hunger for home and for peace in their situation. They held onto hope for the God who rescued Israel before and would rescue Israel again…the anticipation was growing.

Then in another “big news is coming” moment, an angel appeared to a young girl named Mary and told her: “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus” (Luke 1:31). A baby is coming? A baby is coming to rescue us? How, God? 

We know Jesus delivered His people as promised. Yet, centuries later, we still experience that hunger for things to be made perfectly whole. We wait for victory over sin, sadness, illness, broken relationships, and unjust systems. So, we follow God by “subscribing” to our spiritual disciplines. We commune with Him, looking for clues to His work in our world. We see Him slowly revealing His plan to bring His kingdom here on earth through us—His Church. 

But in this waiting, may Jesus cradle our cares as Mary would her newborn son. With attentive love and compassion, Jesus bears the weight of our longing and is patient with our grieving. 

And may Jesus give us assured hope like a king who can survey the battlefield and know he is going to win. He has, is, and will deliver us for His glory. The when and how may still be unfolding, but we know Jesus has done it, and we celebrate this exciting news together during Advent.

Post Comments (58)

58 thoughts on "Born Thy People to Deliver Day 26"

  1. Sarah Spears says:


  2. Christine F says:


  3. Victoria E says:

    Churchmouse- sorry my post got cut off – continuing to pray for this boy and his family.

  4. Victoria E says:

    Churchmouse praise God!!! 4 year olds are so resilient by God’s design.

  5. Victoria E says:

    Brianna Parker praying for you and your son. Please check and see if your insurance might possibly cover some costs, and/or call your home pediatrician for guidance if needed! Lehua K, also praying for you. Christina Adams, praying for you and your anxiety. Lexi B- this is also one of my favorite verses! I love how quickly Mary said “ok, cool, this impossible crazy thing is happening, happy to serve!” I know I would have had wayyyyy more questions and anxieties, praying for God to give me a heart like Mary’s.

  6. Kerry B says:


  7. Linda Fenwick says:

    I don’t usually comment on these group chats because I don’t usually have anything new to say, but I do want to wish everyone a safe, healthy and blessed Christmas and New Year!

  8. Allie McCandless says:


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