Day 78

The Bible In A Year 78

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Leviticus 25, Matthew 28

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83 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 78"

  1. May Alcorn says:

    Jesus was gone! The tomb was opened for every one else to see, never really caught that before

  2. E Hong says:

    19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” -ellie

    1. Sharon Ide says:

      May we also spread the news of Christ’s resurrection with fear and great joy!

  3. JoAnn Foley-DeFiore says:

    Jesus lives and reigns!!

  4. Mea Anthony says:

    I fell off of mine for about a month but I’m finally back and glad that God is a forgiving God

  5. Jennifer says:

    I love this because a lot of people forget that all land and everything is God’s. They get so caught up with owning things that they forget that truly they don’t own anything and they never will because everything belongs to God.

  6. SarahMay says:

    “I know you are looking for Jesus…”

    The expectation: Jesus was in the tomb.
    The finding: He was not there, He was resurrected, just as He said. He remained true to His word even in death.

    Where am I looking for Jesus when He’s already “moved on” and done a bigger miracle than I knew possible? Challenged by this today.

    1. ChelseyC says:

      Love this

  7. Justine says:

    Whoops! Accidentally posted my question as a reply, so here it is again :
    So I’m confused between the difference of a slave and a hired worker? Someone please show me what I’m missing because it’s hard to believe God condoned slavery.

    1. Kelsey says:

      How I see it is a slave is forced to work and is beaten or abused when that work is not completed. Also slaves don’t earn enough money to sustain themselves because of how little their master gives them for their work.

      A hired worker works at his own will not from someone else forcing him. Also a hired person is able to provide for themselves and possibly a family.

  8. Kylee says:

    Could this be why my Jewish friends, to this day, denounce the resurrection? Oh that we would be a witness of His resurrection by living it out, allowing Him to work through our every circumstance!

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