Day 63

The Bible In A Year 63

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Exodus 39-40, Matthew 19

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79 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 63"

  1. Sarah Johnson says:

    Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first. What a comforting reminder that what we do on Earth by following Jesus may not gain us worldly treasures or popularity but it gains us an eternity in heaven!

  2. Haley Elmendorf says:

    I find it so lovely that Jesus says there will be twelve thrones for the apostles. Twelve. That includes one for the apostle who betrayed him and killed himself. We serve a merciful, loving God.

    1. Jamie Chapman says:


    2. Melanie M says:

      Most scholars believe that Judas was never saved. He was sorry he betrayed Jesus, but there’s no evidence in scripture that he repented. I’d encourage people toesearch this on their own.

  3. Wendy Leonard says:

    I love that Jesus knows that alone we cannot be saved. We are incapable to be without sin.
    25When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 26But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

    I believe Jesus is our only way. God gives us His Son to make it possible.

  4. Kori Andrews says:

    God cares about all of the details of our life and all people.

  5. E Hong says:

    keep the commandments ! -ellie

    1. Sharon Ide says:

      May the Spirit give us understanding to obey the Lord in all thingd

  6. Sara Fiscus says:


  7. Sarah Knickerbocker says:

    I find it hard as we get older and go through difficult things in life, sometimes traumatic and deeply painful things, to have the childlike faith without doubt, fret, or worry. I like being reminded that no matter what happens we should have faith like a child, because God is with us no matter what happens.

  8. Haylie Heisel says:


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