Day 47

The Bible In A Year 47

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Exodus 7-8, Matthew 6:19-34

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147 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 47"

  1. Sarah Paris says:


  2. Kimberly Pearson says:

  3. Julie Stein says:

  4. Courtney Davis says:

  5. Rachel Gonsalves says:

    “But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt,” Exodus 7:3
    God so clearly lays out His plan before Moses and Aaron! He does the same for us now that He did back then, we just need to seek Him in order to hear what He is saying to us. God reveals to Moses that he will harden Pharaoh’s heart because He is going to make His signs and wonders KNOWN to the people of Egypt. How amazing is our God?!? He always has a plan, and may we all have the strength to put our trust wholeheartedly in God, who loves and protects us beyond measure.

  6. Heather Lopez-Renteria says:

    Day 47
    God who is sovereign over all creation for his purposes (plagues) cares for us more than The birds

  7. Rachael Hebblethwaite says:

    A good reminder to seek God’s kingdom instead of worrying.

  8. Donna A says:

    Do not worry. We have so many worries in our lives – worries born of a lack of trust and faith. God I repent of my worries, they reflect the areas in which I need to grow my faith in you.

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