Day 317

The Bible In A Year 317

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Ezekiel 7-9, Hebrews 3

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25 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 317"

  1. Bella Mokeba says:

    So many places in the bible does God speaks through his people to tell us to fix our eyes or thoughts or minds on Christ and the grace to be brought to us. We see it in Hebrews three! There it tells us to fix our eyes on the faithful Jesus, the most high priest who was obedient to he who appointed him,his Father!

  2. Stac says:

    “For every house is built by someone, but the builder of ALL things is God.” Heb. 3:4

    Lord, my Rock & my Redeemer, may my life remain steadfast & built on You, the Cornerstone of ALL things.

  3. Katrina says:

    Hebrews 3:19 So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief.

    Never stopping the belief is key!!

  4. Heather says:

    15 As it is said,”Today, if you hear his voice,
    do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” I was struck by this verse too as well as the verses in Ezekiel about the image of jealousy. God is jealous for our love. He loved us first. He is gracious to reveal to us our unfaithfulness and and we ought to not harden our hearts toward him. I pray that all of us would turn to Christ and hunger for his love more than idolizing things of this world. It’s ironic bc God was gracious to me. Had mercy on me and helped me understand this better by a dream I had last night of my being jealous of someone. It being a shadow and imperfect version . But it helped me to see God’s jealousy being holy and fully righteous . Open our eyes to that ! Help us to see your glory , father .

  5. Leah S says:

    This verse, Ezekiel 7: 22 “I will turn my face away from the people, and robbers will desecrate the place I treasure.
    They will enter it and will defile it.” This reminds me of Matthew 21:12 when Jesus overturns the tables in the temple. I looked that up, and Jesus actually refers to Isaiah 56:7, but the similarities of the verses are quite interesting. It just makes me appreciate how much of the knowledge from the OT is imbedded in the NT…and especially in the book of Hebrews, too.

    1. Rachel says:

      Wow! Amazing connections between the OT and NT, thank you for pointing this out

  6. Heather says:

    15 while it is said,
    “Today if you hear His voice,
    Do not harden your hearts, as when they provoked Me.”
    This past Sunday, an evangelist that is from my church came back to visit and preach at our church. His name is Jay Lowder. If he is s ever in your town, go see him! God has given him a tremendous gift for reaching the lost. Many, many lives have been changed because of what God does through him!
    Anyway, the above verse stood out to me because Jay told a story about a man who kept putting off getting saved. Kept saying that he’d wait until Jay came back to his town. Then kept saying he’d do it the next night, the next night, well he’ll wait til the final night of the event, etc. The final night came, and this man still didn’t come to Jesus. After the service, he told Jay that he just couldn’t do it, and he couldn’t feel anything anymore. Each time he put it off and said not yet, his heart hardened a little more, til he couldn’t feel the urging of the Holy Spirit anymore. So sad, and so scary!

    1. MarmeeCotton says:

      Obedience is immediately… This seems to suggest that there are consequences.

  7. Nicole says:

    Reading these chapters in Ezekiel reminds me that God has a righteous jealousy for our hearts and wants me to clear all idols that I have put before Him in my heart, too!

    1. Hesaved83 says:

      Yes, after seeing God’s righteous anger in today’s reading, Holy Spirit, convicted me as well.

  8. Eleanor Hyde says:

    are we just trusting God for the things we want / using christianity as a righteous identity. Or are we prayerfully going to Christ with everything? do we kneel, starving and poor, to be fed with the holy spirit? for HeS taken our iniquities. all of our earthly needs and distractions. feed on His spirit, and as you entre the freedom of His provision, you’re life will become more than just ‘doing this so i can get a wage’ or ‘i need a meal’

    1. Hesaved83 says:


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