Day 277

The Bible In A Year 277

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Psalm 119:1-48

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50 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 277"

  1. Erika says:

    25 My life is down in the dust;
    give me life through your word.
    I needed this in the worst way today. I came home in tears from the toll my job and personal life have taken on me (physically and mentally). Thankful for the reminder that His love with always guide me on the right path.

    1. Kristen says:

      I’m saying an extra prayer for you tonight. May God provide you with the strength and comfort that only He can.

      1. AnnieB says:

        Amen- prayers for Ericka.

  2. Lalli Guerra says:

    Today is a special day for me, it is my first time having this drive to want to read my bible in a very very long time . I was always raised in a Christian baptist home and always felt the obligation of being the perfect Christian daughter in my family . I began to stray away from the pressure and that meant pushing everything out ! I realize now that I am doing this for myself and myself only for my personal connection with Jesus ! It is so amazing to know that there are other women willing to do the same thing in a living community

    1. Kristen says:

      Praise God for your drive! Keep it up and trust in Him to help you through. I’m actually more than half way through and I know I owe it all to Him. I actually can’t wait to finish and start back all over again.

      1. AnnieB says:


  3. Megan says:

    my whole life one long, obedient response.**

    invigorate me on the pilgrim way.**
    These words need to be words I pray over my own life. Also I love how the message version used the word ‘invigorate’ (to give life or energy), I don’t want to go day to day casually

  4. Minji says:

    I am so in love with this chapter. This is how I want to live and this is what my soul was longing for.

    1. AnnieB says:


  5. Beth says:

    Stay on Gods path and he shall bless you.

  6. Martie Mahon says:

    46 I will speak of your statutes before kings
    and will not be put to shame,
    47 for I delight in your commands
    because I love them.
    These verses has really helped me with my struggle in the world today. I am delighted in my faith and should not be ashamed to show it.

  7. AnnieB says:

    Aaaaah! Like a warm blanket and cup of hot cocoa in the middle of winter. Psalm 119. My favorite. I was looking forward to hearing these words again- and next few Wednesdays too! I hope you love it as much as i do! It’s like a love song and a pledge of faithfulness to God. I feel all warm and in love with His Word – His way of leading, guiding, protecting, blessing us. I always think it is worth noting this psalm is 3x longer than any other psalm. It really drives home how important it is to have a living relationship with God’s Word and ways.

    1. Minji says:

      That’s exactly how I felt while reading! So warm and cozy and filled with loooove haha

  8. Joanne says:

    35 Make me to go in the path of thy commandments ;for therein do I delight.

    Yes! I can’t on my own or even with help. Please God create a right motivation and focus in me.

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