Day 236

The Bible In A Year 236

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Ecclesiastes 4-6, Acts 14

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43 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 236"

  1. SarahMay says:

    5:19b–This is a gift of God, 20 for he does not often consider the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with the joy of his heart.

    Jesus, may YOU be the JOY of my heart. The pursuit of YOU is never meaningless. The work & toil YOU’ve called me to is not about what I earn or how I spend it–it is to honor YOU and reflect who YOU are to those around me. In the work & toil that is excessive and many times seems hard and meaningless, would YOU give me YOUR joy and rest–not just to complete tasks, but to make an eternal difference in the lives of my coworkers and patients and their families. Fill me with JOY to do YOUR work well. I want to serve YOU and declare YOUR name even as the apostles did in Acts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    1. Melinda says:


    2. Lehua K. says:

      Thank you so much for this. Ecclesiastes has been a bit tough for me to read because I am an overachiever by nature and my to do lists give me satisfaction… But I know in my heart that it doesn’t bring lasting joy and peace. Only God can.

    3. Brenda says:

      Amen. I really needed this prayer. I have been filling voids in my life with material things, however, I have decided to fill those voids with God and his word. I have been longing for a connection with Him, and somehow always fall short. SRT has been a God send. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Citlaws says:

    Ecclesiastes 4 just pulls at my heart because I begin to think of the prejudice and injustice towards various groups of people like Syrian refugees, immigrants, women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and people of color. This passage really inspires me to speak up and fight for others and lend a hand. I hope this does for you too! Peace be with you all. ❤️

  3. Jamiebug says:

    I’m so happy to be reminded that when I am tempted to be jealous of my “neighbor” for their toil and skill… I can tell my soul it’s vanity and grasping at the wind to do so. Life is not performance based! I don’t have to do what other people are doing (because of skill or lack thereof) to seek praise from man. I get to be secure in Him. Amen!

    1. Leah says:

      Amen, amen!!

    2. RoseBergamot says:

      Thanks for this!

    3. Jessica says:

      A zz./

  4. Monica Mckinny says:

    Even Solomon in in all of his glory…I love Ecclesisasties! I think it’s so important throughout every time period to understand that living for the world under this sun will never bring you the happiness your heart yearns for! You have to go through the Son for that! Don’t be discouraged by Solomon’s somber mood, God gave him wisdom because it was needed for him to tell the world. Happy Monday ladies!

  5. Ashlee says:

    The message today speaks mountains to me. Happy Monday ladies! May your day be without stress and only smiles

  6. Katrina P says:

    Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind. – such a powerful reminder to sit in quiet to find His words of guidance than to fumble around and try to make haste on our own!

    1. becky-Jo says:

      I loved that part as well Katrina, and I also needed that reassurance from His word today!

  7. Sarah Chetney says:

    I loved this message today. It really put life into perspective!

  8. Lauren says:

    4:4 made me catch my breath – “I saw that all labour and all skilful work is due to a man’s jealousy of his friend”.

    Someone we know got three well-paid job offers in the space of four days when my husband has been desperate for any new job for years, and I have been very bitter about it; in addition to this, I have been so jealous of the people around me who own houses, can go on lovely holidays every few months, who seem to really enjoy their lives, while we are buried in credit card debt and struggling to make ends meet every month.

    I am so jealous of my friends. I’m so ashamed of myself.

    1. Lucie says:

      I totally know what you mean! My husband and I are in a place where we are trying to move house and are living by faith with our finances and it’s so hard to not be bitter and jealous of other family members and friends who seem to have it all! I also stumbled on that same verse and was encouraged that this jealousy about other people’s living circumstances is not a new kind of jealousy but something that people have dealt with for thousands of years!

      1. Lauren says:

        Yes – I found continuing on to chapter 5 was encouraging as well, lots of reminders that none of this is new, and wealth doesn’t bring anything lasting that I can’t already have now.

        Especially this verse: 5:19-20 God has also given riches and wealth to every man, and He has allowed him to enjoy them, take his reward, and rejoice in his labour. This is a gift of God, for he does not often consider the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with the joy of his heart.

        Not only is it beautifully written, but it really did encourage me gently to remember that God has already given me wealth that lasts.

        I live near Yorkshire in England and often go on long walks in the moors – it is always very windy in Yorkshire, and remembering the way the wind whips past, through valleys and up hills, racing away through the heather drives home to me this metaphor of chasing the wind. It is impossible and all you can catch is… nothing. Just air, which you already had without all that rushing around, killing yourself to keep up with it.

        1. Linda says:

          Ahh Lauren, walking in the moors with hills and heather! So beautiful! How God has blessed you in your surroundings! I dream of returning there, but you live there! What a blessing! Praying for you to enjoy every bit of your day and to look to the hills…you gracious God…who gives you everything!

      2. karen says:

        Testing, my comments have not been posting. Let’s see if this one does. Have a blessed week ladies.

    2. Ariadne says:

      I have been jealous of others’ relationships and marriages. I felt so lonely. I was so impatient to be married. But I learned that I don’t know what is truly going on in these “perfect” marriages so I wait on HIS best. I just have to believe God knows my name and He loves for his children to prosper so be encouraged you are not alone. But moreover remember God is able to do exceedingly above all we can ask or think. He’s able.

      1. Mallory says:

        Girl, I am in the same place! I want so desperately to find my partner, and I often get impatient. I have to continue to focus on making my life full & happy without needing anyone to make me whole. I’m trying to focus on spending time with girlfriends & doing healthy things for myself rather than obsessing about wishing I had a companion to do things with. It is so difficult! My heart aches for my Boaz. But God’s timing & plan is perfect. I have to keep trusting that.

      2. Liz says:

        With you ladies!

      3. Alison says:

        I’m there, too. The struggle is choosing to believe that whatever God allows in my life-whether that is marriage or singleness-He allows because it is for my ultimate good and His glory. I think I know what is best, but I don’t. And God doesn’t call us to a life of waiting for a man, He calls us to a life of holiness, which has no status attached to it. Praying that we choose truth over emotions and run to Him to satisfy our hearts rather than the things the world offers.

      4. Lindsey Marie says:

        What version are you reading? I can’t pick one!

    3. Maria Shatrich says:

      Lauren- I couldn’t agree more! I often catch myself because I get to wrapped up in the jealousy and bitterness that I need to remind myself that God has a plan for each and every one of us.. I also had credit card debt but i started a health and wellness business to get me out of it and it has been the best gift God has ever given to me. It could help your family out too. If you want to chat more or want more information, I can give you my email. Let me know!

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