Day 224

The Bible In A Year 224

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Proverbs 15-16, Acts 8:1-25

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41 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 224"

  1. Karen Collins says:


  2. Chrystal Johnson says:

  3. Carol Bowman says:

    1A soft answer turns away wrath,
    but a harsh word stirs up anger.

  4. Sarah Johnson says:

    It was interesting to learn about Simon the Sorcerer. I had never read about him before

    1. Liz Kuster says:

      Me either! And although he was amazed by the teachings of Jesus, he didn’t get it!

  5. Sharon Ide says:

    A soft answer turns away wrath and the wise accept reproof.

  6. E Hong says:

    9The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord,
    but he loves him who pursues righteousness.-ellie

  7. Rabecca says:

    SarahMay, there isn’t a lot of commentary on here that I’ve seen…but I believe you wrote that to me. I’ve been struggling lately and truly appreciate and hear your words. Thank you!

    1. SarahMay says:

      Amen, Rebecca! The Lord loves you so much more than you can imagine. Praying for you to know His deep love today, that He will give you the assurance that He will carry you through all you’re facing as you trust in Him.

  8. SarahMay says:

    There are many themes in these 2 chapters of Proverbs, but what stuck out to me were the “ways” mentioned repeatedly. It seems there are 2 paths (only 2!)–the path of the righteous, and the path of the wicked. I often complicate things and make it seem like there are many more to choose from and I have to choose the “right” one, but the message is clear: it’s either leading you closer to Jesus or away from Him.

    -The Lord detests the way of the wicked,
    but He loves the one who pursues [the way of] righteousness.
    -Discipline will be harsh if you leave the path of righteousness
    -Slackers have to work through thorns on the path, but the path of the upright is clear, leads to life, & stays far from evil
    -Finding the path of life takes discernment and avoids death
    -Our ways might seem okay to us, as we plan in our hearts, but it’s really the Lord who knows our motives.
    -We need to allow Him to determine the steps we should take, to surrender & trust where He is leading us and not analyze/rationalize what would be right in our own eyes/understanding.
    -Our enemies can’t find a reason to fight us when our ways please the Lord (and it points them to peace with Him!)
    -Guarding the way we take (choosing it carefully, taking care to stay within God’s guidelines/guardrails, & not allowing others to pull us onto another path) will protect our lives
    -If our way seems right to us but isn’t what God desires for us and if we refuse to follow His lead, it leads to death.
    -Bad friends/neighbors can entice/trick us to go down the wrong path.

    How do you find this path that leads to life? It starts with a personal, daily, relationship with Jesus. It means surrendering your life to Him, confessing your sins and asking Him to be the Lord (ruler, overseer, director) of your life. It means daily spending time in His Word, the Bible, not as a checklist, but as a time of fellowship where He can speak to and direct and convict your heart on how to live for Him. It is a daily surrender of your desires & what you think is best, or even what the world around you says is best. It’s not taking the easy path, but often the hard, uphill way that requires complete dependency on Jesus as your provider, protector, and guide. This is the path that leads to abundant, fruitful life! And it’s a path, not a destination, so we trust Jesus every day, every step we take.

    (Just felt that someone might need to hear that today. Praying for each of you to draw closer to the lover of your soul, who gave His all so we could live with Him for eternity).

    1. Brit says:

      Thank you! I have definitely been trying to find my path and where I fit in his plan

      1. SarahMay says:

        Praying for you to know when to step out in faith, and for Him to close doors that aren’t what would be His best for you! Keep trusting, surrendering, and be willing to obey what he asks, esp walking away from things he’s shown you aren’t helping your walk with Him. It’s a hard walk but He is faithful!

      2. AnnieB says:

        Still praying for you, Brit.

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