Day 219

The Bible In A Year 219

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Proverbs 7-8, Acts 6

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48 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 219"

  1. Eri Antoinette says:


  2. Monica says:

    These Proverbs just aren’t sticking for me. They seem to ramble and I can’t tell who they are talking about. Any tips?

    1. Jennifer says:

      For me, trying to focus on the big message is important, for example in Proverbs 7 & 8 the importance of wisdom and in Act 6, the strength of Spirit through Stephen and how that helped him to spread God’s word.

  3. SarahMay says:

    Acts 6:10 But they were unable to stand up against [Stephen’s] wisdom and the Spirit by whom he was speaking.

    What is this wisdom Stephen had? Why was it offensive? Proverbs 8 elaborates…wisdom calls out to all, even the simple and foolish.
    -Speaks what is true and just and right
    -Instructs valuable & desirable & precious (treasured) insight
    -Works alongside prudence, knowledge, discretion, counsel, sound judgment, understanding, power
    -Guides kings, princes, rulers, nobles, governors
    -Loves those who love wisdom
    -Is found by those who seek it: finding life, receiving favor
    -Brings wealth, prosperity, riches, honor, full treasuries

    -Wisdom was intimately involved in creation
    -Wisdom existed before the world began (8:24-31 is a beautiful description of intelligent design!)
    -Wisdom was delighted in God’s presence, with the creation of the world, and the creation of mankind

    Those who lack wisdom (are those Stephen was speaking to…):
    -Didn’t seek it, so they failed to find it
    -Harm themselves, love death
    (From Prov 7 now…):
    -lack judgement
    -walk in the direction of wickedness
    -befriend the crafty, loud, & defiant, lurking, seeming nothing to keep them busy
    -sought out by wickedness (as opposed to us seeking wisdom)
    -wickedness covers up with linens & perfumes (pretending to be what it is not, “dressing up” to deceive)
    -wickedness is persuasive & seductive, easily followed, like a trap, “little knowing it will cost him his life…”
    -wickedness is a highway to the grave & death

    1. Katie E says:

      Thank you so much for doing these!

  4. Darlisha says:

    I know it’s a sign of the times, but i “eye roll” at times when the Bible mentions, “WATCH out for the woman! The prostitution will be your demise.” It puts no ownership on the man, like he is hypnotized after just one look. I know it’s a sign of the times, but this just reminds of when people send girls home from school because their shorts/skirt makes the male teacher uncomfortable. Okay. Getting off my soap box.

    I loved the reminder that even in comparison with all the natural creations humans stand in awe of–mountains, animals, the ocean–we are still his favorite. I don’t think I understood this as well until I had my daughter who is 17 months. I love her when she’s kind and funny and when she’s stubborn and mischievous without batting an eye. And, He’s a much better parent than I am. I can’t imagine how much He loves me!

    1. Monica says:


    2. Melanie says:

      I agree, it’s hard to read passages where all the responsibility for “wickedness” is put on a female. It makes me frustrated when some Christians use these passages to justify sexist opinions and policies. But remaining focused on the lesson and the WISDOM is what we have to do with each reading to grow with God. That’s why I’m LOVING this app and this Walk with God!

      1. AnnieB says:

        I know the proverbs really were written from a father to a son- so he is cautioning his son not to be foolish with women. It is very specific valuable instruction to protect his family by loyally staying with one woman. .,and at the same time the prostitute is a symbol of temptation in general. She can symbolize any sin that looks inviting, appealing, that actively entices us. We have to stay loyal to our one true love- God.

    3. AnnieB says:

      I accidentally put my reply under Melanie’s comment. But i wanted to add that to balance the image of prostitute- wisdom is personified as a woman here, too. A young man will be seeking some kind of woman. In proverbs his father is showing him 2 choices and laying out the consequences or benefits of each.

    4. Brooke Alvial says:

      I think it’s because it’s a letter from father to son, so it makes sense he would warn against seductive women. And also because that’s something the father struggled with. And his grandfather struggled with.

    5. Mary Cayten Brakefield says:

      Thank you all for your insight on this! I was definitely struggling with the same ideas as Darlisha and this helped me to think about it in new ways.

  5. Kait says:

    I do notice as I grow in my walk with Jesus that the more wisdom I gain from God’s word, the more at peace my life is and the more purposeful my direction is. Wisdom and understanding are the way of life.

  6. Glorybe says:

    When I have trouble concentrating, I use the Bible Gateway app. It has an audio option with several versions to choose from. Then I hear it and see it at the same time. Maybe that can help you too…

  7. Amanda says:

    This is unrelated, but I really struggle to focus when reading directly from the Bible. Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone else have tips to help me stay focused? Thank you!

    1. R says:

      What bible translation are you using? Maybe you can choose one such as the NLT or MSG?
      Or some other options, 1) is listening to worship music. There are some lead worshippers who do music with the word, which is basically a singing of the scriptures. Hymns, taizé, I’m sure there’s many musical options that can help. 2) Are you able to focus with an audio bible? Maybe you’re more of an auditory learner 3) It may seem a bit silly, but maybe you could look for an illustrated bible

      Lastly, if not being able to understand the stories, rather than focus, being the problem, then find a bible buddy! The bible is more fun to read if you try to read it together with other brothers and sisters :) Or jot your questions down, and find someone to discuss them with!

      Hope that helps!

    2. RoseBergamot says:

      I agree it’s tough to concentrate at times that’s an awesome list R gave. I like to make note of my questions and look them up later. That’s my favorite method. I find that when I am distracted it’s because I am thinking about other things. Thoughts start coming. I try to say to myself, stop, then I go back and re-read the passage I missed bc I was thinking about other stuff.

    3. Jaunique Hudgins says:

      I find it easier to read it aloud to my son as he goes to sleep. Granted, he’s not yet 2 but he falls asleep with a smile on his face each night.

    4. Melisa says:

      Reading out loud helps me a lot. Also have a colored pencil or highlighter ready to keep track of passages that you like or have learned a lot from, then you can go back and try to look at the context of these highlighted verses.

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