Day 19

The Bible In A Year 19

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Genesis 39-40, John 16

Post Comments (201)

201 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 19"

  1. Sarah Paris says:


  2. Virginia Vitale says:

    Catching up!!

    1. Jacquelyn Baker says:

      Same here

  3. Taryn Wingett says:

    But take heart; I have overcome the world

  4. Sami Brown says:

    Your sorrows will turn into joy❤️

  5. Yuliya Marchuk says:

    Time after time Jesus says- in red letters- anything you ask of my father in my name it will be given to you!

    So why is it that sooo many time we ask in the name of Jesus, we plead in the name of jesus and it’s not given.

    Jesus makes it a priority to let us know hey you just have to ask just knock, just seek it out you’ll find it, you’ll get the answers and the thing you are asking for.

    My goal this year is to see this kind of faith come alive by God’s grace, to see our prayers answered. To recieve the things we ask in jesus name !

  6. Krista Bohmann says:


  7. Justine Bouwkamp says:

    “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

  8. Courtney Davis says:

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