Day 183

The Bible In A Year 183

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

2 Chronicles 25-27, Luke 16

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55 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 183"

  1. SarahMay says:

    This OT passage led me to think about Isaiah’s call in Isaiah 6, starting off, “In the year King Uzziah died…”. No wonder Isaiah had such a fear & reverence for the presence of the Lord! Uzziah had gone in arrogantly and the Lord struck him with a severe skin disease. So, for Isaiah to say, “Woe is me, for I am ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips and live among a people of unclean lips, and because my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts…” His humility brought an incredible call and ministry, as he says, “Here I am. Send me.” Oh may I walk in humility before our holy God.

  2. AnnieB says:

    Yes I’m reading ahead a little. Someone’s previous post pointed out this lesson is the halfway mark. The more I read the more I want to read! Thank you God for bringing me to your Word again!!

  3. Jay says:

    This idea of whole-hearted ness and King Amaziah promoted a blog post:

  4. Brooke says:

    With this being the old testament I’m a little confused on the people, and the way hell is conveyed. and why is Abraham in hell? why wouldn’t it be Satan?

    1. Charissa says:

      Abraham wasn’t it hell actually, the rich man looked up to heaven where Abraham and Lazarus was.
      Hope this helps!

  5. Joy Netzhammer says:

    This is my first day with this app and this plan. This was very interesting. I’ve never read the bible like this. Sometimes I don’t like to believe that Hell exists but it does. Dear Lord, keep me on my path to Heaven

    1. carli moriarty says:

      when i first started using this app i felt the same same way. it has really opened my views and understanding of God and his word.

  6. SusieAmb says:

    This pattern with Judah’s kings – starting strong and finishing weak.It’s a challenge to me that I always need to remember how prone I am to sin, even during the times I’m standing on spiritual mountains.

    Amaziah went into battle at the Lord’s direction and power, and the won the victory. And then he literally comes home from victory that God gave him and sets up the defeated’s Gods and worships them. What the ….? But how often does something go well in our lives and in that space of victory we indulge in the pleasures of victory instead of giving God the glory?

    1. Grace Hope says:

      Yes I do see that and I need to work on that as well

  7. Beverly Ukegbu says:

    Hello everyone! I’m Beverly Ukegbu and I have began my journey in following Christ and being a true woman of God and also being a Virtuous woman. I truly have love for God. And as the world becomes darker everyday I pray that women like us can bring radiant light to the world. One candle can lighten a whole room and that’s us! Praise be to GOD!

    1. Kylee says:

      Amen Beverly!

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