Day 180

The Bible In A Year 180

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

2 Chronicles 19-20, Luke 13:22-35

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52 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 180"

  1. Rebekah says:

    I have two friends and my mother battling cancer right now. I love the message God sent this morning through this account. I plan on sharing Gods words to Judah with them this morning! Let the battle be Gods! I often imagine Him (Jesus) on a white horse charging forward with a great army behind Him. The army on the other side cannot even stand up when He charges. If God is for us, who can be against us?!

  2. Danielle says:

    This just touched me! That entire families came before the Lord together! I love that it includes “the little ones” how precious they are to God! I’ve been playing worship music in the house a lot lately and seeing my daughter sing along and worship, even though she doesn’t fully understand, is such a blessing! Thank you God that you are replacing my worry with worship! My fear with your praise! I feel like there are storms raging around me and I don’t feel them like I did just weeks ago! My heart and soul are filled with your songs as I trust in you for deliverance!

  3. Reegs says:

    Just got back from a Mission Trip In Guatemala and El Salvador and it was really eye opening. Coming back to America makes me realize how ungrateful a lot of people are and how much we have. It was hard with the language barrier but everyone that came on the trip made really great and unforgettable relationships through Christ.

    1. AnnieB says:


  4. Casey K says:

    King Jehoshaphat prayed, “we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” I have really been trying to keep my eyes fixed on Him, especially when I’m at a loss of what to do. Sometimes I don’t get an answer, sometimes I get overwhelming peace, sometimes I get direction. Often times I don’t seek Him when I don’t know what to do. I want that to change. I want every decision to be steeped in Him because I come to a Him with everything.
    Lord, help me to keep my eyes on You and talk to You about all my troubles and joys and everything. Help me to depend on You for it all.

    1. AnnieB says:


  5. Runningmama3 says:

    This battle reminds me of the battle of Jericho. The people were not prepared, they were completely dependent on the Lord. The battle was the Lord’s, not Joshua’s. When the commander of the army of the Lord appeared and Joshua asked, are you for us or for our enemies, He replied, neither, I am the commander of the army of the Lord. These battles and ours are bigger than us, they belong to the Lord and it is He who fights for us! There is a higher purpose in them and that is to glorify God! I love all the parallels in the OT and seeing how God is always faithful and never changes.

  6. Amanda says:

    I’m always struck by how a handful of the Kings were “pretty good” but never removed the high places. Makes me wonder what the high places are in my heart, the things that have been there for a long time that are going to be really hard to get out. Or the things that will just be so hard to get out because it’s changing a whole way of life a whole mindset.

    1. Brittany says:

      I agree! I am in a season of working on getting a very high place out of my heart and you are right, it is totally changing my way of life and mindset. Thankfully I know I can’t do this on my own, but it’s still tough! God will reveal those high places to us with patience and kindness and he will walk with us to help us remove them. He is a good father.

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