Day 163

The Bible In A Year 163

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

1 Chronicles 10-12, Luke 6:27-49

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34 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 163"

  1. Sharon Ide says:

    Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. May this truth be used to reveal to us what we need to repent of, and reveal to others the glories of our salvation in the Lord.

  2. Shelly Billingsley says:

    Amazing! Faithfulness has its rewards!!

  3. Yamiris says:

    God calls us to be faithful in him and nothing else! Luke 6 has shown me that we must seek God in order to not judge, bear good fruit, and have a firm foundation!

  4. AspasiaTerese says:

    I love reading the history of Chronicles. It helps me to remember that these two books were written after the exile, after Israel and Judah had fallen into the enemies hands, after they had lost the temple and so much of their inheritance. These books were their history, the story of who they were and where they’d come from. But more than that, it was the story of God’s faithfulness in spite of their faithlessness.

    In many ways, it mirrors 1 and 2 Kings, but there aren’t as many stories of the bad kings here. It was like these were the good memories. Everyone knew their failings, but maybe it was harder to remember the good things, the blessings and the promises of God.

    I think that’s why there are all those lists in the first several chapters. I imagine families returning from exile to the broken city of Jerusalem, and searching through Chronicles for their names, the names of their ancestors. To know that you had a history, a lineage that was written down. After all, for many of these folks, they’d been exiles for 70 years. For the tribes of Israel, they’d been gone for even longer than that. To find your family listed…wow, that must have been healing. You still belonged to Israel. You hadn’t been cut off just because you’d sinned.

    1. AspasiaTerese says:

      And how amazing it is knowing our names are written in the Book of Life. Never to be erased. Hallelujah! We have not been cut off, but belong to God by the blood of Jesus!

      1. AnnieB says:

        This is powerful! I was struggling to appreciate Chronicles! These posts really helped!

  5. Claire says:

    It was no accident that we read Luke 6:27-49 on the same day as the tragedy in Orlando. God knew. God sees, God hears, God knows, God is faithful. God is here.

  6. Jenna says:

    I’m reminded today that we are not here on this earth to judge or condemn others for their sins because when it comes down to it were all sinners. We are to live by doing to others what we would want for ourselves and the word of God is to serve as the foundation of our lives. As Jesus says it’s easy to do this and to show love and do good to those who do the same for us, but the challenge comes with doing the same for our enemies. Showing love to everyone without expecting anything in return is like taking the narrow gate that Jesus talks about in Matt 7:13-14 – showing mercy, generosity, forgiveness to everyone, especially to those who’ve wronged us, can be difficult, therefore few people take this path. But if we walk thru the narrow gate by choosing love and compassion in all circumstances and put gods word into practice, it will lead to life and we will be rewarded greatly, just as Jesus tells the people in 6:35

  7. Rachel says:

    Luke 6:32-33 “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.”

    Jesus’ wisdom throughout all of Luke is so amazing and relatable to today! These verses, however stood out to me as very convicting. What sets us Christians apart from other people is the way we treat EVERYONE. Jesus is right- we can’t just love those who are easy to love. Jesus calls us to love those who are hard to love. He calls us to love those who don’t love us- those who persecute us, those who make us angry, etc etc. Its definitely tough, especially because our human nature resorts to anger and other emotions. But it is possible, and the only way we can truly love our neighbors is through Jesus and Jesus only.

  8. Alice says:

    Rachel, I am also finding the Chronicles hard to follow. :(

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