Day 16

Be a Diligent Worker

from the 1 & 2 Timothy reading plan

2 Timothy 2:14-26, Psalm 119:9-16, Galatians 5:16-25

BY Claire Gibson

Recently I read an out-of-print book called “Dear Scott, Dear Max,” which chronicles the correspondence between the author F. Scott Fitzgerald and his agent, Maxwell Perkins. What starts as a discussion surrounding publication of Fitzgerald’s first novel, This Side of Paradise, quickly turns into a fascinating window into Fitzgerald’s inner life. 

The author vacillates between illusions of grandeur and doldrums of depression. He is at times a financial success, and others at the border of bankruptcy begging Perkins for loans. He complains to his agent that he is doomed never to write anything ever again, then a few months later, reports about his play-in-progress is “the best thing I’ve ever written.” But most interesting to me is the amount of word-count Fitzgerald gives to criticizing the work and accolades of his contemporaries. Knowing that Fitzgerald was on the precipice of writing The Great Gatsby, I can’t help but read the letters and think, “If only he knew!”

At times, I wonder if our Lord Jesus Christ looks upon us with a similar compassion. What kinds of arguments, discussions, or fights about words do I get caught up in every day? To whom am I comparing myself? What doom have I assigned to myself that is not mine to carry? In what personal talents have I forfeited all hope or placed undo confidence? And what might happen in my life if I trust Paul’s words to Timothy and “present [my]self to God as one approved,” instead of constantly trying to prove myself?

The fruit of the spirit are not en vogue. Gentleness is not a quality that plays well on a screen. Patience, endurance, self-control? These are products of an inner life bathed in the light of Christ, not constantly seeking the light of the world’s affirmation and attention. And if I take those qualities with me to every conversation, every disagreement, I am no longer an armored fighter, trying to win, but a servant of the Lord, content to receive whatever outcome He deems fit. What freedom I would display in this world, if I could operate with that kind of detached optimism!

Conversations and disagreements will happen—but, if with the psalmist I can say “Lord, I am indeed your servant,” then the outcomes of those conversations are not my chief concern. My only hope is in the Lord and His mercy. From this vantage point, the world can feel like a terrifying place. But I take hope in my God, who already knows how the story ends, who whispers into my ears each day through the words: Oh, Claire, if only you knew! 

Post Comments (37)

37 thoughts on "Be a Diligent Worker"

  1. Cindy Hanna says:

    “Present myself as one approved by God, instead of constantly trying to prove myself,” opened the door for Hope to enter my heart and mind. Although I am a diligent worker… I am guilty of self – imposing unrealistic expectations on many tasks I undertake. Not much peace takes place in my way. Ready to do life God’s way. How encouraging!

  2. Lena Kappen says:

    May we all live lives that reflect the Lord so we may be “useful for the master” ready for the work He has called us to!

  3. CeeGee says:

    2 Timothy 2:21 – So if anyone purifies himself from anything dishonorable, he will be a special instrument, set apart, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.
    The words ‘special instrument’ jumped out at me in this passage. What beautiful imagery and hope!
    “Oh, Claire, if you only knew” made me catch my breath!

  4. Lori Lackey says:

    This is so good. I need to have some difficult conversations. If I truly seek first to understand and then to be understood, and put on Christ as my cloak of gentleness , maybe it will be easier.

  5. Tifany Grenier says:

    This was exactly what I needed to hear today! I struggle with my son who is going through early puberty and doesn’t understand what is happening inside his own body. Everyday is a battle of wills and this teaching just reminded me that fighting with him is not the answer but if I boldly walk in the fruit of the Spirit it will change all my interactions with him. Thank You, Jesus, that You’ve given us the Helper to walk through this earthly life!

  6. Jennifer Martin says:


  7. Rebecca says:

    Avoid Godless chatter. This one jumped out at me today as I recalled conversations I had yesterday at work about another teacher who many feel isn’t doing her job well. Instead of giving her guidance or constructive direction I happily joined in. The Holy Spirit immediately awakened my spirit to this sin yet I continued to tear down. We (and there were several of us) never said hurtful things to her face, yet I’m sure she feels the chill. This is an area that is so difficult (gossip) sometimes. Jesus, forgive me for my sin. Fill me with the gifts of your spirit- kindness, gentleness, self control! This is why I need to stay in his word daily! So thankful for God’s grace. Have a terrific Tuesday, Shes! ❤️

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    Stephanie Rice, I loved that question too. I was also not in a healthy place in my spiritual walk. God has done SO much!
    Amazing God has brought you back into His body. I rejoice at your comment!!

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