Day 2

Amanda’s Favorite Reading from 2019

Galatians 6:11-18, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Matthew 23:1-36, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

BY Rebecca Faires

For Day 2 of our 2019 Wrapped plan, we asked our Co-Founder and Chief Content Officer, Amanda Bible Williams, to pick her favorite reading from the year. She chose the final day of our Galatians reading plan, Paul’s benediction to the church in Galatia.

Galatians Day 19 | Concluding Exhortation

At summer camp, I won an award for having curly hair. The curliest, naturally curly hair. I felt pretty proud of myself that night. The next morning at breakfast I assumed everyone was whispering, “Is that the curly hair queen?” Yes, yes, it is I!


And goodness, isn’t this about the level of all the things we boast about? Things we truly have no control over? We can certainly work hard and make good choices. But our eye color and our physical achievements, our successes and our relationships—aren’t all these things really just gifts from God?

Instead of boasting in what amounts to little more than circumstances from our birth, we are called to boast in the Lord (Galatians 6:14). And “the one who boasts should boast in this: that he understands and knows me—that I am the LORD, showing faithful love, justice, and righteousness on the earth, for I delight in these things.This is the LORD’s declaration” (Jeremiah 9:24).

The Hebrew word for God’s “enduring, covenantal love” is hesed. In his book Inexpressible, Michael Card defines hesed beautifully as, “When the person from whom I have a right to expect nothing gives me everything.” Our boasting then, is to be in the undeserved and overwhelming love of Christ, who—while we were His enemies, helpless in our sin—gave His life for us, so that we could be children of God (Romans 5:6–11).

Paul’s benediction appeals to this same hesed, as he speaks to the Galatian church that had foolishly followed after the false teachings of the Judaizers, and wandered from the life of the Spirit. As he had earlier called on them to deal gently with those who are overtaken by sin, so also Paul deals gently with the Galatians. Why? Because Christ has dealt gently with Paul. And so Paul can boast in one thing only: the hesed of God, seen most clearly in the cross of Christ. He exhorts the Galatians to do the same.

The apostle then blesses the Galatians with a benediction that can only result from the steadfast love of God. Because of God’s undeserved and faithful love, we have fellowship with one another. We have restoration when we are overtaken in sin, and reconciliation with those we have offended, including Christ our Lord. Because of His love for us, we are part of the family of God, brothers and sisters, and co-heirs with Christ to the inheritance of God’s eternal kingdom.

Paul goes on to bless the Galatians with the grace of Christ, for it is His grace alone which saves, restores, sustains, secures, and transforms us into His own likeness. This He does by the work of His Spirit in our spirits, in our hearts, and in our minds. In Him, we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

The final note of Paul’s epistle to the Galatians is a resounding praise of Christ, in whom alone we boast. Next time you get ready to toot your own horn over your own achievements, remember that there’s no need to rejoice over ourselves, because our Creator already rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). Let His rejoicing over us be enough, and may we instead glory in Christ alone.

Post Comments (65)

65 thoughts on "Amanda’s Favorite Reading from 2019"

  1. Ashley P. says:

    In 2019, feelings of “this isn’t how it’s supposed to be,” were my constant companion. The first half of the year, my job as a teacher was the hardest it’d ever been. At the same time, my roommate and good friend was in a serious relationship and I saw her less and less and missed her dearly. In the summer, I found refreshment as I spent much of my time off with the Lord and prioritized prayer and time in His word, but my time off work also triggered deep loneliness at the same time. This fall brought my roommates wedding and her moving out, and a new roommate moved in. I also turned 30 which prompted some reflection :) At the same time, the person who I considered my best friend seriously distanced herself and I lost that friendship. Also, a guy I met online and I became emotionally close over messages and phone calls, but when we met (we didn’t live in the same state) things changed…I told him we should move on, and he didn’t respond. We haven’t talked since. Meanwhile, some of my friends who had been single with me began dating or moving towards a relationship…if I’m honest, it has been hard for me because as much as I truly want it for them, seeing their relationships also reminds me I’m alone.

    The Lord has really been speaking to me this week that I need to trust him more. I need to surrender to His plans instead of getting frustrated that my life hasn’t turned out the way I thought it would. I’m committed to pray more fervently in 2020; to pray His will be done, and He receive glory, and that He’ll give me more faith (“help my unbelief!” Like the man told Jesus). And also, I’m going to pray for those relationships I long for—a new close friend and even a husband—and pray for you all, my SRT family.

  2. Hillary says:

    He will use that 3 year relationship to make you stronger and more like him if you allow it. He’ll also speak through you to share your struggles,temptations, and difficulty trusting in Him. I too had a long relationship that ended and have seen God use my pain, disobedience, and stubbornness to speak to others. God is with you!

  3. PamC says:

    Tina. Like all here, I too have missed you this past year, your words of wisdom. I was so grateful to see your post. My heart breaks for your losses & I hold you close in prayer from across huge continents & oceans away.
    I just want to thank all here for your consistent love, wisdom, truth of your walks with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing. I lift you all in prayer as we walk into the New Year.

  4. Amanda McKinley says:

    The hardest part about letting go of what we want is trusting that God has something better in store for us. In doing so we are saying, Lord you have control not me. And that is constantly where I fail. In admiring I don’t have control I fight with myself daily to be okay with that. I’d like to say that I am where I am because of good (and bad) decisions, but ultimately I know that God has guide me, worked on me, molded me, pushed me, and loved me tirelessly. I cannot boast in myself. I praise and thank him constantly. In this last decade. I graduate college. Married who I thought was the love of my life. Watched that marriage end because of it being a toxic relationship with an unfaithful person. Had a beautiful daughter result from it though. Reconnected life a life long friend and remarried. Had another beautiful girl. Landed my dream job. And through the good times and bad have trusted That God has always gone before me and knows my heart and prayers before I say them. I hope everyone continues to lean into the Lord and his word and is able to let go and let God be the one in control!

  5. Diana Fleenor says:

    Well this series of Scriptures brought both conviction and reminders of God’s grace. Upon the heels of several days with my daughter and son-in-law, I was met this morning with this exhortation to not boast in ourselves but in the Lord. Though there were moments where our conversations were centered around thoughts about the sovereignty and astounding infinity of God and the gospel truths, there was also times where our discussions seemed to fall on us and our accomplishments without acknowledging that ultimately all good that is in our lives is a gift from God. I confess this in the presence of our God and of you all asking for forgiveness and cleansing of this short-sighted view we had. I am praying for opportunity to perhaps share the ideas from this devotion with my family. We all need to hear that it’s only through being transformed by Christ’s work does any good come out of us. I’m so grateful for this plan of redemption the Lord has brought to us! Without it, there would be no hope! So since we have been given this amazing grace, what hope is in my heart! O Lord Jesus help me put away all boasting except boasting in the Lord! Amen.

  6. April says:

    Happy New Year’s Eve to my SRT sisters. God is good to allow us to study his word all together from around the world. I usually read SRT every morning while having breakfast before going to work each day. I enjoyed getting to savor my time this morning in the word since I am off work today. I loved the verses from Jeremiah Chapter 9 today reminding us to boast in the Lord and not in our works. God loves us and wants us to abide in Him….never to doubt but always to trust. The world wants us to doubt which is the cause of the fall of man….satan making Eve doubt in the Garden of Eden. I pray we can all trust the Lord and remember nothing is impossible with Him. I was so very happy to see Tina’s comments this morning. I have wondered often about you and miss your words of wisdom. Praying for you to feel God’s comfort and strength today and in the days to come. Hugs from across the pond!

  7. Angie says:

    Since SRT is using this week to go back and review favorite devotions over 2019 I spent some time rereading our posts, retreading the paths we’ve taken, open the viewfinder to our hearts. I stopped and prayed for some of the needs shared there…Ashley P.’s friend, Sharon Smith, and Churchmouse.

    LIZ A., what I posted back in September might be an encouragement for today.
    (In Lysa Terkeurst’s book, Embraced, I read a devotional called, “Telling my Flesh No.” She used Ephesians 3:14-19 with the devotion. I will share it as she put it. “If we grasp the full love of Christ, we won’t grab at other things to fill us. Or if we do, we’ll sense it. We’ll feel a prick in our spirits when our flesh makes frenzied swipes at happiness, and we’ll pause. In this pause lies the greatest daily choice we can make. AM I WILLING TO TELL MY FLESH NO, SO I CAN SAY YES TO THE FULLNESS OF GOD IN THIS SITUATION? And this isn’t about us putting on a brave face and hoping for the best when we feel powerless. We have the power through Christ, who is over every power, including the pull of the flesh. When we have Christ, we are full-fully loved and accepted and empowered to say no. This is true on the days we feel it, and it’s still true when we don’t feel Jesus’ love at all. If we live rooted and established in His love, we don’t just have knowledge of His love in our minds, but it becomes a reality that anchors us. Though winds of hurt blow, they cannot uproot us and rip us apart. His love holds us. His love grounds us. His love is a glorious weight preventing harsh words and hurtful situations from being a destructive force. We feel the wind but aren’t destroyed by it. This is the ‘fullness of God.’ ” She goes on to say it is not tied to accomplishment or another person’s love or acceptance of you. You are fully loved, fully accepted, and fully empowered to say no to the flesh and speak the truth in the power He’s given.) . God’s love for you and call to your life is obvious as He pricks your heart in this situation. His power is yours. When you get to the other side of this situation, it will be in His power and strength You will rest and in, and in Him you will boast. I’m praying for you, sister.

    CHURCHMOUSE, in September we were praying for your precious granddaughter, among other heavy family burdens you carried. We held your arms up as God fought the battles. God continues to bring you and your family to my heart and mind at various times, and when He does, I begin by thanking Him for you and His care. Faithfully you speak His truth and give Him the glory. Thank you for your witness.

    TINA, as others have shared, you have been missed. Welcome back sister-this is a place where you are loved.

    2019 has not been an easy journey. BUT GOD, praise God for the promise of the words,… BUT GOD. The loss, the challenges, the dependency, has changed me, and I am thankful. Slowly, but surely…things-though “good” were crowding onto the throne of my life. I didn’t realize I was letting them pile in, afterall, they were “good” things/people. Praise God, He doesn’t share His throne, nor should He. Praise God, He has been gentle with me as He opened my eyes. The tears that flowed from them must have come directly from His throne room, because they washed my eyes, and I was able to see. He is not finished with me. As I draw closer and closer to Him He will love me more and more deeply, carrying me, disciplining me, guiding each step as I follow Him into 2020. We are not alone sisters in Christ. He has a plan and a purpose for each of us. Lord God, the breadth of Who You are amazes me, your love confounds me, I am humbly yours. Clear the clutter from my life Lord and reign. Grow my love for You, pour it out onto others, and may their eyes only see You. Amen.

    1. Ashley P. says:

      Thank you so much for your prayers, Angie. My friend has distanced herself from me and I am still grieving the loss…she was one of my closest friends. She told me on my birthday in early November that she was getting divorced. I know she has been seeing another man (not her husband) who she met through her hobby, but I only know this because a mutual, concerned friend told me, and because I’ve overheard her on the phone with him. She’s keeping it a secret from me. In fact, she doesn’t talk to me about anything in her personal life anymore. I don’t even know where she’s living or if she’s moved out. I’ve tried texting her gentle questions, but she told me that while she cares about me, she’s not ready to talk about anything yet. I believe it’s because she knows her affair and lifestyle choices are wrong…so, I’ve let go of the friendship, but I miss her and because we work together I see her often and it’s hard. Honestly, your comment reminded me I need to keep praying for her. I’ve really tried to stop thinking about her altogether because it’s painful, but I am reminded that I must continue to pray. Thank you for that.

  8. Alexis says:

    Hi Liz A,

    Praying for you. It can be hard to let go of the guilt even when you know that letting go is God’s best for you. That guilt is straight from the enemy; rebuke it and send it straight back to hell! I pray that you have peace in trusting in God’s plan for your life and know that He has bigger and better plans in store for you.

    Hi Tina!

    So happy to see you back here; your words have been missed. I am so sorry for the loss you’ve endured this year. Know that God is holding you close and continue to hold onto that thread of hope. I pray that 2020 is filled with joy, hope, abundance and blessing for you.

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