Day 16

A Personal Responsibility for Sin

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

​Ezekiel 18:1-32, Ezekiel 19:1-14, Romans 1:16-17, 2 Peter 3:9

BY Patti Sauls

Think about hugging a robot. Creepy, right? Today, robots are programmed to assist with everything from performing intricate surgeries and exploring outer space to delivering pizza. Still, I wouldn’t want to hug one. Void of emotion and volitional thought, even extraordinary robots remain cold, mechanical, and lifeless. 

God does not manufacture robots when He creates humans. By His own desire and design, He breathes life into every person and makes us in His own image (Genesis 1:27). Each of us is more than a pumping heart muscle and a neuron-firing brain. We miraculously embody qualities of our Creator. We think, feel, and have opinions. God gives us agency: the ability to make decisions and the freedom to make personal choices. We are not programmed robots; we are alive and free. What a gift!

In today’s reading, Ezekiel explains the consequences of personal choice. God does not declare someone sinful or righteous based on anyone else’s conduct. Rather, He judges each person individually. The one who sins is the one who will die, and the one who is righteous will surely live (Ezekiel 18:4,9). As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” Each of us is responsible for our actions. If we choose to live in obedience to God, we will flourish with Him forever. If we choose to disobey God, we’ll be separated from Him forever. We are not robots; we have agency. With freedom comes responsibility.

This gift of freedom can be terrifying. To live in unity with a perfect God requires choosing obedience in our every thought, word, and deed. Good grief! I can’t even scroll through social media without being jealous, critical, or fearful. I can’t meet the requirements of freedom, and neither can anyone else. This is no surprise to God, and, if we’re honest, it should be no surprise to us. His Word confirms what we experience every single day, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). 

God knows we’re crushed under the weight of freedom and responsibility. He takes no pleasure in our deadly predicament (Ezekiel 18:23). On the contrary, He lovingly urges us, “Repent and live” (v.32)! How do we turn away from choosing sin and death? Only by putting our faith in the only One who did obey God in every thought, word, and deed. The only One who did carry the weight of sin of the world and not be crushed. We choose life by placing our faith in Christ. “…the righteous will live by faith” (Romans 1:17). 

“Repent and live!” is not a command for a robotic response; it is a soul-deep call to humbly turn towards our Creator and receive the gift of salvation. Depend on Christ and live. 

Post Comments (66)

66 thoughts on "A Personal Responsibility for Sin"

  1. Ash H. says:

    Please lift up my nephew, Milo, and his parents. He is 5 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia last week. His treatments started yesterday, along with various procedures. They are believers and are begging for spiritual support. Thank you!

  2. Katie Jorgensen says:

    Dear Lord, help us to change our ways and act by faith to you. Give us life in your heavenly name.

  3. Terri Baldwin says:

    Soul-deep call humbly turn towards our Creator and receive the gift of salvation. Depend on Christ and Live!! “The righteous will live by faith.

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    Hi SHE”S! I really appreciate the scriptures today and I’m so glad I am in Jesus’s arms, Hallejuh! Yesterday morning I was really in a funk, the night before I was in a debate with my young nephew (yes, part of my sister’s family) who “argues” that God isn’t real basically. He says of course all religions think they “know” theirs is right. So basically none are right. That he has read the bible and studied it all for a couple of years when he was searching for answers! I thought I would have more wisdom and the right things to say, but felt I failed miserably. :( AND my son was sitting just listening to the back and forth, and when the nephew left, he didn’t have much to say. I asked why He doesn’t defend his faith?! He seems to be wishy-washy as well these days. It just made me cry.
    And today so many of you have the same sorrow for your loved ones. But at the end of the day- we all have heard and we all get to chose. I am glad I chose to believe. And I read my bible every day to learn more and grow closer to HIM. God has worked in my life and so many others, so we must just share our testimonies (which I didn’t!).

    Prayers for your requests. So excited for you tomorrow Victoria E!!!

  5. Sandi Wellnitz says:


  6. Megan Kaiser says:

    Yes! I can’t wait to listen. I always listen the weekend after it releases because I like to do the reading first, then listen to the conversations. It’s soooo good!

  7. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so glad that we don’t have to depend on ourselves to get everything right; I know too often I act like I can be perfect without God. We have to depend on Jesus to become the person he has called us to be. I also appreciate that I don’t have to pay for someone else’s sins. I answer to God for the individual decisions I make in my life.

  8. Mercy says:

    Heidi: praying for you and more strength, capacity, grace to be poured out onto you. May God restore your strength and give you help. It is a lot of work. Thank you for sharing the update, you are an inspiration.
    Maggie Ham: Isaiah 61 is one of my absolute favourites. Thank you so much for making the connection.
    Sharon Jersey Girl: joining with you praying for the injustice and tragedy for the people in Ukraine.
    Julie A: praying for you and your plan to open your home for the Ukrainian refugee lady. May God lead you to the right decision and provide every single need (including peace and harmony, everyone to get along in your home during the process if you choose to go through).
    Victoria E: praying for your big day tomorrow. May everything go well. Can’t wait for your updates to come.

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